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context.c (368129) context.c (368693)
2 * libunbound/context.c - validating context for unbound internal use
3 *
4 * Copyright (c) 2007, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved.
5 *
6 * This software is open source.
7 *
8 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

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75 log_edns_known_options(VERB_ALGO, ctx->env);
76 ctx->local_zones = local_zones_create();
77 if(!ctx->local_zones)
78 return UB_NOMEM;
79 if(!local_zones_apply_cfg(ctx->local_zones, cfg))
80 return UB_INITFAIL;
81 if(!auth_zones_apply_cfg(ctx->env->auth_zones, cfg, 1, &is_rpz))
82 return UB_INITFAIL;
2 * libunbound/context.c - validating context for unbound internal use
3 *
4 * Copyright (c) 2007, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved.
5 *
6 * This software is open source.
7 *
8 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

--- 66 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

75 log_edns_known_options(VERB_ALGO, ctx->env);
76 ctx->local_zones = local_zones_create();
77 if(!ctx->local_zones)
78 return UB_NOMEM;
79 if(!local_zones_apply_cfg(ctx->local_zones, cfg))
80 return UB_INITFAIL;
81 if(!auth_zones_apply_cfg(ctx->env->auth_zones, cfg, 1, &is_rpz))
82 return UB_INITFAIL;
83 if(!edns_tags_apply_cfg(ctx->env->edns_tags, cfg))
83 if(!edns_strings_apply_cfg(ctx->env->edns_strings, cfg))
84 return UB_INITFAIL;
85 if(!slabhash_is_size(ctx->env->msg_cache, cfg->msg_cache_size,
86 cfg->msg_cache_slabs)) {
87 slabhash_delete(ctx->env->msg_cache);
88 ctx->env->msg_cache = slabhash_create(cfg->msg_cache_slabs,
89 HASH_DEFAULT_STARTARRAY, cfg->msg_cache_size,
90 msgreply_sizefunc, query_info_compare,
91 query_entry_delete, reply_info_delete, NULL);

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84 return UB_INITFAIL;
85 if(!slabhash_is_size(ctx->env->msg_cache, cfg->msg_cache_size,
86 cfg->msg_cache_slabs)) {
87 slabhash_delete(ctx->env->msg_cache);
88 ctx->env->msg_cache = slabhash_create(cfg->msg_cache_slabs,
89 HASH_DEFAULT_STARTARRAY, cfg->msg_cache_size,
90 msgreply_sizefunc, query_info_compare,
91 query_entry_delete, reply_info_delete, NULL);

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