Deleted Added
full compact
sctp_output.c (168124) sctp_output.c (168299)
2 * Copyright (c) 2001-2007, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
6 *
7 * a) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
8 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

--- 17 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

29 */
31/* $KAME: sctp_output.c,v 1.46 2005/03/06 16:04:17 itojun Exp $ */
33#include <sys/cdefs.h>
2 * Copyright (c) 2001-2007, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
6 *
7 * a) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
8 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

--- 17 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

29 */
31/* $KAME: sctp_output.c,v 1.46 2005/03/06 16:04:17 itojun Exp $ */
33#include <sys/cdefs.h>
34__FBSDID("$FreeBSD: head/sys/netinet/sctp_output.c 168124 2007-03-31 11:47:30Z rrs $");
34__FBSDID("$FreeBSD: head/sys/netinet/sctp_output.c 168299 2007-04-03 11:15:32Z rrs $");
36#include <netinet/sctp_os.h>
37#include <sys/proc.h>
38#include <netinet/sctp_var.h>
39#include <netinet/sctp_sysctl.h>
40#include <netinet/sctp_header.h>
41#include <netinet/sctp_pcb.h>
42#include <netinet/sctputil.h>

--- 1943 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1986struct mbuf *
1987sctp_add_addresses_to_i_ia(struct sctp_inpcb *inp, struct sctp_scoping *scope,
1988 struct mbuf *m_at, int cnt_inits_to)
1990 struct sctp_vrf *vrf = NULL;
1991 int cnt, limit_out = 0, total_count;
1992 uint32_t vrf_id;
36#include <netinet/sctp_os.h>
37#include <sys/proc.h>
38#include <netinet/sctp_var.h>
39#include <netinet/sctp_sysctl.h>
40#include <netinet/sctp_header.h>
41#include <netinet/sctp_pcb.h>
42#include <netinet/sctputil.h>

--- 1943 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1986struct mbuf *
1987sctp_add_addresses_to_i_ia(struct sctp_inpcb *inp, struct sctp_scoping *scope,
1988 struct mbuf *m_at, int cnt_inits_to)
1990 struct sctp_vrf *vrf = NULL;
1991 int cnt, limit_out = 0, total_count;
1992 uint32_t vrf_id;
1994 vrf_id = SCTP_DEFAULT_VRFID;
1994 vrf_id = inp->def_vrf_id;
1996 vrf = sctp_find_vrf(vrf_id);
1997 if (vrf == NULL) {
1999 return (m_at);
2000 }
2001 if (inp->sctp_flags & SCTP_PCB_FLAGS_BOUNDALL) {
2002 struct sctp_ifa *sctp_ifap;

--- 395 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2398 }
2399 return (0);
2404static struct sctp_ifa *
2405sctp_choose_boundspecific_inp(struct sctp_inpcb *inp,
1996 vrf = sctp_find_vrf(vrf_id);
1997 if (vrf == NULL) {
1999 return (m_at);
2000 }
2001 if (inp->sctp_flags & SCTP_PCB_FLAGS_BOUNDALL) {
2002 struct sctp_ifa *sctp_ifap;

--- 395 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2398 }
2399 return (0);
2404static struct sctp_ifa *
2405sctp_choose_boundspecific_inp(struct sctp_inpcb *inp,
2406 struct route *ro,
2406 sctp_route_t * ro,
2407 uint32_t vrf_id,
2408 int non_asoc_addr_ok,
2409 uint8_t dest_is_priv,
2410 uint8_t dest_is_loop,
2411 sa_family_t fam)
2413 struct sctp_laddr *laddr, *starting_point;
2414 void *ifn;
2415 int resettotop = 0;
2416 struct sctp_ifn *sctp_ifn;
2407 uint32_t vrf_id,
2408 int non_asoc_addr_ok,
2409 uint8_t dest_is_priv,
2410 uint8_t dest_is_loop,
2411 sa_family_t fam)
2413 struct sctp_laddr *laddr, *starting_point;
2414 void *ifn;
2415 int resettotop = 0;
2416 struct sctp_ifn *sctp_ifn;
2417 struct sctp_ifa *sctp_ifa, *pass;
2417 struct sctp_ifa *sctp_ifa, *sifa;
2418 struct sctp_vrf *vrf;
2419 uint32_t ifn_index;
2421 vrf = sctp_find_vrf(vrf_id);
2422 if (vrf == NULL)
2423 return (NULL);

--- 4 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2430 * want such an address. Note that we first looked for a prefered
2431 * address.
2432 */
2433 if (sctp_ifn) {
2434 /* is a prefered one on the interface we route out? */
2435 LIST_FOREACH(sctp_ifa, &sctp_ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2436 if ((sctp_ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0))
2437 continue;
2418 struct sctp_vrf *vrf;
2419 uint32_t ifn_index;
2421 vrf = sctp_find_vrf(vrf_id);
2422 if (vrf == NULL)
2423 return (NULL);

--- 4 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2430 * want such an address. Note that we first looked for a prefered
2431 * address.
2432 */
2433 if (sctp_ifn) {
2434 /* is a prefered one on the interface we route out? */
2435 LIST_FOREACH(sctp_ifa, &sctp_ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2436 if ((sctp_ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0))
2437 continue;
2438 pass = sctp_is_ifa_addr_prefered(sctp_ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2439 if (pass == NULL)
2438 sifa = sctp_is_ifa_addr_prefered(sctp_ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2439 if (sifa == NULL)
2440 continue;
2440 continue;
2441 if (sctp_is_addr_in_ep(inp, pass)) {
2442 atomic_add_int(&pass->refcount, 1);
2443 return (pass);
2441 if (sctp_is_addr_in_ep(inp, sifa)) {
2442 atomic_add_int(&sifa->refcount, 1);
2443 return (sifa);
2444 }
2445 }
2446 }
2447 /*
2448 * ok, now we now need to find one on the list of the addresses. We
2449 * can't get one on the emitting interface so lets find first a
2450 * prefered one. If not that a acceptable one otherwise... we return
2451 * NULL.

--- 4 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2456 inp->next_addr_touse = LIST_FIRST(&inp->sctp_addr_list);
2457 resettotop = 1;
2458 }
2459 for (laddr = inp->next_addr_touse; laddr; laddr = LIST_NEXT(laddr, sctp_nxt_addr)) {
2460 if (laddr->ifa == NULL) {
2461 /* address has been removed */
2462 continue;
2463 }
2444 }
2445 }
2446 }
2447 /*
2448 * ok, now we now need to find one on the list of the addresses. We
2449 * can't get one on the emitting interface so lets find first a
2450 * prefered one. If not that a acceptable one otherwise... we return
2451 * NULL.

