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1These files are contributed to unbound, and are not part of the official
2distribution but may be helpful.
4* rc_d_unbound: FreeBSD compatible /etc/rc.d script.
5* perl script to run from cron that parses statistics from
6 the log file and stores them.
7* unbound.spec and unbound.init: RPM specfile and Linux rc.d initfile.
8* shell script that uses unbound-host to update a set

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48 Eric Sesterhenn from X41 D-Sec.
49* drop-tld.diff: adds option drop-tld: yesno that drops 2 label queries,
50 to stop random floods. Apply with patch -p1 < contrib/drop-tld.diff and
51 compile. From Saksham Manchanda (Secure64). Please note that we think
52 this will drop DNSKEY and DS lookups for tlds and hence break DNSSEC
53 lookups for downstream clients.
54* drop2rpz: perl script that converts the Spamhaus DROP-List in RPZ-Format,
55 contributed by Andreas Schulze.
56* metrics.awk: awk script that can convert unbound-control stats to
57 Prometheus metrics format output.