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COPYING (302408) COPYING (342360)
1The libarchive distribution as a whole is Copyright by Tim Kientzle
2and is subject to the copyright notice reproduced at the bottom of
3this file.
5Each individual file in this distribution should have a clear
6copyright/licensing statement at the beginning of the file. If any do
7not, please let me know and I will rectify it. The following is
8intended to summarize the copyright status of the individual files;

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18 libarchive/archive_entry.c
19 libarchive/archive_read_support_filter_compress.c
20 libarchive/archive_write_add_filter_compress.c
21 libarchive/mtree.5
23* The following source files are in the public domain:
24 libarchive/archive_getdate.c
1The libarchive distribution as a whole is Copyright by Tim Kientzle
2and is subject to the copyright notice reproduced at the bottom of
3this file.
5Each individual file in this distribution should have a clear
6copyright/licensing statement at the beginning of the file. If any do
7not, please let me know and I will rectify it. The following is
8intended to summarize the copyright status of the individual files;

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18 libarchive/archive_entry.c
19 libarchive/archive_read_support_filter_compress.c
20 libarchive/archive_write_add_filter_compress.c
21 libarchive/mtree.5
23* The following source files are in the public domain:
24 libarchive/archive_getdate.c
26* The following source files are triple-licensed with the ability to choose
27 from CC0 1.0 Universal, OpenSSL or Apache 2.0 licenses:
28 libarchive/archive_blake2.h
29 libarchive/archive_blake2_impl.h
30 libarchive/archive_blake2s_ref.c
31 libarchive/archive_blake2sp_ref.c
26* The build files---including Makefiles, configure scripts,
27 and auxiliary scripts used as part of the compile process---have
28 widely varying licensing terms. Please check individual files before
29 distributing them to see if those restrictions apply to you.
31I intend for all new source code to use the license below and hope over
32time to replace code with other licenses with new implementations that
33do use the license below. The varying licensing of the build scripts
34seems to be an unavoidable mess.
33* The build files---including Makefiles, configure scripts,
34 and auxiliary scripts used as part of the compile process---have
35 widely varying licensing terms. Please check individual files before
36 distributing them to see if those restrictions apply to you.
38I intend for all new source code to use the license below and hope over
39time to replace code with other licenses with new implementations that
40do use the license below. The varying licensing of the build scripts
41seems to be an unavoidable mess.
37Copyright (c) 2003-2009 <author(s)>
44Copyright (c) 2003-2018 <author(s)>
38All rights reserved.
40Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
41modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
42are met:
431. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
44 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
45 in this position and unchanged.

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45All rights reserved.
47Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
48modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
49are met:
501. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
51 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
52 in this position and unchanged.

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