Deleted Added
full compact
profile.h (66458) profile.h (66633)
1/* $FreeBSD: head/sys/ia64/include/profile.h 66458 2000-09-29 13:46:07Z dfr $ */
1/* $FreeBSD: head/sys/ia64/include/profile.h 66633 2000-10-04 17:53:03Z dfr $ */
2/* From: NetBSD: profile.h,v 1.9 1997/04/06 08:47:37 cgd Exp */
5 * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University.
6 * All rights reserved.
7 *
8 * Author: Chris G. Demetriou
9 *

--- 121 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

131 lda sp, FRAME_SIZE(sp)
132 ret zero, (at_reg), 1
134 END(_mcount)
135#endif /* 0 */
137#define MCOUNT __asm (" \
138 .globl _mcount; \
2/* From: NetBSD: profile.h,v 1.9 1997/04/06 08:47:37 cgd Exp */
5 * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University.
6 * All rights reserved.
7 *
8 * Author: Chris G. Demetriou
9 *

--- 121 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

131 lda sp, FRAME_SIZE(sp)
132 ret zero, (at_reg), 1
134 END(_mcount)
135#endif /* 0 */
137#define MCOUNT __asm (" \
138 .globl _mcount; \
139 .ent _mcount 0; \
139 .proc _mcount; \
140_mcount:; \
140_mcount:; \
141 .frame $30,0,$26; \
142 .set noat; \
143 .set noreorder; \
144 \
141 \
145 lda $30, -192($30); \
146 \
147 stq $28, 0($30); \
148 stq $0, 8($30); \
149 stq $1, 16($30); \
150 stq $2, 24($30); \
151 stq $3, 32($30); \
152 stq $4, 40($30); \
153 stq $5, 48($30); \
154 stq $6, 56($30); \
155 stq $7, 64($30); \
156 stq $8, 72($30); \
157 stq $15, 80($30); \
158 stq $16, 88($30); \
159 stq $17, 96($30); \
160 stq $18, 104($30); \
161 stq $19, 112($30); \
162 stq $20, 120($30); \
163 stq $21, 128($30); \
164 stq $22, 136($30); \
165 stq $23, 144($30); \
166 stq $24, 152($30); \
167 stq $25, 160($30); \
168 stq $26, 168($30); \
169 stq $27, 176($30); \
170 stq $29, 184($30); \
171 \
172 br $27, LX98; \
173LX98: ldgp $29,0($27); \
174 mov $26, $16; \
175 mov $28, $17; \
176 jsr $26,mcount; \
177 ldgp $29,0($26); \
178 \
179 ldq $0, 8($30); \
180 ldq $1, 16($30); \
181 ldq $2, 24($30); \
182 ldq $3, 32($30); \
183 ldq $4, 40($30); \
184 ldq $5, 48($30); \
185 ldq $6, 56($30); \
186 ldq $7, 64($30); \
187 ldq $8, 72($30); \
188 ldq $15, 80($30); \
189 ldq $16, 88($30); \
190 ldq $17, 96($30); \
191 ldq $18, 104($30); \
192 ldq $19, 112($30); \
193 ldq $20, 120($30); \
194 ldq $21, 128($30); \
195 ldq $22, 136($30); \
196 ldq $23, 144($30); \
197 ldq $24, 152($30); \
198 ldq $25, 160($30); \
199 ldq $26, 168($30); \
200 ldq $27, 176($30); \
201 ldq $29, 184($30); \
202 \
203 ldq $28, 0($30); \
204 \
205 lda $30, 192($30); \
206 ret $31, ($28), 1; \
207 \
208 .end _mcount");
210#ifdef _KERNEL
212 * The following two macros do splhigh and splx respectively.
213 * _alpha_pal_swpipl is a special version of alpha_pal_swpipl which
214 * doesn't include profiling support.
215 *

--- 22 unchanged lines hidden ---
142 .end _mcount");
144#ifdef _KERNEL
146 * The following two macros do splhigh and splx respectively.
147 * _alpha_pal_swpipl is a special version of alpha_pal_swpipl which
148 * doesn't include profiling support.
149 *

--- 22 unchanged lines hidden ---