--- 4 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2456 inp->next_addr_touse = LIST_FIRST(&inp->sctp_addr_list);
2457 resettotop = 1;
2458 }
2459 for (laddr = inp->next_addr_touse; laddr; laddr = LIST_NEXT(laddr, sctp_nxt_addr)) {
2460 if (laddr->ifa == NULL) {
2461 /* address has been removed */
2462 continue;
2463 }
2464 pass = sctp_is_ifa_addr_prefered(laddr->ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2465 if (pass == NULL)
2464 sifa = sctp_is_ifa_addr_prefered(laddr->ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2465 if (sifa == NULL)
2466 continue;
2466 continue;
2467 atomic_add_int(&pass->refcount, 1);
2468 return (pass);
2467 atomic_add_int(&sifa->refcount, 1);
2468 return (sifa);
2469 }
2470 if (resettotop == 0) {
2471 inp->next_addr_touse = NULL;
2472 goto once_again;
2473 }
2474 inp->next_addr_touse = starting_point;
2475 resettotop = 0;
2477 if (inp->next_addr_touse == NULL) {
2478 inp->next_addr_touse = LIST_FIRST(&inp->sctp_addr_list);
2479 resettotop = 1;
2480 }
2481 /* ok, what about an acceptable address in the inp */
2482 for (laddr = inp->next_addr_touse; laddr; laddr = LIST_NEXT(laddr, sctp_nxt_addr)) {
2483 if (laddr->ifa == NULL) {
2484 /* address has been removed */
2485 continue;
2486 }
2469 }
2470 if (resettotop == 0) {
2471 inp->next_addr_touse = NULL;
2472 goto once_again;
2473 }
2474 inp->next_addr_touse = starting_point;
2475 resettotop = 0;
2477 if (inp->next_addr_touse == NULL) {
2478 inp->next_addr_touse = LIST_FIRST(&inp->sctp_addr_list);
2479 resettotop = 1;
2480 }
2481 /* ok, what about an acceptable address in the inp */
2482 for (laddr = inp->next_addr_touse; laddr; laddr = LIST_NEXT(laddr, sctp_nxt_addr)) {
2483 if (laddr->ifa == NULL) {
2484 /* address has been removed */
2485 continue;
2486 }
2487 pass = sctp_is_ifa_addr_acceptable(laddr->ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2488 if (pass == NULL)
2487 sifa = sctp_is_ifa_addr_acceptable(laddr->ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2488 if (sifa == NULL)
2489 continue;
2489 continue;
2490 atomic_add_int(&pass->refcount, 1);
2491 return (pass);
2490 atomic_add_int(&sifa->refcount, 1);
2491 return (sifa);
2492 }
2493 if (resettotop == 0) {
2494 inp->next_addr_touse = NULL;
2495 goto once_again_too;
2496 }
2497 /*
2498 * no address bound can be a source for the destination we are in
2499 * trouble
2500 */
2501 return (NULL);
2506static struct sctp_ifa *
2507sctp_choose_boundspecific_stcb(struct sctp_inpcb *inp,
2508 struct sctp_tcb *stcb,
2509 struct sctp_nets *net,
2492 }
2493 if (resettotop == 0) {
2494 inp->next_addr_touse = NULL;
2495 goto once_again_too;
2496 }
2497 /*
2498 * no address bound can be a source for the destination we are in
2499 * trouble
2500 */
2501 return (NULL);
2506static struct sctp_ifa *
2507sctp_choose_boundspecific_stcb(struct sctp_inpcb *inp,
2508 struct sctp_tcb *stcb,
2509 struct sctp_nets *net,
2510 struct route *ro,
2510 sctp_route_t * ro,
2511 uint32_t vrf_id,
2512 uint8_t dest_is_priv,
2513 uint8_t dest_is_loop,
2514 int non_asoc_addr_ok,
2515 sa_family_t fam)
2517 struct sctp_laddr *laddr, *starting_point;
2518 void *ifn;
2519 struct sctp_ifn *sctp_ifn;
2511 uint32_t vrf_id,
2512 uint8_t dest_is_priv,
2513 uint8_t dest_is_loop,
2514 int non_asoc_addr_ok,
2515 sa_family_t fam)
2517 struct sctp_laddr *laddr, *starting_point;
2518 void *ifn;
2519 struct sctp_ifn *sctp_ifn;
2520 struct sctp_ifa *sctp_ifa, *pass;
2520 struct sctp_ifa *sctp_ifa, *sifa;
2521 uint8_t start_at_beginning = 0;
2522 struct sctp_vrf *vrf;
2523 uint32_t ifn_index;
2525 /*
2526 * first question, is the ifn we will emit on in our list, if so, we
2527 * want that one.
2528 */

--- 6 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2535 sctp_ifn = sctp_find_ifn(vrf, ifn, ifn_index);
2537 /*
2538 * first question, is the ifn we will emit on in our list, if so, we
2539 * want that one.. First we look for a prefered. Second we go for an
2540 * acceptable.
2541 */
2542 if (sctp_ifn) {
2521 uint8_t start_at_beginning = 0;
2522 struct sctp_vrf *vrf;
2523 uint32_t ifn_index;
2525 /*
2526 * first question, is the ifn we will emit on in our list, if so, we
2527 * want that one.
2528 */

--- 6 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2535 sctp_ifn = sctp_find_ifn(vrf, ifn, ifn_index);
2537 /*
2538 * first question, is the ifn we will emit on in our list, if so, we
2539 * want that one.. First we look for a prefered. Second we go for an
2540 * acceptable.
2541 */
2542 if (sctp_ifn) {
2543 /* first try for an prefered address on the ep */
2543 /* first try for a prefered address on the ep */
2544 LIST_FOREACH(sctp_ifa, &sctp_ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2545 if ((sctp_ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0))
2546 continue;
2547 if (sctp_is_addr_in_ep(inp, sctp_ifa)) {
2544 LIST_FOREACH(sctp_ifa, &sctp_ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2545 if ((sctp_ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0))
2546 continue;
2547 if (sctp_is_addr_in_ep(inp, sctp_ifa)) {
2548 pass = sctp_is_ifa_addr_prefered(sctp_ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2549 if (pass == NULL)
2548 sifa = sctp_is_ifa_addr_prefered(sctp_ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2549 if (sifa == NULL)
2550 continue;
2551 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) &&
2550 continue;
2551 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) &&
2552 (sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, pass))) {
2552 (sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, sifa))) {
2553 /* on the no-no list */
2554 continue;
2555 }
2553 /* on the no-no list */
2554 continue;
2555 }
2556 atomic_add_int(&pass->refcount, 1);
2557 return (pass);
2556 atomic_add_int(&sifa->refcount, 1);
2557 return (sifa);
2558 }
2559 }
2560 /* next try for an acceptable address on the ep */
2561 LIST_FOREACH(sctp_ifa, &sctp_ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2562 if ((sctp_ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0))
2563 continue;
2564 if (sctp_is_addr_in_ep(inp, sctp_ifa)) {
2558 }
2559 }
2560 /* next try for an acceptable address on the ep */
2561 LIST_FOREACH(sctp_ifa, &sctp_ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2562 if ((sctp_ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0))
2563 continue;
2564 if (sctp_is_addr_in_ep(inp, sctp_ifa)) {
2565 pass = sctp_is_ifa_addr_acceptable(sctp_ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2566 if (pass == NULL)
2565 sifa = sctp_is_ifa_addr_acceptable(sctp_ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2566 if (sifa == NULL)
2567 continue;
2568 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) &&
2567 continue;
2568 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) &&
2569 (sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, pass))) {
2569 (sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, sifa))) {
2570 /* on the no-no list */
2571 continue;
2572 }
2570 /* on the no-no list */
2571 continue;
2572 }
2573 atomic_add_int(&pass->refcount, 1);
2574 return (pass);
2573 atomic_add_int(&sifa->refcount, 1);
2574 return (sifa);
2575 }
2576 }
2578 }
2579 /*
2580 * if we can't find one like that then we must look at all addresses
2581 * bound to pick one at first prefereable then secondly acceptable.
2582 */

--- 5 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2588 }
2589 /* search beginning with the last used address */
2590 for (laddr = stcb->asoc.last_used_address; laddr;
2591 laddr = LIST_NEXT(laddr, sctp_nxt_addr)) {
2592 if (laddr->ifa == NULL) {
2593 /* address has been removed */
2594 continue;
2595 }
2575 }
2576 }
2578 }
2579 /*
2580 * if we can't find one like that then we must look at all addresses
2581 * bound to pick one at first prefereable then secondly acceptable.
2582 */

