Deleted Added
full compact
article.xml (90739) article.xml (91178)
3 The "Supported Devices" section of the release notes.
4 Generally processor-independent, with conditional text
5 inclusion handling any architecture-dependent text.
7 Within each subsection describing a class of hardware
8 (i.e. Ethernet interfaces), list broad groups of devices

--- 17 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

26 Please avoid doing &man entity conversions unless you
27 know for sure that an entity and manpage exist; sweeps through
28 this file to fix "missed" conversions are likely to break the
29 build.
33 <sect1info>
3 The "Supported Devices" section of the release notes.
4 Generally processor-independent, with conditional text
5 inclusion handling any architecture-dependent text.
7 Within each subsection describing a class of hardware
8 (i.e. Ethernet interfaces), list broad groups of devices

--- 17 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

26 Please avoid doing &man entity conversions unless you
27 know for sure that an entity and manpage exist; sweeps through
28 this file to fix "missed" conversions are likely to break the
29 build.
33 <sect1info>
34 <pubdate>$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/hardware/article.sgml 90739 2002-02-16 19:58:56Z bmah $</pubdate>
34 <pubdate>$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/hardware/article.sgml 91178 2002-02-23 22:28:17Z bmah $</pubdate>
35 </sect1info>
37 <title>Supported Devices</title>
39 <para>This section describes the devices currently known to be
40 supported by with &os; on the &arch.print; platform. Other configurations
41 may also work, but simply have not been tested yet. Feedback,
42 updates, and corrections to this list are encouraged.</para>

--- 2024 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2067 <para>Moxa Industio CP-114</para>
2068 </listitem>
2069 <listitem>
2070 <para>Syba Tech Ltd. PCI-4S2P-550-ECP</para>
2071 </listitem>
2072 <listitem>
2073 <para>Netmos NM9835 PCI-2S-550</para>
2074 </listitem>
35 </sect1info>
37 <title>Supported Devices</title>
39 <para>This section describes the devices currently known to be
40 supported by with &os; on the &arch.print; platform. Other configurations
41 may also work, but simply have not been tested yet. Feedback,
42 updates, and corrections to this list are encouraged.</para>

--- 2024 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2067 <para>Moxa Industio CP-114</para>
2068 </listitem>
2069 <listitem>
2070 <para>Syba Tech Ltd. PCI-4S2P-550-ECP</para>
2071 </listitem>
2072 <listitem>
2073 <para>Netmos NM9835 PCI-2S-550</para>
2074 </listitem>
2075 <listitem>
2076 <para>SIIG Cyber Serial Dual PCI 16C550</para>
2077 </listitem>
2075 </itemizedlist>
2076 </para>
2078 <para arch="i386">SDL Communication serial boards
2079 <itemizedlist>
2080 <listitem>
2081 <para>SDL Communications Riscom/8 Serial Board (rc driver)</para>
2082 </listitem>

--- 463 unchanged lines hidden ---
2078 </itemizedlist>
2079 </para>
2081 <para arch="i386">SDL Communication serial boards
2082 <itemizedlist>
2083 <listitem>
2084 <para>SDL Communications Riscom/8 Serial Board (rc driver)</para>
2085 </listitem>

--- 463 unchanged lines hidden ---