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APRDesign.html (302408) APRDesign.html (362181)
2<HEAD><TITLE>APR Design Document</TITLE></HEAD>
4<h1>Design of APR</h1>
6<p>The Apache Portable Run-time libraries have been designed to provide a common
7interface to low level routines across any platform. The original goal of APR
8was to combine all code in Apache to one common code base. This is not the

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147found in the test/ directory. Include is a directory which stores all
148required APR header files for external use.</p>
150<h2>Creating an APR Type</h2>
152<p>The current design of APR requires that most APR types be incomplete.
153It is not possible to write flexible portable code if programs can access
154the internals of APR types. This is because different platforms are
2<HEAD><TITLE>APR Design Document</TITLE></HEAD>
4<h1>Design of APR</h1>
6<p>The Apache Portable Run-time libraries have been designed to provide a common
7interface to low level routines across any platform. The original goal of APR
8was to combine all code in Apache to one common code base. This is not the

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147found in the test/ directory. Include is a directory which stores all
148required APR header files for external use.</p>
150<h2>Creating an APR Type</h2>
152<p>The current design of APR requires that most APR types be incomplete.
153It is not possible to write flexible portable code if programs can access
154the internals of APR types. This is because different platforms are
155likely to define different native types. There are only two execptions to
155likely to define different native types. There are only two exceptions to
156this rule:</p>
159<li>The first exception to this rule is if the type can only reasonably be
160implemented one way. For example, time is a complete type because there
161is only one reasonable time implementation.
163<li>The second exception to the incomplete type rule can be found in

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222 * @param parma_n_name explanation
223 * @tip Any extra information people should know.
224 * @deffunc function prototype if required
225 */
228<p>For an actual example, look at any file in the include directory. The
229reason the docs are in the header files is to ensure that the docs always
156this rule:</p>
159<li>The first exception to this rule is if the type can only reasonably be
160implemented one way. For example, time is a complete type because there
161is only one reasonable time implementation.
163<li>The second exception to the incomplete type rule can be found in

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222 * @param parma_n_name explanation
223 * @tip Any extra information people should know.
224 * @deffunc function prototype if required
225 */
228<p>For an actual example, look at any file in the include directory. The
229reason the docs are in the header files is to ensure that the docs always
230reflect the current code. If you change paramters or return values for a
230reflect the current code. If you change parameters or return values for a
231function, please be sure to update the documentation.</p>
233<h2>APR Error reporting</h2>
235<p>Most APR functions should return an ap_status_t type. The only time an
236APR function does not return an ap_status_t is if it absolutely CAN NOT
237fail. Examples of this would be filling out an array when you know you are
238not beyond the array's range. If it cannot fail on your platform, but it
239could conceivably fail on another platform, it should return an ap_status_t.
240Unless you are sure, return an ap_status_t.</p>
243 This includes functions that return TRUE/FALSE values. How that
244 is handled is discussed below
247<p>All platforms return errno values unchanged. Each platform can also have
248one system error type, which can be returned after an offset is added.
231function, please be sure to update the documentation.</p>
233<h2>APR Error reporting</h2>
235<p>Most APR functions should return an ap_status_t type. The only time an
236APR function does not return an ap_status_t is if it absolutely CAN NOT
237fail. Examples of this would be filling out an array when you know you are
238not beyond the array's range. If it cannot fail on your platform, but it
239could conceivably fail on another platform, it should return an ap_status_t.
240Unless you are sure, return an ap_status_t.</p>
243 This includes functions that return TRUE/FALSE values. How that
244 is handled is discussed below
247<p>All platforms return errno values unchanged. Each platform can also have
248one system error type, which can be returned after an offset is added.
249There are five types of error values in APR, each with it's own offset.</p>
249There are five types of error values in APR, each with its own offset.

251<!-- This should be turned into a table, but I am lazy today -->
253 Name Purpose
2540) This is 0 for all platforms and isn't really defined
255 anywhere, but it is the offset for errno values.
256 (This has no name because it isn't actually defined,
257 but for completeness we are discussing it here).

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272 APR apps can begin to add their own error codes.
2743) APR_OS_START_SYSERR This is platform dependent, and is the offset at which
275 system error values begin.
278<strong>The difference in naming between APR_OS_START_ERROR and
279APR_OS_START_STATUS mentioned above allows programmers to easily determine if
251<!-- This should be turned into a table, but I am lazy today -->
253 Name Purpose
2540) This is 0 for all platforms and isn't really defined
255 anywhere, but it is the offset for errno values.
256 (This has no name because it isn't actually defined,
257 but for completeness we are discussing it here).

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272 APR apps can begin to add their own error codes.
2743) APR_OS_START_SYSERR This is platform dependent, and is the offset at which
275 system error values begin.
278<strong>The difference in naming between APR_OS_START_ERROR and
279APR_OS_START_STATUS mentioned above allows programmers to easily determine if
280the error code indicates an error condition or a status codition.
280the error code indicates an error condition or a status condition.</strong>
282<p>If your function has multiple return codes that all indicate success, but
283with different results, or if your function can only return PASS/FAIL, you
284should still return an apr_status_t. In the first case, define one
285APR status code for each return value, an example of this is
286<code>apr_proc_wait</code>, which can only return APR_CHILDDONE,
287APR_CHILDNOTDONE, or an error code. In the second case, please return
288APR_SUCCESS for PASS, and define a new APR status code for failure, an

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340<li> Return platform specific error codes and convert them when necessary.
343<p>The problem with option number one is that it takes time to convert error
344codes to a common code, and most of the time programs want to just output
345an error string. If we convert all errors to a common subset, we have four
346steps to output an error string:</p>
282<p>If your function has multiple return codes that all indicate success, but
283with different results, or if your function can only return PASS/FAIL, you
284should still return an apr_status_t. In the first case, define one
285APR status code for each return value, an example of this is
286<code>apr_proc_wait</code>, which can only return APR_CHILDDONE,
287APR_CHILDNOTDONE, or an error code. In the second case, please return
288APR_SUCCESS for PASS, and define a new APR status code for failure, an

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340<li> Return platform specific error codes and convert them when necessary.
343<p>The problem with option number one is that it takes time to convert error
344codes to a common code, and most of the time programs want to just output
345an error string. If we convert all errors to a common subset, we have four
346steps to output an error string:</p>
348<p>The seocnd problem with option 1, is that it is a lossy conversion. For
348<p>The second problem with option 1, is that it is a lossy conversion. For
349example, Windows and OS/2 have a couple hundred error codes, but POSIX errno
350only defines about 50 errno values. This means that if we convert to a
351canonical error value immediately, there is no way for the programmer to
352get the actual system error.</p>
355 make syscall that fails
356 convert to common error code step 1

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349example, Windows and OS/2 have a couple hundred error codes, but POSIX errno
350only defines about 50 errno values. This means that if we convert to a
351canonical error value immediately, there is no way for the programmer to
352get the actual system error.</p>
355 make syscall that fails
356 convert to common error code step 1

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