--- 5 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2588 }
2589 /* search beginning with the last used address */
2590 for (laddr = stcb->asoc.last_used_address; laddr;
2591 laddr = LIST_NEXT(laddr, sctp_nxt_addr)) {
2592 if (laddr->ifa == NULL) {
2593 /* address has been removed */
2594 continue;
2595 }
2596 pass = sctp_is_ifa_addr_prefered(laddr->ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2597 if (pass == NULL)
2596 sifa = sctp_is_ifa_addr_prefered(laddr->ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2597 if (sifa == NULL)
2598 continue;
2599 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) &&
2598 continue;
2599 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) &&
2600 (sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, pass))) {
2600 (sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, sifa))) {
2601 /* on the no-no list */
2602 continue;
2603 }
2604 stcb->asoc.last_used_address = laddr;
2601 /* on the no-no list */
2602 continue;
2603 }
2604 stcb->asoc.last_used_address = laddr;
2605 atomic_add_int(&pass->refcount, 1);
2606 return (pass);
2605 atomic_add_int(&sifa->refcount, 1);
2606 return (sifa);
2608 }
2609 if (start_at_beginning == 0) {
2610 stcb->asoc.last_used_address = NULL;
2611 goto sctp_from_the_top;
2612 }
2613 /* now try for any higher scope than the destination */
2614 stcb->asoc.last_used_address = starting_point;

--- 5 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2620 }
2621 /* search beginning with the last used address */
2622 for (laddr = stcb->asoc.last_used_address; laddr;
2623 laddr = LIST_NEXT(laddr, sctp_nxt_addr)) {
2624 if (laddr->ifa == NULL) {
2625 /* address has been removed */
2626 continue;
2627 }
2608 }
2609 if (start_at_beginning == 0) {
2610 stcb->asoc.last_used_address = NULL;
2611 goto sctp_from_the_top;
2612 }
2613 /* now try for any higher scope than the destination */
2614 stcb->asoc.last_used_address = starting_point;

--- 5 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2620 }
2621 /* search beginning with the last used address */
2622 for (laddr = stcb->asoc.last_used_address; laddr;
2623 laddr = LIST_NEXT(laddr, sctp_nxt_addr)) {
2624 if (laddr->ifa == NULL) {
2625 /* address has been removed */
2626 continue;
2627 }
2628 pass = sctp_is_ifa_addr_acceptable(laddr->ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2629 if (pass == NULL)
2628 sifa = sctp_is_ifa_addr_acceptable(laddr->ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2629 if (sifa == NULL)
2630 continue;
2631 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) &&
2630 continue;
2631 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) &&
2632 (sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, pass))) {
2632 (sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, sifa))) {
2633 /* on the no-no list */
2634 continue;
2635 }
2636 stcb->asoc.last_used_address = laddr;
2633 /* on the no-no list */
2634 continue;
2635 }
2636 stcb->asoc.last_used_address = laddr;
2637 atomic_add_int(&pass->refcount, 1);
2638 return (pass);
2637 atomic_add_int(&sifa->refcount, 1);
2638 return (sifa);
2639 }
2640 if (start_at_beginning == 0) {
2641 stcb->asoc.last_used_address = NULL;
2642 goto sctp_from_the_top2;
2643 }
2644 return (NULL);
2647static struct sctp_ifa *
2648sctp_select_nth_prefered_addr_from_ifn_boundall(struct sctp_ifn *ifn,
2649 struct sctp_tcb *stcb,
2650 int non_asoc_addr_ok,
2651 uint8_t dest_is_loop,
2652 uint8_t dest_is_priv,
2653 int addr_wanted,
2654 sa_family_t fam)
2639 }
2640 if (start_at_beginning == 0) {
2641 stcb->asoc.last_used_address = NULL;
2642 goto sctp_from_the_top2;
2643 }
2644 return (NULL);
2647static struct sctp_ifa *
2648sctp_select_nth_prefered_addr_from_ifn_boundall(struct sctp_ifn *ifn,
2649 struct sctp_tcb *stcb,
2650 int non_asoc_addr_ok,
2651 uint8_t dest_is_loop,
2652 uint8_t dest_is_priv,
2653 int addr_wanted,
2654 sa_family_t fam)
2656 struct sctp_ifa *ifa, *pass;
2656 struct sctp_ifa *ifa, *sifa;
2657 int num_eligible_addr = 0;
2659 LIST_FOREACH(ifa, &ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2660 if ((ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0))
2661 continue;
2657 int num_eligible_addr = 0;
2659 LIST_FOREACH(ifa, &ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2660 if ((ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0))
2661 continue;
2662 pass = sctp_is_ifa_addr_prefered(ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2663 if (pass == NULL)
2662 sifa = sctp_is_ifa_addr_prefered(ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2663 if (sifa == NULL)
2664 continue;
2665 if (stcb) {
2664 continue;
2665 if (stcb) {
2666 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) && sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, pass)) {
2666 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) && sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, sifa)) {
2667 /*
2668 * It is restricted for some reason..
2669 * probably not yet added.
2670 */
2671 continue;
2672 }
2673 }
2674 if (num_eligible_addr >= addr_wanted) {
2667 /*
2668 * It is restricted for some reason..
2669 * probably not yet added.
2670 */
2671 continue;
2672 }
2673 }
2674 if (num_eligible_addr >= addr_wanted) {
2675 return (pass);
2675 return (sifa);
2676 }
2677 num_eligible_addr++;
2678 }
2679 return (NULL);
2683static int
2684sctp_count_num_prefered_boundall(struct sctp_ifn *ifn,
2685 struct sctp_tcb *stcb,
2686 int non_asoc_addr_ok,
2687 uint8_t dest_is_loop,
2688 uint8_t dest_is_priv,
2689 sa_family_t fam)
2676 }
2677 num_eligible_addr++;
2678 }
2679 return (NULL);
2683static int
2684sctp_count_num_prefered_boundall(struct sctp_ifn *ifn,
2685 struct sctp_tcb *stcb,
2686 int non_asoc_addr_ok,
2687 uint8_t dest_is_loop,
2688 uint8_t dest_is_priv,
2689 sa_family_t fam)
2691 struct sctp_ifa *ifa, *pass;
2691 struct sctp_ifa *ifa, *sifa;
2692 int num_eligible_addr = 0;
2694 LIST_FOREACH(ifa, &ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2695 if ((ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0)) {
2696 continue;
2697 }
2692 int num_eligible_addr = 0;
2694 LIST_FOREACH(ifa, &ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2695 if ((ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0)) {
2696 continue;
2697 }
2698 pass = sctp_is_ifa_addr_prefered(ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2699 if (pass == NULL) {
2698 sifa = sctp_is_ifa_addr_prefered(ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2699 if (sifa == NULL) {
2700 continue;
2701 }
2702 if (stcb) {
2700 continue;
2701 }
2702 if (stcb) {
2703 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) && sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, pass)) {
2703 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) && sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, sifa)) {
2704 /*
2705 * It is restricted for some reason..
2706 * probably not yet added.
2707 */
2708 continue;
2709 }
2710 }
2711 num_eligible_addr++;
2712 }
2713 return (num_eligible_addr);
2716static struct sctp_ifa *
2717sctp_choose_boundall(struct sctp_inpcb *inp,
2718 struct sctp_tcb *stcb,
2719 struct sctp_nets *net,
2704 /*
2705 * It is restricted for some reason..
2706 * probably not yet added.
2707 */
2708 continue;
2709 }
2710 }
2711 num_eligible_addr++;
2712 }
2713 return (num_eligible_addr);
2716static struct sctp_ifa *
2717sctp_choose_boundall(struct sctp_inpcb *inp,
2718 struct sctp_tcb *stcb,
2719 struct sctp_nets *net,
2720 struct route *ro,
2720 sctp_route_t * ro,
2721 uint32_t vrf_id,
2722 uint8_t dest_is_priv,
2723 uint8_t dest_is_loop,
2724 int non_asoc_addr_ok,
2725 sa_family_t fam)
2727 int cur_addr_num = 0, num_prefered = 0;
2728 void *ifn;
2729 struct sctp_ifn *sctp_ifn, *looked_at = NULL, *emit_ifn;
2721 uint32_t vrf_id,
2722 uint8_t dest_is_priv,
2723 uint8_t dest_is_loop,
2724 int non_asoc_addr_ok,
2725 sa_family_t fam)
2727 int cur_addr_num = 0, num_prefered = 0;
2728 void *ifn;
2729 struct sctp_ifn *sctp_ifn, *looked_at = NULL, *emit_ifn;
2730 struct sctp_ifa *sctp_ifa, *pass;
2730 struct sctp_ifa *sctp_ifa, *sifa;
2731 uint32_t ifn_index;
2732 struct sctp_vrf *vrf;
2734 /*
2735 * For boundall we can use any address in the association. If
2736 * non_asoc_addr_ok is set we can use any address (at least in
2737 * theory). So we look for prefered addresses first. If we find one,
2738 * we use it. Otherwise we next try to get an address on the

