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INSTALL (90792) INSTALL (95154)
2 Installing sendmail
4**Note**: Starting with sendmail 8.12, sendmail is no longer set-user-ID
5root by default. As a result of this, you need to install two .cf files.
6See steps 4 and 6 in this document. We also strongly recommend reading
7sendmail/SECURITY for more installation information.

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37 read the README in the utility's directory. When you are ready to install
38 it, back up your installed version and type "sh Build install".
408. If you are upgrading from an older version of sendmail and are using any
41 database maps, be sure to rebuild them with the new version of makemap,
42 in case you are now using a different (and thereby incompatible) version
43 of Berkeley DB.
2 Installing sendmail
4**Note**: Starting with sendmail 8.12, sendmail is no longer set-user-ID
5root by default. As a result of this, you need to install two .cf files.
6See steps 4 and 6 in this document. We also strongly recommend reading
7sendmail/SECURITY for more installation information.

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37 read the README in the utility's directory. When you are ready to install
38 it, back up your installed version and type "sh Build install".
408. If you are upgrading from an older version of sendmail and are using any
41 database maps, be sure to rebuild them with the new version of makemap,
42 in case you are now using a different (and thereby incompatible) version
43 of Berkeley DB.
45$Revision: 8.14 $, Last updated $Date: 2001/11/04 20:59:11 $
45$Revision: $, Last updated $Date: 2002/02/17 21:56:38 $