Deleted Added
full compact
files (104964) files (105062)
1# $FreeBSD: head/sys/conf/files 104964 2002-10-12 05:32:24Z jeff $
1# $FreeBSD: head/sys/conf/files 105062 2002-10-13 18:44:26Z cognet $
3# The long compile-with and dependency lines are required because of
4# limitations in config: backslash-newline doesn't work in strings, and
5# dependency lines other than the first are silently ignored.
7aicasm optional ahc \
8 dependency "$S/dev/aic7xxx/aicasm/*.[chyl]" \
9 compile-with "${MAKE} -f $S/dev/aic7xxx/aicasm/Makefile MAKESRCPATH=$S/dev/aic7xxx/aicasm" \

--- 637 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

647dev/syscons/fire/fire_saver.c optional fire_saver
648dev/syscons/green/green_saver.c optional green_saver
649dev/syscons/logo/logo_saver.c optional logo_saver
650dev/syscons/logo/logo.c optional logo_saver
651dev/syscons/rain/rain_saver.c optional rain_saver
652dev/syscons/star/star_saver.c optional star_saver
653dev/syscons/warp/warp_saver.c optional warp_saver
654dev/tdfx/tdfx_pci.c optional tdfx pci
3# The long compile-with and dependency lines are required because of
4# limitations in config: backslash-newline doesn't work in strings, and
5# dependency lines other than the first are silently ignored.
7aicasm optional ahc \
8 dependency "$S/dev/aic7xxx/aicasm/*.[chyl]" \
9 compile-with "${MAKE} -f $S/dev/aic7xxx/aicasm/Makefile MAKESRCPATH=$S/dev/aic7xxx/aicasm" \

--- 637 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

647dev/syscons/fire/fire_saver.c optional fire_saver
648dev/syscons/green/green_saver.c optional green_saver
649dev/syscons/logo/logo_saver.c optional logo_saver
650dev/syscons/logo/logo.c optional logo_saver
651dev/syscons/rain/rain_saver.c optional rain_saver
652dev/syscons/star/star_saver.c optional star_saver
653dev/syscons/warp/warp_saver.c optional warp_saver
654dev/tdfx/tdfx_pci.c optional tdfx pci
655dev/trm/trm.c optional trm
655dev/twe/twe.c optional twe
656dev/twe/twe_freebsd.c optional twe
657dev/tx/if_tx.c optional tx
658dev/txp/if_txp.c optional txp
659dev/ubsec/ubsec.c optional ubsec
661# USB support
662dev/usb/usb_if.m optional usb

--- 796 unchanged lines hidden ---
656dev/twe/twe.c optional twe
657dev/twe/twe_freebsd.c optional twe
658dev/tx/if_tx.c optional tx
659dev/txp/if_txp.c optional txp
660dev/ubsec/ubsec.c optional ubsec
662# USB support
663dev/usb/usb_if.m optional usb

--- 796 unchanged lines hidden ---