--- 110 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2849 /*
2850 * Ok we have num_eligible_addr set with how many we can
2851 * use, this may vary from call to call due to addresses
2852 * being deprecated etc..
2853 */
2854 if (cur_addr_num >= num_prefered) {
2855 cur_addr_num = 0;
2856 }
2731 uint32_t ifn_index;
2732 struct sctp_vrf *vrf;
2734 /*
2735 * For boundall we can use any address in the association. If
2736 * non_asoc_addr_ok is set we can use any address (at least in
2737 * theory). So we look for prefered addresses first. If we find one,
2738 * we use it. Otherwise we next try to get an address on the

--- 110 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2849 /*
2850 * Ok we have num_eligible_addr set with how many we can
2851 * use, this may vary from call to call due to addresses
2852 * being deprecated etc..
2853 */
2854 if (cur_addr_num >= num_prefered) {
2855 cur_addr_num = 0;
2856 }
2857 pass = sctp_select_nth_prefered_addr_from_ifn_boundall(sctp_ifn, stcb, non_asoc_addr_ok, dest_is_loop,
2857 sifa = sctp_select_nth_prefered_addr_from_ifn_boundall(sctp_ifn, stcb, non_asoc_addr_ok, dest_is_loop,
2858 dest_is_priv, cur_addr_num, fam);
2858 dest_is_priv, cur_addr_num, fam);
2859 if (pass == NULL)
2859 if (sifa == NULL)
2860 continue;
2861 if (net) {
2862 net->indx_of_eligible_next_to_use = cur_addr_num + 1;
2863#ifdef SCTP_DEBUG
2864 if (sctp_debug_on & SCTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT2) {
2865 printf("we selected %d\n", cur_addr_num);
2866 printf("Source:");
2860 continue;
2861 if (net) {
2862 net->indx_of_eligible_next_to_use = cur_addr_num + 1;
2863#ifdef SCTP_DEBUG
2864 if (sctp_debug_on & SCTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT2) {
2865 printf("we selected %d\n", cur_addr_num);
2866 printf("Source:");
2867 sctp_print_address(&pass->;
2867 sctp_print_address(&sifa->;
2868 printf("Dest:");
2869 sctp_print_address(&net->;
2870 }
2872 }
2868 printf("Dest:");
2869 sctp_print_address(&net->;
2870 }
2872 }
2873 atomic_add_int(&pass->refcount, 1);
2874 return (pass);
2873 atomic_add_int(&sifa->refcount, 1);
2874 return (sifa);
2876 }
2878 /*
2879 * plan_c: See if we have an acceptable address on the emit
2880 * interface
2881 */
2882#ifdef SCTP_DEBUG
2883 if (sctp_debug_on & SCTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT2) {
2884 printf("Plan C no prefered for Dest, acceptable for?\n");
2885 }
2888 LIST_FOREACH(sctp_ifa, &emit_ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2889 if ((sctp_ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0))
2890 continue;
2876 }
2878 /*
2879 * plan_c: See if we have an acceptable address on the emit
2880 * interface
2881 */
2882#ifdef SCTP_DEBUG
2883 if (sctp_debug_on & SCTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT2) {
2884 printf("Plan C no prefered for Dest, acceptable for?\n");
2885 }
2888 LIST_FOREACH(sctp_ifa, &emit_ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2889 if ((sctp_ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0))
2890 continue;
2891 pass = sctp_is_ifa_addr_acceptable(sctp_ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2892 if (pass == NULL)
2891 sifa = sctp_is_ifa_addr_acceptable(sctp_ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2892 if (sifa == NULL)
2893 continue;
2894 if (stcb) {
2893 continue;
2894 if (stcb) {
2895 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) && sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, pass)) {
2895 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) && sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, sifa)) {
2896 /*
2897 * It is restricted for some reason..
2898 * probably not yet added.
2899 */
2900 continue;
2901 }
2902 }
2896 /*
2897 * It is restricted for some reason..
2898 * probably not yet added.
2899 */
2900 continue;
2901 }
2902 }
2903 atomic_add_int(&pass->refcount, 1);
2904 return (pass);
2903 atomic_add_int(&sifa->refcount, 1);
2904 return (sifa);
2905 }
2907 /*
2908 * plan_d: We are in trouble. No prefered address on the emit
2909 * interface. And not even a perfered address on all interfaces. Go
2910 * out and see if we can find an acceptable address somewhere
2911 * amongst all interfaces.
2912 */

--- 9 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2922 }
2923 if ((sctp_ifn == looked_at) && looked_at)
2924 /* already looked at this guy */
2925 continue;
2927 LIST_FOREACH(sctp_ifa, &sctp_ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2928 if ((sctp_ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0))
2929 continue;
2905 }
2907 /*
2908 * plan_d: We are in trouble. No prefered address on the emit
2909 * interface. And not even a perfered address on all interfaces. Go
2910 * out and see if we can find an acceptable address somewhere
2911 * amongst all interfaces.
2912 */

--- 9 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2922 }
2923 if ((sctp_ifn == looked_at) && looked_at)
2924 /* already looked at this guy */
2925 continue;
2927 LIST_FOREACH(sctp_ifa, &sctp_ifn->ifalist, next_ifa) {
2928 if ((sctp_ifa->localifa_flags & SCTP_ADDR_DEFER_USE) && (non_asoc_addr_ok == 0))
2929 continue;
2930 pass = sctp_is_ifa_addr_acceptable(sctp_ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2931 if (pass == NULL)
2930 sifa = sctp_is_ifa_addr_acceptable(sctp_ifa, dest_is_loop, dest_is_priv, fam);
2931 if (sifa == NULL)
2932 continue;
2933 if (stcb) {
2932 continue;
2933 if (stcb) {
2934 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) && sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, pass)) {
2934 if ((non_asoc_addr_ok == 0) && sctp_is_addr_restricted(stcb, sifa)) {
2935 /*
2936 * It is restricted for some
2937 * reason.. probably not yet added.
2938 */
2939 continue;
2940 }
2941 }
2935 /*
2936 * It is restricted for some
2937 * reason.. probably not yet added.
2938 */
2939 continue;
2940 }
2941 }
2942 atomic_add_int(&pass->refcount, 1);
2943 return (pass);
2942 atomic_add_int(&sifa->refcount, 1);
2943 return (sifa);
2944 }
2945 }
2946 /*
2947 * Ok we can find NO address to source from that is not on our
2948 * negative list and non_asoc_address is NOT ok, or its on our
2949 * negative list. We cant source to it :-(
2950 */
2951 return (NULL);
2956/* tcb may be NULL */
2957struct sctp_ifa *
2958sctp_source_address_selection(struct sctp_inpcb *inp,
2959 struct sctp_tcb *stcb,
2944 }
2945 }
2946 /*
2947 * Ok we can find NO address to source from that is not on our
2948 * negative list and non_asoc_address is NOT ok, or its on our
2949 * negative list. We cant source to it :-(
2950 */
2951 return (NULL);
2956/* tcb may be NULL */
2957struct sctp_ifa *
2958sctp_source_address_selection(struct sctp_inpcb *inp,
2959 struct sctp_tcb *stcb,
2960 struct route *ro,
2960 sctp_route_t * ro,
2961 struct sctp_nets *net,
2962 int non_asoc_addr_ok, uint32_t vrf_id)
2965 struct sockaddr_in *to = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ro->ro_dst;
2966 struct sockaddr_in6 *to6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&ro->ro_dst;
2967 struct sctp_ifa *answer;
2968 uint8_t dest_is_priv, dest_is_loop;

