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< * validator/val_nsec.c - validator NSEC denial of existance functions.
> * validator/val_nsec.c - validator NSEC denial of existence functions.
< * for denial of existance, and proofs for presence of types.
> * for denial of existence, and proofs for presence of types.
< /* NSEC proof did not conlusively point to DS or no DS */
> /* NSEC proof did not conclusively point to DS or no DS */
> } else {
> /* See if the next owner name covers a wildcard
> * empty non-terminal. */
> while (dname_strict_subdomain_c(nm, nsec->rk.dname)) {
> /* wildcard does not apply if qname below
> * the name that exists under the '*' */
> if (dname_subdomain_c(qinfo->qname, nm))
> break;
> /* but if it is a wildcard and qname is below
> * it, then the wildcard applies. The wildcard
> * is an empty nonterminal. nodata proven. */
> if (dname_is_wild(nm)) {
> size_t ce_len = ln;
> uint8_t* ce = nm;
> dname_remove_label(&ce, &ce_len);
> if(dname_strict_subdomain_c(qinfo->qname, ce)) {
> *wc = ce;
> return 1;
> }
> }
> dname_remove_label(&nm, &ln);
> }