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README (44842) README (44912)
1 README file, for the boot config file setup. This is meant
2 to explain how to manage the loader configuration process.
3 The boot and loading process is either defined, or being
4 defined in boot(8) and loader(8).
6 The ongoing development of the FreeBSD bootloader, and its
7 rapid deployment while still in the development phase, has
8 resulted in a large number of installations with outdated

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70 boot about it, but it's a warning only, no other effects.
71 See the section on loader.conf syntax at the end of this
72 document, for some more pointers on loader.conf syntax.
74 The best way to manage splash screens is with entries in
75 /boot/loader.conf, and this is very clearly illustrated in
76 /boot/defaults/loader.conf (which you could just copy over
77 to /boot/loader.conf). I'm going to illustrate here how you
1 README file, for the boot config file setup. This is meant
2 to explain how to manage the loader configuration process.
3 The boot and loading process is either defined, or being
4 defined in boot(8) and loader(8).
6 The ongoing development of the FreeBSD bootloader, and its
7 rapid deployment while still in the development phase, has
8 resulted in a large number of installations with outdated

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70 boot about it, but it's a warning only, no other effects.
71 See the section on loader.conf syntax at the end of this
72 document, for some more pointers on loader.conf syntax.
74 The best way to manage splash screens is with entries in
75 /boot/loader.conf, and this is very clearly illustrated in
76 /boot/defaults/loader.conf (which you could just copy over
77 to /boot/loader.conf). I'm going to illustrate here how you
78 *could* do it in /boot/loader.conf (for information only)
78 *could* do it in /boot/loader.rc (for information only)
79 but I don't recommend you do this; use the
80 /boot/defaults/loader.conf syntax, it's easier to get it
81 correct.
83 You can load your splash screen by putting the following
79 but I don't recommend you do this; use the
80 /boot/defaults/loader.conf syntax, it's easier to get it
81 correct.
83 You can load your splash screen by putting the following
84 lines into /boot/loader.conf:
84 lines into /boot/loader.rc:
86 load splash_bmp
87 load -t splash_image_data /path/to/file.bmp
89 The top line causes the splash_bmp module to get loaded.
90 The second line has the parameter "-t" which tells the
91 loader that the class of DATA being loaded is not a module,
92 but instead a splash_image_data located in file

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143 unload
144 load kernel.old
145 [any other modules you wish to load]
146 boot
148 o If you use loader.conf, you can do:
150 unload
86 load splash_bmp
87 load -t splash_image_data /path/to/file.bmp
89 The top line causes the splash_bmp module to get loaded.
90 The second line has the parameter "-t" which tells the
91 loader that the class of DATA being loaded is not a module,
92 but instead a splash_image_data located in file

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143 unload
144 load kernel.old
145 [any other modules you wish to load]
146 boot
148 o If you use loader.conf, you can do:
150 unload
151 set kernel_name=kernel.old
151 set kernel=kernel.old
152 boot-conf
154 this will then load all the modules you have
155 configured, using kernel.old as kernel, and boot.
157 o From loader, you can use the command "more" to read the
158 contents of /boot/loader.rc, if you wish. This is not
159 FreeBSD's more. It is one of loader's builtin commands.

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152 boot-conf
154 this will then load all the modules you have
155 configured, using kernel.old as kernel, and boot.
157 o From loader, you can use the command "more" to read the
158 contents of /boot/loader.rc, if you wish. This is not
159 FreeBSD's more. It is one of loader's builtin commands.

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