--- 424 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

3394 struct sctphdr *sctphdr;
3395 int packet_length;
3396 int o_flgs;
3397 uint32_t csum;
3398 int ret;
3399 unsigned int have_mtu;
3400 uint32_t vrf_id;
2961 struct sctp_nets *net,
2962 int non_asoc_addr_ok, uint32_t vrf_id)
2965 struct sockaddr_in *to = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ro->ro_dst;
2966 struct sockaddr_in6 *to6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&ro->ro_dst;
2967 struct sctp_ifa *answer;
2968 uint8_t dest_is_priv, dest_is_loop;

--- 424 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

3394 struct sctphdr *sctphdr;
3395 int packet_length;
3396 int o_flgs;
3397 uint32_t csum;
3398 int ret;
3399 unsigned int have_mtu;
3400 uint32_t vrf_id;
3401 struct route *ro;
3401 sctp_route_t *ro;
3404 if ((net) && (net->dest_state & SCTP_ADDR_OUT_OF_SCOPE)) {
3405 sctp_m_freem(m);
3406 return (EFAULT);
3407 }
3408 if (stcb == NULL) {
3404 if ((net) && (net->dest_state & SCTP_ADDR_OUT_OF_SCOPE)) {
3405 sctp_m_freem(m);
3406 return (EFAULT);
3407 }
3408 if (stcb == NULL) {
3409 vrf_id = SCTP_DEFAULT_VRFID;
3409 vrf_id = inp->def_vrf_id;
3410 } else {
3411 vrf_id = stcb->asoc.vrf_id;
3412 }
3414 /* fill in the HMAC digest for any AUTH chunk in the packet */
3415 if ((auth != NULL) && (stcb != NULL)) {
3416 sctp_fill_hmac_digest_m(m, auth_offset, auth, stcb);
3417 }

--- 13 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

3431 } else {
3432 sctphdr->checksum = 0;
3433 csum = sctp_calculate_sum(m, &packet_length, 0);
3434 sctphdr->checksum = csum;
3435 }
3437 if (to->sa_family == AF_INET) {
3438 struct ip *ip = NULL;
3410 } else {
3411 vrf_id = stcb->asoc.vrf_id;
3412 }
3414 /* fill in the HMAC digest for any AUTH chunk in the packet */
3415 if ((auth != NULL) && (stcb != NULL)) {
3416 sctp_fill_hmac_digest_m(m, auth_offset, auth, stcb);
3417 }

--- 13 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

3431 } else {
3432 sctphdr->checksum = 0;
3433 csum = sctp_calculate_sum(m, &packet_length, 0);
3434 sctphdr->checksum = csum;
3435 }
3437 if (to->sa_family == AF_INET) {
3438 struct ip *ip = NULL;
3439 struct route iproute;
3439 sctp_route_t iproute;
3440 uint8_t tos_value;
3442 o_pak = SCTP_GET_HEADER_FOR_OUTPUT(sizeof(struct ip));
3443 if (o_pak == NULL) {
3444 /* failed to prepend data, give up */
3445 sctp_m_freem(m);
3446 return (ENOMEM);
3447 }

--- 38 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

3486 }
3487 ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_SCTP;
3488 ip->ip_sum = 0;
3489 if (net == NULL) {
3490 ro = &iproute;
3491 memset(&iproute, 0, sizeof(iproute));
3492 memcpy(&ro->ro_dst, to, to->sa_len);
3493 } else {
3440 uint8_t tos_value;
3442 o_pak = SCTP_GET_HEADER_FOR_OUTPUT(sizeof(struct ip));
3443 if (o_pak == NULL) {
3444 /* failed to prepend data, give up */
3445 sctp_m_freem(m);
3446 return (ENOMEM);
3447 }

--- 38 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

3486 }
3487 ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_SCTP;
3488 ip->ip_sum = 0;
3489 if (net == NULL) {
3490 ro = &iproute;
3491 memset(&iproute, 0, sizeof(iproute));
3492 memcpy(&ro->ro_dst, to, to->sa_len);
3493 } else {
3494 ro = (struct route *)&net->ro;
3494 ro = (sctp_route_t *) & net->ro;
3495 }
3496 /* Now the address selection part */
3497 ip->ip_dst.s_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)to)->sin_addr.s_addr;
3499 /* call the routine to select the src address */
3500 if (net) {
3501 if (net->src_addr_selected == 0) {
3502 /* Cache the source address */

--- 186 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

3689 tmp = *sin6;
3690 sin6 = &tmp;
3692 /* KAME hack: embed scopeid */
3693 if (sa6_embedscope(sin6, ip6_use_defzone) != 0)
3694 return (EINVAL);
3695 if (net == NULL) {
3696 memset(&ip6route, 0, sizeof(ip6route));
3495 }
3496 /* Now the address selection part */
3497 ip->ip_dst.s_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)to)->sin_addr.s_addr;
3499 /* call the routine to select the src address */
3500 if (net) {
3501 if (net->src_addr_selected == 0) {
3502 /* Cache the source address */

--- 186 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

3689 tmp = *sin6;
3690 sin6 = &tmp;
3692 /* KAME hack: embed scopeid */
3693 if (sa6_embedscope(sin6, ip6_use_defzone) != 0)
3694 return (EINVAL);
3695 if (net == NULL) {
3696 memset(&ip6route, 0, sizeof(ip6route));
3697 ro = (struct route *)&ip6route;
3697 ro = (sctp_route_t *) & ip6route;
3698 memcpy(&ro->ro_dst, sin6, sin6->sin6_len);
3699 } else {
3698 memcpy(&ro->ro_dst, sin6, sin6->sin6_len);
3699 } else {
3700 ro = (struct route *)&net->ro;
3700 ro = (sctp_route_t *) & net->ro;
3701 }
3702 if (stcb != NULL) {
3703 if ((stcb->asoc.ecn_allowed) && ecn_ok) {
3704 /* Enable ECN */
3705 tosBottom = (((((struct in6pcb *)inp)->in6p_flowinfo & 0x0c) | sctp_get_ect(stcb, chk)) << 4);
3706 } else {
3707 /* No ECN */
3708 tosBottom = ((((struct in6pcb *)inp)->in6p_flowinfo & 0x0c) << 4);

--- 386 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4095 m_at = m;
4096 /* now the addresses */
4097 {
4098 struct sctp_scoping scp;
4100 /*
4101 * To optimize this we could put the scoping stuff into a
4102 * structure and remove the individual uint8's from the
3701 }
3702 if (stcb != NULL) {
3703 if ((stcb->asoc.ecn_allowed) && ecn_ok) {
3704 /* Enable ECN */
3705 tosBottom = (((((struct in6pcb *)inp)->in6p_flowinfo & 0x0c) | sctp_get_ect(stcb, chk)) << 4);
3706 } else {
3707 /* No ECN */
3708 tosBottom = ((((struct in6pcb *)inp)->in6p_flowinfo & 0x0c) << 4);

