Deleted Added
full compact
< // TODO: Add model for an ARM11
> // Model based on ARM1176
> //
> // Scheduling information derived from "ARM1176JZF-S Technical Reference Manual".
> //
> def ARMV6Itineraries : ProcessorItineraries<[
> //
> // No operand cycles
> InstrItinData<IIC_iALUx , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>]>,
> //
> // Binary Instructions that produce a result
> InstrItinData<IIC_iALUi , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iALUr , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2, 2]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iALUsi , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2, 1]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iALUsr , [InstrStage<2, [FU_Pipe0]>], [3, 3, 2, 1]>,
> //
> // Unary Instructions that produce a result
> InstrItinData<IIC_iUNAr , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iUNAsi , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 1]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iUNAsr , [InstrStage<2, [FU_Pipe0]>], [3, 2, 1]>,
> //
> // Compare instructions
> InstrItinData<IIC_iCMPi , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iCMPr , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iCMPsi , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 1]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iCMPsr , [InstrStage<2, [FU_Pipe0]>], [3, 2, 1]>,
> //
> // Move instructions, unconditional
> InstrItinData<IIC_iMOVi , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iMOVr , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iMOVsi , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 1]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iMOVsr , [InstrStage<2, [FU_Pipe0]>], [3, 2, 1]>,
> //
> // Move instructions, conditional
> InstrItinData<IIC_iCMOVi , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [3]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iCMOVr , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [3, 2]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iCMOVsi , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [3, 1]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iCMOVsr , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [4, 2, 1]>,
> // Integer multiply pipeline
> //
> InstrItinData<IIC_iMUL16 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [4, 1, 1]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iMAC16 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [4, 1, 1, 2]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iMUL32 , [InstrStage<2, [FU_Pipe0]>], [5, 1, 1]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iMAC32 , [InstrStage<2, [FU_Pipe0]>], [5, 1, 1, 2]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iMUL64 , [InstrStage<3, [FU_Pipe0]>], [6, 1, 1]>,
> InstrItinData<IIC_iMAC64 , [InstrStage<3, [FU_Pipe0]>], [6, 1, 1, 2]>,
> // Integer load pipeline
> //
> // Immediate offset
> InstrItinData<IIC_iLoadi , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [4, 1]>,
> //
> // Register offset
> InstrItinData<IIC_iLoadr , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [4, 1, 1]>,
> //
> // Scaled register offset, issues over 2 cycles
> InstrItinData<IIC_iLoadsi , [InstrStage<2, [FU_Pipe0]>], [5, 2, 1]>,
> //
> // Immediate offset with update
> InstrItinData<IIC_iLoadiu , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [4, 2, 1]>,
> //
> // Register offset with update
> InstrItinData<IIC_iLoadru , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [4, 2, 1, 1]>,
> //
> // Scaled register offset with update, issues over 2 cycles
> InstrItinData<IIC_iLoadsiu , [InstrStage<2, [FU_Pipe0]>], [5, 2, 2, 1]>,
> //
> // Load multiple
> InstrItinData<IIC_iLoadm , [InstrStage<3, [FU_Pipe0]>]>,
> // Integer store pipeline
> //
> // Immediate offset
> InstrItinData<IIC_iStorei , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 1]>,
> //
> // Register offset
> InstrItinData<IIC_iStorer , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 1, 1]>,
> //
> // Scaled register offset, issues over 2 cycles
> InstrItinData<IIC_iStoresi , [InstrStage<2, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2, 1]>,
> //
> // Immediate offset with update
> InstrItinData<IIC_iStoreiu , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2, 1]>,
> //
> // Register offset with update
> InstrItinData<IIC_iStoreru , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2, 1, 1]>,
> //
> // Scaled register offset with update, issues over 2 cycles
> InstrItinData<IIC_iStoresiu, [InstrStage<2, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2, 2, 1]>,
> //
> // Store multiple
> InstrItinData<IIC_iStorem , [InstrStage<3, [FU_Pipe0]>]>,
> // Branch
> //
> // no delay slots, so the latency of a branch is unimportant
> InstrItinData<IIC_Br , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>]>,
> // VFP
> // Issue through integer pipeline, and execute in NEON unit. We assume
> // RunFast mode so that NFP pipeline is used for single-precision when
> // possible.
> //
> // FP Special Register to Integer Register File Move
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpSTAT , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [3]>,
> //
> // Single-precision FP Unary
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpUNA32 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [5, 2]>,
> //
> // Double-precision FP Unary
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpUNA64 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [5, 2]>,
> //
> // Single-precision FP Compare
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpCMP32 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2]>,
> //
> // Double-precision FP Compare
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpCMP64 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2]>,
> //
> // Single to Double FP Convert
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpCVTSD , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [5, 2]>,
> //
> // Double to Single FP Convert
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpCVTDS , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [5, 2]>,
> //
> // Single-Precision FP to Integer Convert
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpCVTSI , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [9, 2]>,
> //
> // Double-Precision FP to Integer Convert
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpCVTDI , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [9, 2]>,
> //
> // Integer to Single-Precision FP Convert
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpCVTIS , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [9, 2]>,
> //
> // Integer to Double-Precision FP Convert
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpCVTID , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [9, 2]>,
> //
> // Single-precision FP ALU
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpALU32 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [9, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // Double-precision FP ALU
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpALU64 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [9, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // Single-precision FP Multiply
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpMUL32 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [9, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // Double-precision FP Multiply
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpMUL64 , [InstrStage<2, [FU_Pipe0]>], [9, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // Single-precision FP MAC
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpMAC32 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [9, 2, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // Double-precision FP MAC
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpMAC64 , [InstrStage<2, [FU_Pipe0]>], [9, 2, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // Single-precision FP DIV
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpDIV32 , [InstrStage<15, [FU_Pipe0]>], [20, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // Double-precision FP DIV
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpDIV64 , [InstrStage<29, [FU_Pipe0]>], [34, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // Single-precision FP SQRT
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpSQRT32 , [InstrStage<15, [FU_Pipe0]>], [20, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // Double-precision FP SQRT
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpSQRT64 , [InstrStage<29, [FU_Pipe0]>], [34, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // Single-precision FP Load
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpLoad32 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [5, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // Double-precision FP Load
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpLoad64 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [5, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // FP Load Multiple
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpLoadm , [InstrStage<3, [FU_Pipe0]>]>,
> //
> // Single-precision FP Store
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpStore32 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // Double-precision FP Store
> // use FU_Issue to enforce the 1 load/store per cycle limit
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpStore64 , [InstrStage<1, [FU_Pipe0]>], [2, 2, 2]>,
> //
> // FP Store Multiple
> InstrItinData<IIC_fpStorem , [InstrStage<3, [FU_Pipe0]>]>
> ]>;