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< .\" manual page [] for ppp 0.93
< .\" $Id:$
> .\" manual page [] for ppp 0.94 beta2 + alpha
> .\" $Id: ppp.8,v 1995/01/31 06:29:58 amurai Exp $
< This is user process \fIPPP\fR software package. Normally, \fIPPP\fR is implemented as a part of kernel and hard to debug and/or modify its behavior. However, in this implementation, \fIPPP\fR is implemented as a user process with the help of tunnel device driver.
> This is user process \fIPPP\fR software package. Normally, \fIPPP\fR
> is implemented as a part of kernel and hard to debug and/or modify its
> behavior. However, in this implementation, \fIPPP\fR is implemented as
> a user process with the help of tunnel device driver.
< o
< Provide interactive user interface. Using its command mode, user can easily enter commands to establish the connection with the peer, check the status of connection, and close the connection.
> o Provide interactive user interface. Using its command mode, user can
> easily enter commands to establish the connection with the peer, check
> the status of connection, and close the connection. And now, all
> functions has password protected if describe your hostname/password in
> secret file or exist secret file itself.
< o
< Supports both of manual and automatic dialing. Interactive mode has ``term'' command which enables you to talk to your modem directory. When your modem is connected to the peer, and it starts to speak \fIPPP\fR, \fIPPP\fR software detects it and turns into packet mode automatically. Once you have convinced how to connect with the peer, you can write chat script to define necessary dialing and login procedure for later convenience.
> o Supports both of manual and automatic dialing. Interactive mode has
> ``term'' command which enables you to talk to your modem
> directory. When your modem is connected to the peer, and it starts to
> speak \fIPPP\fR, \fIPPP\fR software detects it and turns into packet
> mode automatically. Once you have convinced how to connect with the
> peer, you can write chat script to define necessary dialing and login
> procedure for later convenience.
< o
< Supports on-demand dialup capability. By using auto mode, \fIPPP\fR program will act as a daemon and wait for the packet send to the peer. Once packet is found, daemon automatically dials and establish the connection.
> o Supports on-demand dialup capability. By using auto mode, \fIPPP\fR
> program will act as a daemon and wait for the packet send to the peer.
> Once packet is found, daemon automatically dials and establish the
> connection.
< Can act as server which accept incoming \fIPPP\fR connection.
> Can act as server which accept incoming \fIPPP\fR connection.
< o
< Supports packet filtering. User can define three kinds of filters; ifilter for incoming packet, ofilter for outgoing packet and dfilter to define dialing trigger packet.
> o
> Supports Proxy Arp.
< o
< Tunnel driver supports bpf. That is, user can use tcpdump to check packet flow over the \fIPPP\fR link.
> o Supports packet filtering. User can define four kinds of filters;
> ifilter for incoming packet, ofilter for outgoing packet, dfilter to
> define dialing trigger packet and afilter to keep alive a connection
> by trigger packet.
> o Tunnel driver supports bpf. That is, user can use tcpdump to check
> packet flow over the \fIPPP\fR link.
> .TP 2
< o
< Runs under BSDI-1.1 and FreeBSD-1.1. Patch for NeXTSTEP 3.2 is also available on the net.
> o Runs under BSDI-1.1 and FreeBSD-1.1. Patch for NeXTSTEP 3.2 is also
> available on the net.
< .LP
> -- If you write your hostname and password in ppp.secret,
> you can't do anything even quit command --
> ppp on tama> quit
> what ?
> ppp on tama> pass <password>
< ppp> set line /dev/cua01
< ppp> set speed 38400
< ppp> set parity even
< ppp> show modem
> ppp ON tama> set line /dev/cua01
> ppp ON tama> set speed 38400
> ppp ON tama> set parity even
> ppp ON tama> show modem
< ppp>
> ppp ON tama>
< ppp> term
> ppp ON tama> term
< ppp>
> ppp on tama>
< PPP> show lcp
> PPP ON tama> show lcp
< PPP> show ipcp
> PPP ON tama> show ipcp
< PPP> add 0 0 HISADDR
> PPP ON tama> add 0 0 HISADDR
< PPP>
> PPP ON tama>
< PPP> show log
> PPP ON tama> show log
< PPP> close
> PPP ON tama> close
< ppp> quit
> ppp ON tama> quit
< To use automatic dialing, you must prepare Dial and Login chat script.See example definition found in ppp.conf.sample(Format of ppp.conf is pretty simple.)
< .LP
> To use automatic dialing, you must prepare Dial and Login chat script.
> See example definition found in ppp.conf.sample (Format of ppp.conf is
> pretty simple.)
< If ppp.conf is ready, specify destination label name when you invoke ppp. Commands associated with destination label is executed when ppp command is invoked. Note that commands associated with ``default'' label is ALWAYS executed.
> If ppp.conf is ready, specify destination label name when you invoke
> ppp. Commands associated with destination label is executed when ppp
> command is invoked. Note that commands associated with ``default''
> label is ALWAYS executed.
< ppp> dial
> ppp ON tama> dial
< PPP>
> PPP ON tama>
< If ppp.linkup file is available, its contents are executed when \fIPPP\fR link is connected. See example which add default route. The string HISADDR matches with IP address of connected peer.
< .LP
> If ppp.linkup file is available, its contents are executed when
> \fIPPP\fR link is connected. See example which add default route.
> The string HISADDR matches with IP address of connected peer.
< To play with demand dialing, you must use -auto option. Also, you must specify destination label with proper setup in ppp.conf. It must contain ``ifaddr'' command to define peer's IP address. (refer /etc/ppp/ppp.conf.sample)
< .LP
> To play with demand dialing, you must use -auto option. Also, you
> must specify destination label with proper setup in ppp.conf. It must
> contain ``ifaddr'' command to define peer's IP address. (refer
> /etc/ppp/ppp.conf.sample)
< When -auto is specified, \fIPPP\fR program works as a daemon. But, you are still able to use command features to check its behavior.