--- 386 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4095 m_at = m;
4096 /* now the addresses */
4097 {
4098 struct sctp_scoping scp;
4100 /*
4101 * To optimize this we could put the scoping stuff into a
4102 * structure and remove the individual uint8's from the
4103 * assoc structure. Then we could just pass in the address
4103 * assoc structure. Then we could just sifa in the address
4104 * within the stcb.. but for now this is a quick hack to get
4105 * the address stuff teased apart.
4106 */
4107 scp.ipv4_addr_legal = stcb->asoc.ipv4_addr_legal;
4108 scp.ipv6_addr_legal = stcb->asoc.ipv6_addr_legal;
4109 scp.loopback_scope = stcb->asoc.loopback_scope;
4110 scp.ipv4_local_scope = stcb->asoc.ipv4_local_scope;
4111 scp.local_scope = stcb->asoc.local_scope;

--- 7 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4119 p_len = 0;
4120 for (m_at = m; m_at; m_at = SCTP_BUF_NEXT(m_at)) {
4121 if (SCTP_BUF_NEXT(m_at) == NULL)
4122 m_last = m_at;
4123 p_len += SCTP_BUF_LEN(m_at);
4124 }
4125 initm-> = htons((p_len - sizeof(struct sctphdr)));
4126 /*
4104 * within the stcb.. but for now this is a quick hack to get
4105 * the address stuff teased apart.
4106 */
4107 scp.ipv4_addr_legal = stcb->asoc.ipv4_addr_legal;
4108 scp.ipv6_addr_legal = stcb->asoc.ipv6_addr_legal;
4109 scp.loopback_scope = stcb->asoc.loopback_scope;
4110 scp.ipv4_local_scope = stcb->asoc.ipv4_local_scope;
4111 scp.local_scope = stcb->asoc.local_scope;

--- 7 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4119 p_len = 0;
4120 for (m_at = m; m_at; m_at = SCTP_BUF_NEXT(m_at)) {
4121 if (SCTP_BUF_NEXT(m_at) == NULL)
4122 m_last = m_at;
4123 p_len += SCTP_BUF_LEN(m_at);
4124 }
4125 initm-> = htons((p_len - sizeof(struct sctphdr)));
4126 /*
4127 * We pass 0 here to NOT set IP_DF if its IPv4, we ignore the return
4127 * We sifa 0 here to NOT set IP_DF if its IPv4, we ignore the return
4128 * here since the timer will drive a retranmission.
4129 */
4131 /* I don't expect this to execute but we will be safe here */
4132 padval = p_len % 4;
4133 if ((padval) && (m_last)) {
4134 /*
4135 * The compiler worries that m_last may not be set even

--- 382 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4518 struct sctp_init_msg *initackm_out;
4519 struct sctp_ecn_supported_param *ecn;
4520 struct sctp_prsctp_supported_param *prsctp;
4521 struct sctp_ecn_nonce_supported_param *ecn_nonce;
4522 struct sctp_supported_chunk_types_param *pr_supported;
4523 struct sockaddr_storage store;
4524 struct sockaddr_in *sin;
4525 struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6;
4128 * here since the timer will drive a retranmission.
4129 */
4131 /* I don't expect this to execute but we will be safe here */
4132 padval = p_len % 4;
4133 if ((padval) && (m_last)) {
4134 /*
4135 * The compiler worries that m_last may not be set even

--- 382 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4518 struct sctp_init_msg *initackm_out;
4519 struct sctp_ecn_supported_param *ecn;
4520 struct sctp_prsctp_supported_param *prsctp;
4521 struct sctp_ecn_nonce_supported_param *ecn_nonce;
4522 struct sctp_supported_chunk_types_param *pr_supported;
4523 struct sockaddr_storage store;
4524 struct sockaddr_in *sin;
4525 struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6;
4526 struct route *ro;
4526 sctp_route_t *ro;
4527 struct ip *iph;
4528 struct ip6_hdr *ip6;
4529 struct sockaddr *to;
4530 struct sctp_state_cookie stc;
4531 struct sctp_nets *net = NULL;
4532 int cnt_inits_to = 0;
4533 uint16_t his_limit, i_want;
4534 int abort_flag, padval, sz_of;
4535 int num_ext;
4536 int p_len;
4537 uint32_t vrf_id;
4527 struct ip *iph;
4528 struct ip6_hdr *ip6;
4529 struct sockaddr *to;
4530 struct sctp_state_cookie stc;
4531 struct sctp_nets *net = NULL;
4532 int cnt_inits_to = 0;
4533 uint16_t his_limit, i_want;
4534 int abort_flag, padval, sz_of;
4535 int num_ext;
4536 int p_len;
4537 uint32_t vrf_id;
4539 vrf_id = SCTP_DEFAULT_VRFID;
4540 if (stcb) {
4541 asoc = &stcb->asoc;
4539 if (stcb) {
4540 asoc = &stcb->asoc;
4541 vrf_id = asoc->vrf_id;
4542 } else {
4542 } else {
4543 vrf_id = inp->def_vrf_id;
4543 asoc = NULL;
4544 }
4545 m_last = NULL;
4546 if ((asoc != NULL) &&
4548 (sctp_are_there_new_addresses(asoc, init_pkt, iphlen, offset))) {
4549 /* new addresses, out of here in non-cookie-wait states */
4550 /*

--- 75 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4626 memset((caddr_t)&store, 0, sizeof(store));
4627 sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&store;
4628 sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&store;
4629 if (net == NULL) {
4630 to = (struct sockaddr *)&store;
4631 iph = mtod(init_pkt, struct ip *);
4632 if (iph->ip_v == IPVERSION) {
4633 struct sctp_ifa *addr;
4544 asoc = NULL;
4545 }
4546 m_last = NULL;
4547 if ((asoc != NULL) &&
4549 (sctp_are_there_new_addresses(asoc, init_pkt, iphlen, offset))) {
4550 /* new addresses, out of here in non-cookie-wait states */
4551 /*

--- 75 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4627 memset((caddr_t)&store, 0, sizeof(store));
4628 sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&store;
4629 sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&store;
4630 if (net == NULL) {
4631 to = (struct sockaddr *)&store;
4632 iph = mtod(init_pkt, struct ip *);
4633 if (iph->ip_v == IPVERSION) {
4634 struct sctp_ifa *addr;
4634 struct route iproute;
4635 sctp_route_t iproute;
4636 sin->sin_family = AF_INET;
4637 sin->sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
4638 sin->sin_port = sh->src_port;
4639 sin->sin_addr = iph->ip_src;
4640 /* lookup address */
4641 stc.address[0] = sin->sin_addr.s_addr;
4642 stc.address[1] = 0;

--- 85 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4728 /*
4729 * If the new destination is SITE_LOCAL then
4730 * we must have site scope in common.
4731 */
4732 stc.site_scope = 1;
4733 }
4734 /* local from address */
4735 memset(&iproute6, 0, sizeof(iproute6));
4637 sin->sin_family = AF_INET;
4638 sin->sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
4639 sin->sin_port = sh->src_port;
4640 sin->sin_addr = iph->ip_src;
4641 /* lookup address */
4642 stc.address[0] = sin->sin_addr.s_addr;
4643 stc.address[1] = 0;

