Deleted Added
full compact
rc.conf (126978) rc.conf (127342)
4# This is rc.conf - a file full of useful variables that you can set
5# to change the default startup behavior of your system. You should
6# not edit this file! Put any overrides into one of the ${rc_conf_files}
7# instead and you will be able to update these defaults later without
8# spamming your local configuration information.
10# The ${rc_conf_files} files should only contain values which override
11# values set in this file. This eases the upgrade path when defaults
12# are changed and new features are added.
14# All arguments must be in double or single quotes.
4# This is rc.conf - a file full of useful variables that you can set
5# to change the default startup behavior of your system. You should
6# not edit this file! Put any overrides into one of the ${rc_conf_files}
7# instead and you will be able to update these defaults later without
8# spamming your local configuration information.
10# The ${rc_conf_files} files should only contain values which override
11# values set in this file. This eases the upgrade path when defaults
12# are changed and new features are added.
14# All arguments must be in double or single quotes.
16# $FreeBSD: head/etc/defaults/rc.conf 126978 2004-03-14 19:10:06Z dougb $
16# $FreeBSD: head/etc/defaults/rc.conf 127342 2004-03-23 22:30:15Z mlaier $
19### Important initial Boot-time options ####################
22rc_debug="NO" # Set to YES to enable debugging output from rc.d
23rc_info="NO" # Enables display of informational messages at boot.
24rcshutdown_timeout="30" # Seconds to wait before terminating rc.shutdown

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93ipnat_flags="" # additional flags for ipnat
94ipmon_enable="NO" # Set to YES for ipmon; needs ipfilter or ipnat
95ipmon_program="/sbin/ipmon" # where the ipfilter monitor program lives
96ipmon_flags="-Ds" # typically "-Ds" or "-D /var/log/ipflog"
97ipfs_enable="NO" # Set to YES to enable saving and restoring
98 # of state tables at shutdown and boot
99ipfs_program="/sbin/ipfs" # where the ipfs program lives
100ipfs_flags="" # additional flags for ipfs
19### Important initial Boot-time options ####################
22rc_debug="NO" # Set to YES to enable debugging output from rc.d
23rc_info="NO" # Enables display of informational messages at boot.
24rcshutdown_timeout="30" # Seconds to wait before terminating rc.shutdown

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93ipnat_flags="" # additional flags for ipnat
94ipmon_enable="NO" # Set to YES for ipmon; needs ipfilter or ipnat
95ipmon_program="/sbin/ipmon" # where the ipfilter monitor program lives
96ipmon_flags="-Ds" # typically "-Ds" or "-D /var/log/ipflog"
97ipfs_enable="NO" # Set to YES to enable saving and restoring
98 # of state tables at shutdown and boot
99ipfs_program="/sbin/ipfs" # where the ipfs program lives
100ipfs_flags="" # additional flags for ipfs
101pf_enable="NO" # Set to YES to enable packet filter (pf)
102pf_rules="/etc/pf.conf" # rules definition file for pf
103pf_program="/sbin/pfctl" # where the pfctl program lives
104pf_flags="" # additional flags for pfctl
101tcp_extensions="YES" # Set to NO to turn off RFC1323 extensions.
102log_in_vain="0" # >=1 to log connects to ports w/o listeners.
103tcp_keepalive="YES" # Enable stale TCP connection timeout (or NO).
104# For the following option you need to have TCP_DROP_SYNFIN set in your
105# kernel. Please refer to LINT and NOTES for details.
106tcp_drop_synfin="NO" # Set to YES to drop TCP packets with SYN+FIN
107 # NOTE: this violates the TCP specification
108icmp_drop_redirect="NO" # Set to YES to ignore ICMP REDIRECT packets

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105tcp_extensions="YES" # Set to NO to turn off RFC1323 extensions.
106log_in_vain="0" # >=1 to log connects to ports w/o listeners.
107tcp_keepalive="YES" # Enable stale TCP connection timeout (or NO).
108# For the following option you need to have TCP_DROP_SYNFIN set in your
109# kernel. Please refer to LINT and NOTES for details.
110tcp_drop_synfin="NO" # Set to YES to drop TCP packets with SYN+FIN
111 # NOTE: this violates the TCP specification
112icmp_drop_redirect="NO" # Set to YES to ignore ICMP REDIRECT packets

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