Deleted Added
full compact
rc.conf (192579) rc.conf (193354)
3# This is rc.conf - a file full of useful variables that you can set
4# to change the default startup behavior of your system. You should
5# not edit this file! Put any overrides into one of the ${rc_conf_files}
6# instead and you will be able to update these defaults later without
7# spamming your local configuration information.
9# The ${rc_conf_files} files should only contain values which override
10# values set in this file. This eases the upgrade path when defaults
11# are changed and new features are added.
13# All arguments must be in double or single quotes.
15# For a more detailed explanation of all the rc.conf variables, please
16# refer to the rc.conf(5) manual page.
3# This is rc.conf - a file full of useful variables that you can set
4# to change the default startup behavior of your system. You should
5# not edit this file! Put any overrides into one of the ${rc_conf_files}
6# instead and you will be able to update these defaults later without
7# spamming your local configuration information.
9# The ${rc_conf_files} files should only contain values which override
10# values set in this file. This eases the upgrade path when defaults
11# are changed and new features are added.
13# All arguments must be in double or single quotes.
15# For a more detailed explanation of all the rc.conf variables, please
16# refer to the rc.conf(5) manual page.
18# $FreeBSD: head/etc/defaults/rc.conf 192579 2009-05-22 13:56:16Z rwatson $
18# $FreeBSD: head/etc/defaults/rc.conf 193354 2009-06-02 22:15:47Z rmacklem $
21### Important initial Boot-time options ####################
24rc_debug="NO" # Set to YES to enable debugging output from rc.d
25rc_info="NO" # Enables display of informational messages at boot.
26rcshutdown_timeout="30" # Seconds to wait before terminating rc.shutdown

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310rpc_statd_enable="NO" # Run NFS rpc.statd needed for client/server.
311rpc_statd_flags="" # Flags to rpc.statd (if enabled).
312rpcbind_enable="NO" # Run the portmapper service (YES/NO).
313rpcbind_program="/usr/sbin/rpcbind" # path to rpcbind, if you want a different one.
314rpcbind_flags="" # Flags to rpcbind (if enabled).
315rpc_ypupdated_enable="NO" # Run if NIS master and SecureRPC (or NO).
316keyserv_enable="NO" # Run the SecureRPC keyserver (or NO).
317keyserv_flags="" # Flags to keyserv (if enabled).
21### Important initial Boot-time options ####################
24rc_debug="NO" # Set to YES to enable debugging output from rc.d
25rc_info="NO" # Enables display of informational messages at boot.
26rcshutdown_timeout="30" # Seconds to wait before terminating rc.shutdown

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310rpc_statd_enable="NO" # Run NFS rpc.statd needed for client/server.
311rpc_statd_flags="" # Flags to rpc.statd (if enabled).
312rpcbind_enable="NO" # Run the portmapper service (YES/NO).
313rpcbind_program="/usr/sbin/rpcbind" # path to rpcbind, if you want a different one.
314rpcbind_flags="" # Flags to rpcbind (if enabled).
315rpc_ypupdated_enable="NO" # Run if NIS master and SecureRPC (or NO).
316keyserv_enable="NO" # Run the SecureRPC keyserver (or NO).
317keyserv_flags="" # Flags to keyserv (if enabled).
318nfsv4_server_enable="NO" # Enable support for NFSv4
319nfscbd_enable="NO" # NFSv4 client side callback daemon
320nfscbd_flags="" # Flags for nfscbd
321nfsuserd_enable="NO" # NFSv4 user/group name mapping daemon
322nfsuserd_flags="" # Flags for nfsuserd
319### Network Time Services options: ###
320timed_enable="NO" # Run the time daemon (or NO).
321timed_flags="" # Flags to timed (if enabled).
322ntpdate_enable="NO" # Run ntpdate to sync time on boot (or NO).
323ntpdate_program="/usr/sbin/ntpdate" # path to ntpdate, if you want a different one.
324ntpdate_flags="-b" # Flags to ntpdate (if enabled).
325ntpdate_config="/etc/ntp.conf" # ntpdate(8) configuration file

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324### Network Time Services options: ###
325timed_enable="NO" # Run the time daemon (or NO).
326timed_flags="" # Flags to timed (if enabled).
327ntpdate_enable="NO" # Run ntpdate to sync time on boot (or NO).
328ntpdate_program="/usr/sbin/ntpdate" # path to ntpdate, if you want a different one.
329ntpdate_flags="-b" # Flags to ntpdate (if enabled).
330ntpdate_config="/etc/ntp.conf" # ntpdate(8) configuration file

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