--- 85 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4729 /*
4730 * If the new destination is SITE_LOCAL then
4731 * we must have site scope in common.
4732 */
4733 stc.site_scope = 1;
4734 }
4735 /* local from address */
4736 memset(&iproute6, 0, sizeof(iproute6));
4736 ro = (struct route *)&iproute6;
4737 ro = (sctp_route_t *) & iproute6;
4737 memcpy(&ro->ro_dst, sin6, sizeof(*sin6));
4738 addr = sctp_source_address_selection(inp, NULL,
4739 ro, NULL, 0, vrf_id);
4740 if (addr == NULL)
4741 return;
4743 if (ro->ro_rt) {
4744 RTFREE(ro->ro_rt);

--- 32 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4777 stc.address[3] = 0;
4778 stc.addr_type = SCTP_IPV4_ADDRESS;
4779 if (net->src_addr_selected == 0) {
4780 /*
4781 * strange case here, the INIT should have
4782 * did the selection.
4783 */
4784 net->ro._s_addr = sctp_source_address_selection(inp,
4738 memcpy(&ro->ro_dst, sin6, sizeof(*sin6));
4739 addr = sctp_source_address_selection(inp, NULL,
4740 ro, NULL, 0, vrf_id);
4741 if (addr == NULL)
4742 return;
4744 if (ro->ro_rt) {
4745 RTFREE(ro->ro_rt);

--- 32 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4778 stc.address[3] = 0;
4779 stc.addr_type = SCTP_IPV4_ADDRESS;
4780 if (net->src_addr_selected == 0) {
4781 /*
4782 * strange case here, the INIT should have
4783 * did the selection.
4784 */
4785 net->ro._s_addr = sctp_source_address_selection(inp,
4785 stcb, (struct route *)&net->ro,
4786 stcb, (sctp_route_t *) & net->ro,
4786 net, 0, vrf_id);
4787 if (net->ro._s_addr == NULL)
4788 return;
4790 net->src_addr_selected = 1;
4792 }
4793 stc.laddress[0] = net->ro._s_addr->address.sin.sin_addr.s_addr;

--- 7 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4801 sizeof(struct in6_addr));
4802 stc.addr_type = SCTP_IPV6_ADDRESS;
4803 if (net->src_addr_selected == 0) {
4804 /*
4805 * strange case here, the INIT should have
4806 * did the selection.
4807 */
4808 net->ro._s_addr = sctp_source_address_selection(inp,
4787 net, 0, vrf_id);
4788 if (net->ro._s_addr == NULL)
4789 return;
4791 net->src_addr_selected = 1;
4793 }
4794 stc.laddress[0] = net->ro._s_addr->address.sin.sin_addr.s_addr;

--- 7 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4802 sizeof(struct in6_addr));
4803 stc.addr_type = SCTP_IPV6_ADDRESS;
4804 if (net->src_addr_selected == 0) {
4805 /*
4806 * strange case here, the INIT should have
4807 * did the selection.
4808 */
4809 net->ro._s_addr = sctp_source_address_selection(inp,
4809 stcb, (struct route *)&net->ro,
4810 stcb, (sctp_route_t *) & net->ro,
4810 net, 0, vrf_id);
4811 if (net->ro._s_addr == NULL)
4812 return;
4814 net->src_addr_selected = 1;
4815 }
4816 memcpy(&stc.laddress, &net->ro._s_addr->address.sin6.sin6_addr,
4817 sizeof(struct in6_addr));

--- 176 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4994 m_at = m;
4995 /* now the addresses */
4996 {
4997 struct sctp_scoping scp;
4999 /*
5000 * To optimize this we could put the scoping stuff into a
5001 * structure and remove the individual uint8's from the stc
4811 net, 0, vrf_id);
4812 if (net->ro._s_addr == NULL)
4813 return;
4815 net->src_addr_selected = 1;
4816 }
4817 memcpy(&stc.laddress, &net->ro._s_addr->address.sin6.sin6_addr,
4818 sizeof(struct in6_addr));

--- 176 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

4995 m_at = m;
4996 /* now the addresses */
4997 {
4998 struct sctp_scoping scp;
5000 /*
5001 * To optimize this we could put the scoping stuff into a
5002 * structure and remove the individual uint8's from the stc
5002 * structure. Then we could just pass in the address within
5003 * structure. Then we could just sifa in the address within
5003 * the stc.. but for now this is a quick hack to get the
5004 * address stuff teased apart.
5005 */
5006 scp.ipv4_addr_legal = stc.ipv4_addr_legal;
5007 scp.ipv6_addr_legal = stc.ipv6_addr_legal;
5008 scp.loopback_scope = stc.loopback_scope;
5009 scp.ipv4_local_scope = stc.ipv4_scope;
5010 scp.local_scope = stc.local_scope;

--- 77 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

5088 if (SCTP_BUF_NEXT(m_tmp) == NULL) {
5089 /* m_tmp should now point to last one */
5090 m_last = m_tmp;
5091 break;
5092 }
5093 }
5095 /*
5004 * the stc.. but for now this is a quick hack to get the
5005 * address stuff teased apart.
5006 */
5007 scp.ipv4_addr_legal = stc.ipv4_addr_legal;
5008 scp.ipv6_addr_legal = stc.ipv6_addr_legal;
5009 scp.loopback_scope = stc.loopback_scope;
5010 scp.ipv4_local_scope = stc.ipv4_scope;
5011 scp.local_scope = stc.local_scope;

--- 77 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

5089 if (SCTP_BUF_NEXT(m_tmp) == NULL) {
5090 /* m_tmp should now point to last one */
5091 m_last = m_tmp;
5092 break;
5093 }
5094 }
5096 /*
5096 * We pass 0 here to NOT set IP_DF if its IPv4, we ignore the return
5097 * We sifa 0 here to NOT set IP_DF if its IPv4, we ignore the return
5097 * here since the timer will drive a retranmission.
5098 */
5099 padval = p_len % 4;
5100 if ((padval) && (m_last)) {
5101 /* see my previous comments on m_last */
5102 int ret;
5104 ret = sctp_add_pad_tombuf(m_last, (4 - padval));

--- 310 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

5415 sp->msg_is_complete = 1;
5416 sp->some_taken = 0;
5417 sp->data = m;
5418 sp->tail_mbuf = NULL;
5419 sp->length = 0;
5420 at = m;
5421 sctp_set_prsctp_policy(stcb, sp);
5422 /*
5098 * here since the timer will drive a retranmission.
5099 */
5100 padval = p_len % 4;
5101 if ((padval) && (m_last)) {
5102 /* see my previous comments on m_last */
5103 int ret;
5105 ret = sctp_add_pad_tombuf(m_last, (4 - padval));

--- 310 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

5416 sp->msg_is_complete = 1;
5417 sp->some_taken = 0;
5418 sp->data = m;
5419 sp->tail_mbuf = NULL;
5420 sp->length = 0;
5421 at = m;
5422 sctp_set_prsctp_policy(stcb, sp);
5423 /*
5423 * We could in theory (for sendall) pass the length in, but we would
5424 * We could in theory (for sendall) sifa the length in, but we would
5424 * still have to hunt through the chain since we need to setup the
5425 * tail_mbuf
5426 */
5427 while (at) {
5428 if (SCTP_BUF_NEXT(at) == NULL)
5429 sp->tail_mbuf = at;
5430 sp->length += SCTP_BUF_LEN(at);
5431 at = SCTP_BUF_NEXT(at);

--- 3832 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

9265 /* add checksum */
9266 if ((sctp_no_csum_on_loopback) && SCTP_IS_IT_LOOPBACK(o_pak)) {
9267 comp_cp->sh.checksum = 0;
9268 } else {
9269 comp_cp->sh.checksum = sctp_calculate_sum(mout, NULL, offset_out);
9270 }
9271 if (iph_out != NULL) {
5425 * still have to hunt through the chain since we need to setup the
5426 * tail_mbuf
5427 */
5428 while (at) {
5429 if (SCTP_BUF_NEXT(at) == NULL)
5430 sp->tail_mbuf = at;
5431 sp->length += SCTP_BUF_LEN(at);
5432 at = SCTP_BUF_NEXT(at);

