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NOTICE (362181) NOTICE (369302)
1Apache Subversion
1Apache Subversion
2Copyright 2020 The Apache Software Foundation
2Copyright 2021 The Apache Software Foundation
4This product includes software developed by many people, and distributed
5under Contributor License Agreements to The Apache Software Foundation
6( See the accompanying COMMITTERS file and the
7revision logs for an exact contribution history.
9Portions of the test suite for Subversion's Python bindings are copyrighted
10by Edgewall Software, Jonas Borgstr��m and Christopher Lenz.

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4This product includes software developed by many people, and distributed
5under Contributor License Agreements to The Apache Software Foundation
6( See the accompanying COMMITTERS file and the
7revision logs for an exact contribution history.
9Portions of the test suite for Subversion's Python bindings are copyrighted
10by Edgewall Software, Jonas Borgstr��m and Christopher Lenz.

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