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rc.subr (160667) rc.subr (160668)
1# $NetBSD: rc.subr,v 1.66 2006/04/01 10:05:50 he Exp $
1# $NetBSD: rc.subr,v 1.66 2006/04/01 10:05:50 he Exp $
2# $FreeBSD: head/etc/rc.subr 160667 2006-07-25 17:14:38Z yar $
2# $FreeBSD: head/etc/rc.subr 160668 2006-07-25 17:16:48Z yar $
4# Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
5# All rights reserved.
7# This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
8# by Luke Mewburn.
10# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

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651 if [ -n "${_precmd}" ]; then
652 debug "run_rc_command: evaluating ${_precmd}()."
653 eval $_precmd
654 _return=$?
655 [ $_return -ne 0 ] && [ -z "$rc_force" ] &&
656 return 1
657 fi
4# Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
5# All rights reserved.
7# This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
8# by Luke Mewburn.
10# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

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651 if [ -n "${_precmd}" ]; then
652 debug "run_rc_command: evaluating ${_precmd}()."
653 eval $_precmd
654 _return=$?
655 [ $_return -ne 0 ] && [ -z "$rc_force" ] &&
656 return 1
657 fi
659 # setup the command to run, and run it
659 # setup the full command to run
660 #
661 echo "Starting ${name}."
662 if [ -n "$_chroot" ]; then
663 _doit="\
664${_nice:+nice -n $_nice }\
665chroot ${_user:+-u $_user }${_group:+-g $_group }${_groups:+-G $_groups }\
666$_chroot $command $rc_flags $command_args"
667 else
668 _doit="\
669${_chdir:+cd $_chdir; }\
670${_nice:+nice -n $_nice }\
671$command $rc_flags $command_args"
672 if [ -n "$_user" ]; then
673 _doit="su -m $_user -c 'sh -c \"$_doit\"'"
674 fi
675 fi
660 #
661 echo "Starting ${name}."
662 if [ -n "$_chroot" ]; then
663 _doit="\
664${_nice:+nice -n $_nice }\
665chroot ${_user:+-u $_user }${_group:+-g $_group }${_groups:+-G $_groups }\
666$_chroot $command $rc_flags $command_args"
667 else
668 _doit="\
669${_chdir:+cd $_chdir; }\
670${_nice:+nice -n $_nice }\
671$command $rc_flags $command_args"
672 if [ -n "$_user" ]; then
673 _doit="su -m $_user -c 'sh -c \"$_doit\"'"
674 fi
675 fi
677 # run the full command;
677 # if the cmd failed and force
678 # isn't set, exit
679 #
680 debug "run_rc_command: _doit: $_doit"
681 eval $_doit
682 _return=$?
683 [ $_return -ne 0 ] && [ -z "$rc_force" ] && return 1

--- 828 unchanged lines hidden ---
678 # if the cmd failed and force
679 # isn't set, exit
680 #
681 debug "run_rc_command: _doit: $_doit"
682 eval $_doit
683 _return=$?
684 [ $_return -ne 0 ] && [ -z "$rc_force" ] && return 1

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