Deleted Added
full compact
WITHOUT_GNU (160855) WITHOUT_GNU (174550)
1.\" $FreeBSD: head/tools/build/options/WITHOUT_GNU 160855 2006-07-31 13:53:27Z yar $
1.\" $FreeBSD: head/tools/build/options/WITHOUT_GNU 174550 2007-12-12 16:43:17Z ru $
2Set to not build contributed GNU software as a part of the base system.
3This option can be useful if the system built must not contain any code
4covered by the GNU Public License due to legal reasons.
2Set to not build contributed GNU software as a part of the base system.
3This option can be useful if the system built must not contain any code
4covered by the GNU Public License due to legal reasons.
5.Sy "The option has no effect yet."
5.Bf -symbolic
6The option has no effect yet.