< .LP
> When -auto is specified, \fIPPP\fR program works as a daemon. But,
> you are still able to use command features to check its behavior.
< PPP> show ipcp
> PPP on tama> show ipcp
< Each ppp has associated port number, which is computed as "3000 + tunnel_device_number". If 3000 is not good base number, edit defs.h. When packet toward to remote network is detected, \fIPPP\fR will take dialing action and try to connect with the peer. If dialing is failed, program will wait for 30 seconds. Once this hold time expired, another trigger packet cause dialing action. Note that automatic re-dialing is NOT implemented.
< .LP
> Each ppp has associated port number, which is computed as "3000 +
> tunnel_device_number". If 3000 is not good base number, edit defs.h.
> When packet toward to remote network is detected, \fIPPP\fR will take
> dialing action and try to connect with the peer. If dialing is failed,
> program will wait for 30 seconds. Once this hold time expired, another
> trigger packet cause dialing action. Note that automatic re-dialing is
> NOT implemented.
< PPP> close
> PPP on tama> close
< \fIPPP\fR uses IPCP to negotiate IP addresses. Each side of node informs IP address that willing to use to the peer, and if requested IP address is acceptable, \fIPPP\fR returns ACK to requester. Otherwise, \fIPPP\fR returns NAK to suggest the peer to use different IP address. When both side of nodes agrees to accept the received request (and send ACK), IPCP is reached to open state and network level connection is established.
< .LP
> \fIPPP\fR uses IPCP to negotiate IP addresses. Each side of node
> informs IP address that willing to use to the peer, and if requested
> IP address is acceptable, \fIPPP\fR returns ACK to
> requester. Otherwise, \fIPPP\fR returns NAK to suggest the peer to use
> different IP address. When both side of nodes agrees to accept the
> received request (and send ACK), IPCP is reached to open state and
> network level connection is established.
< To control, this IPCP behavior, this implementation has ``set ifaddr'' to define MY and HIS IP address.
< .LP
> To control, this IPCP behavior, this implementation has ``set
> ifaddr'' to define MY and HIS IP address.
< Where, src_addr is the IP address that my side is willing to use, and dst_addr is the IP address which his side should use.
> Where, src_addr is the IP address that my side is willing to use, and
> dst_addr is the IP address which his side should use.
< o
< I strongly want to use as my side. I'll disagree when peer suggest me to use other addresses.
> o I strongly want to use as my side. I'll disagree when
> peer suggest me to use other addresses.
< o
< I strongly insists peer to use as his side address. I don't permit him to use any IP address but When peer request other IP address, I always suggest him to use
> o I strongly insists peer to use as his side address. I
> don't permit him to use any IP address but When peer
> request other IP address, I always suggest him to use
< However, it is often the case one side is acting as a server which
< controls IP address and the other side should obey the direction from him.
< In order to allow more flexible behavior, `ifaddr' command allows user to specify IP address more loosely.
< .LP
> However, it is often the case one side is acting as a server which
> controls IP address and the other side should obey the direction from
> him. In order to allow more flexible behavior, `ifaddr' command
> allows user to specify IP address more loosely.
< Number followed by slash (/) represents number of bits significant in IP address. That is, this example means
> Number followed by slash (/) represents number of bits significant in
> IP address. That is, this example means
< o
< I'd like to use as my side address, if it is possible. But I also accept any IP address between and
> o I'd like to use as my side address, if it is
> possible. But I also accept any IP address between and
< o
< I'd like to make him to use as his side address. But I also permit him to use any IP address between and
> o I'd like to make him to use as his side address. But
> I also permit him to use any IP address between and
< o
< As you may have already noticed, is equivalent to say
> o As you may have already noticed, is equivalent to say
< o
< As an exception, 0 is equivalent to Means, I have no idea about IP address and obey what he says.
> o As an exception, 0 is equivalent to Means, I have no idea
> about IP address and obey what he says.
< o
< means that I'll accept/permit any IP address but I'll try to insist to use at first.
> o means that I'll accept/permit any IP address but
> I'll try to insist to use at first.
< Please refer /etc/ppp/example/ppp.conf.iij for some real examples.
> Please refer /etc/ppp/ppp.conf.iij for some real examples.
< \fI\fIPPP\fR\fR is able to generate following level log info as /var/log/ppp.log
< .LP
> \fI\fIPPP\fR\fR is able to generate following level log info as
> /var/log/ppp.log
< ``set debug'' command allows you to set logging output level,
< and multiple levels can be specified.
< Default is equivalent to ``set debug phase lcp''.
> ``set debug'' command allows you to set logging output level, and
> multiple levels can be specified. Default is equivalent to ``set
> debug phase lcp''.
< These files are placed in /etc/ppp,
< but user can create his own files under HOME directory as .ppp.conf,
< .ppp.linkup and .ppp.secret.
< the ppp always try to consult to user's personal setup first.
> These files are placed in /etc/ppp, but user can create his own files
> under HOME directory as .ppp.conf,.ppp.linkup and .ppp.secret.the ppp
> always try to consult to user's personal setup first.
< .B $HOME/ppp/.ppp.[linkup|secret]
> .B $HOME/ppp/.ppp.[conf|linkup|secret]
< A Proxy arp is not support, yet.
< The TTS is little bit longer than pppd2.1, it's under improving ;-)
< This programm has deliverd into core since FreeBSD-2.1
< by Atsushi Murai (
> This programm has deliverd into core since FreeBSD-2.1 by Atsushi
> Murai (