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ssl_err.c (59191) ssl_err.c (68651)
1/* ssl/ssl_err.c */
2/* ====================================================================
3 * Copyright (c) 1999 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7 * are met:
8 *

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322{SSL_R_PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN ,"protocol is shutdown"},
323{SSL_R_PUBLIC_KEY_ENCRYPT_ERROR ,"public key encrypt error"},
324{SSL_R_PUBLIC_KEY_IS_NOT_RSA ,"public key is not rsa"},
325{SSL_R_PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_RSA ,"public key not rsa"},
326{SSL_R_READ_BIO_NOT_SET ,"read bio not set"},
327{SSL_R_READ_WRONG_PACKET_TYPE ,"read wrong packet type"},
328{SSL_R_RECORD_LENGTH_MISMATCH ,"record length mismatch"},
329{SSL_R_RECORD_TOO_LARGE ,"record too large"},
1/* ssl/ssl_err.c */
2/* ====================================================================
3 * Copyright (c) 1999 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7 * are met:
8 *

--- 313 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

322{SSL_R_PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN ,"protocol is shutdown"},
323{SSL_R_PUBLIC_KEY_ENCRYPT_ERROR ,"public key encrypt error"},
324{SSL_R_PUBLIC_KEY_IS_NOT_RSA ,"public key is not rsa"},
325{SSL_R_PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_RSA ,"public key not rsa"},
326{SSL_R_READ_BIO_NOT_SET ,"read bio not set"},
327{SSL_R_READ_WRONG_PACKET_TYPE ,"read wrong packet type"},
328{SSL_R_RECORD_LENGTH_MISMATCH ,"record length mismatch"},
329{SSL_R_RECORD_TOO_LARGE ,"record too large"},
330{SSL_R_RECORD_TOO_SMALL ,"record too small"},
330{SSL_R_REQUIRED_CIPHER_MISSING ,"required cipher missing"},
331{SSL_R_REUSE_CERT_LENGTH_NOT_ZERO ,"reuse cert length not zero"},
332{SSL_R_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_NOT_ZERO ,"reuse cert type not zero"},
333{SSL_R_REUSE_CIPHER_LIST_NOT_ZERO ,"reuse cipher list not zero"},
334{SSL_R_SESSION_ID_CONTEXT_UNINITIALIZED ,"session id context uninitialized"},
335{SSL_R_SHORT_READ ,"short read"},
336{SSL_R_SIGNATURE_FOR_NON_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE,"signature for non signing certificate"},
337{SSL_R_SSL23_DOING_SESSION_ID_REUSE ,"ssl23 doing session id reuse"},

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331{SSL_R_REQUIRED_CIPHER_MISSING ,"required cipher missing"},
332{SSL_R_REUSE_CERT_LENGTH_NOT_ZERO ,"reuse cert length not zero"},
333{SSL_R_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_NOT_ZERO ,"reuse cert type not zero"},
334{SSL_R_REUSE_CIPHER_LIST_NOT_ZERO ,"reuse cipher list not zero"},
335{SSL_R_SESSION_ID_CONTEXT_UNINITIALIZED ,"session id context uninitialized"},
336{SSL_R_SHORT_READ ,"short read"},
337{SSL_R_SIGNATURE_FOR_NON_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE,"signature for non signing certificate"},
338{SSL_R_SSL23_DOING_SESSION_ID_REUSE ,"ssl23 doing session id reuse"},

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