--- 3832 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

9266 /* add checksum */
9267 if ((sctp_no_csum_on_loopback) && SCTP_IS_IT_LOOPBACK(o_pak)) {
9268 comp_cp->sh.checksum = 0;
9269 } else {
9270 comp_cp->sh.checksum = sctp_calculate_sum(mout, NULL, offset_out);
9271 }
9272 if (iph_out != NULL) {
9272 struct route ro;
9273 sctp_route_t ro;
9274 bzero(&ro, sizeof ro);
9275 /* set IPv4 length */
9276 iph_out->ip_len = SCTP_HEADER_LEN(o_pak);
9277 /* out it goes */
9278 ip_output(o_pak, 0, &ro, IP_RAWOUTPUT, NULL
9279 ,NULL
9280 );

--- 835 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

10117 /* add checksum */
10118 if ((sctp_no_csum_on_loopback) && SCTP_IS_IT_LOOPBACK(m)) {
10119 abm->sh.checksum = 0;
10120 } else {
10121 abm->sh.checksum = sctp_calculate_sum(mout, NULL, iphlen_out);
10122 }
10123 if (iph_out != NULL) {
9275 bzero(&ro, sizeof ro);
9276 /* set IPv4 length */
9277 iph_out->ip_len = SCTP_HEADER_LEN(o_pak);
9278 /* out it goes */
9279 ip_output(o_pak, 0, &ro, IP_RAWOUTPUT, NULL
9280 ,NULL
9281 );

--- 835 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

10118 /* add checksum */
10119 if ((sctp_no_csum_on_loopback) && SCTP_IS_IT_LOOPBACK(m)) {
10120 abm->sh.checksum = 0;
10121 } else {
10122 abm->sh.checksum = sctp_calculate_sum(mout, NULL, iphlen_out);
10123 }
10124 if (iph_out != NULL) {
10124 struct route ro;
10125 sctp_route_t ro;
10126 /* zap the stack pointer to the route */
10127 bzero(&ro, sizeof ro);
10128#ifdef SCTP_DEBUG
10129 if (sctp_debug_on & SCTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT2) {
10130 printf("sctp_send_abort calling ip_output:\n");
10131 sctp_print_address_pkt(iph_out, &abm->sh);
10132 }

--- 88 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

10221 val = 0;
10222 } else {
10223 val = sctp_calculate_sum(scm, NULL, 0);
10224 }
10225 ohdr->checksum = val;
10226 if (iph->ip_v == IPVERSION) {
10227 /* V4 */
10228 struct ip *out;
10127 /* zap the stack pointer to the route */
10128 bzero(&ro, sizeof ro);
10129#ifdef SCTP_DEBUG
10130 if (sctp_debug_on & SCTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT2) {
10131 printf("sctp_send_abort calling ip_output:\n");
10132 sctp_print_address_pkt(iph_out, &abm->sh);
10133 }

--- 88 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

10222 val = 0;
10223 } else {
10224 val = sctp_calculate_sum(scm, NULL, 0);
10225 }
10226 ohdr->checksum = val;
10227 if (iph->ip_v == IPVERSION) {
10228 /* V4 */
10229 struct ip *out;
10229 struct route ro;
10230 sctp_route_t ro;
10231 o_pak = SCTP_GET_HEADER_FOR_OUTPUT(sizeof(struct ip));
10232 if (o_pak == NULL) {
10233 sctp_m_freem(scm);
10234 return;
10235 }
10236 SCTP_BUF_LEN(SCTP_HEADER_TO_CHAIN(o_pak)) = sizeof(struct ip);
10237 len += sizeof(struct ip);

--- 295 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

10533 if (control) {
10534 /* process cmsg snd/rcv info (maybe a assoc-id) */
10535 if (sctp_find_cmsg(SCTP_SNDRCV, (void *)&srcv, control,
10536 sizeof(srcv))) {
10537 /* got one */
10538 use_rcvinfo = 1;
10539 }
10540 }
10232 o_pak = SCTP_GET_HEADER_FOR_OUTPUT(sizeof(struct ip));
10233 if (o_pak == NULL) {
10234 sctp_m_freem(scm);
10235 return;
10236 }
10237 SCTP_BUF_LEN(SCTP_HEADER_TO_CHAIN(o_pak)) = sizeof(struct ip);
10238 len += sizeof(struct ip);

--- 295 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

10534 if (control) {
10535 /* process cmsg snd/rcv info (maybe a assoc-id) */
10536 if (sctp_find_cmsg(SCTP_SNDRCV, (void *)&srcv, control,
10537 sizeof(srcv))) {
10538 /* got one */
10539 use_rcvinfo = 1;
10540 }
10541 }
10541 error = sctp_lower_sosend(so, addr, uio, top, control, flags,
10542 use_rcvinfo, &srcv, p);
10542 error = sctp_lower_sosend(so, addr, uio, top,
10543 control,
10544 flags,
10545 use_rcvinfo, &srcv
10546 ,p
10547 );
10543 return (error);
10548sctp_lower_sosend(struct socket *so,
10549 struct sockaddr *addr,
10550 struct uio *uio,

--- 155 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

10706 } else if (addr == NULL) {
10707 error = ENOENT;
10708 goto out_unlocked;
10709 } else {
10710 /*
10711 * UDP style, we must go ahead and start the INIT
10712 * process
10713 */
10548 return (error);
10553sctp_lower_sosend(struct socket *so,
10554 struct sockaddr *addr,
10555 struct uio *uio,

--- 155 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

10711 } else if (addr == NULL) {
10712 error = ENOENT;
10713 goto out_unlocked;
10714 } else {
10715 /*
10716 * UDP style, we must go ahead and start the INIT
10717 * process
10718 */
10714 uint32_t vrf;
10719 uint32_t vrf_id;
10716 if ((use_rcvinfo) && (srcv) &&
10717 ((srcv->sinfo_flags & SCTP_ABORT) ||
10718 ((srcv->sinfo_flags & SCTP_EOF) &&
10719 (uio->uio_resid == 0)))) {
10720 /*-
10721 * User asks to abort a non-existant assoc,
10722 * or EOF a non-existant assoc with no data
10723 */
10724 error = ENOENT;
10725 goto out_unlocked;
10726 }
10727 /* get an asoc/stcb struct */
10721 if ((use_rcvinfo) && (srcv) &&
10722 ((srcv->sinfo_flags & SCTP_ABORT) ||
10723 ((srcv->sinfo_flags & SCTP_EOF) &&
10724 (uio->uio_resid == 0)))) {
10725 /*-
10726 * User asks to abort a non-existant assoc,
10727 * or EOF a non-existant assoc with no data
10728 */
10729 error = ENOENT;
10730 goto out_unlocked;
10731 }
10732 /* get an asoc/stcb struct */
10729 stcb = sctp_aloc_assoc(inp, addr, 1, &error, 0, vrf);
10734 vrf_id = inp->def_vrf_id;
10735 stcb = sctp_aloc_assoc(inp, addr, 1, &error, 0, vrf_id);
10730 if (stcb == NULL) {
10731 /* Error is setup for us in the call */
10732 goto out_unlocked;
10733 }
10734 if (create_lock_applied) {
10736 create_lock_applied = 0;
10737 } else {

--- 978 unchanged lines hidden ---
10736 if (stcb == NULL) {
10737 /* Error is setup for us in the call */
10738 goto out_unlocked;
10739 }
10740 if (create_lock_applied) {
10742 create_lock_applied = 0;
10743 } else {

--- 978 unchanged lines hidden ---