Deleted Added
full compact
mdX.3 (24008) mdX.3 (28688)
2.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.\" "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
4.\" <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
5.\" can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
6.\" this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Poul-Henning Kamp
7.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.\" "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
4.\" <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
5.\" can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
6.\" this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Poul-Henning Kamp
7.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9.\" $Id: mdX.3,v 1.9 1997/02/22 15:07:22 peter Exp $
9.\" $Id: mdX.3,v 1.10 1997/03/19 00:52:58 bde Exp $
11.Dd October 9, 1996
12.Dt MDX 3
13.Os FreeBSD 2
14.Sh NAME
15.Nm MDXInit ,
16.Nm MDXUpdate ,
17.Nm MDXFinal ,

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26.Fn MDXInit "MDX_CTX *context"
27.Ft void
28.Fn MDXUpdate "MDX_CTX *context" "const unsigned char *data" "unsigned int len"
29.Ft void
30.Fn MDXFinal "unsigned char digest[16]" "MDX_CTX *context"
31.Ft "char *"
32.Fn MDXEnd "MDX_CTX *context" "char *buf"
33.Ft "char *"
11.Dd October 9, 1996
12.Dt MDX 3
13.Os FreeBSD 2
14.Sh NAME
15.Nm MDXInit ,
16.Nm MDXUpdate ,
17.Nm MDXFinal ,

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26.Fn MDXInit "MDX_CTX *context"
27.Ft void
28.Fn MDXUpdate "MDX_CTX *context" "const unsigned char *data" "unsigned int len"
29.Ft void
30.Fn MDXFinal "unsigned char digest[16]" "MDX_CTX *context"
31.Ft "char *"
32.Fn MDXEnd "MDX_CTX *context" "char *buf"
33.Ft "char *"
34.Fn MDXFile "char *filename" "char *buf"
34.Fn MDXFile "const char *filename" "char *buf"
35.Ft "char *"
36.Fn MDXData "const unsigned char *data" "unsigned int len" "char *buf"
38The MDX functions calculate a 128-bit cryptographic checksum (digest)
39for any number of input bytes. A cryptographic checksum is a one-way
40hash-function, that is, you cannot find (except by exhaustive search)
41the input corresponding to a particular output. This net result is
42a ``fingerprint'' of the input-data, which doesn't disclose the actual

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35.Ft "char *"
36.Fn MDXData "const unsigned char *data" "unsigned int len" "char *buf"
38The MDX functions calculate a 128-bit cryptographic checksum (digest)
39for any number of input bytes. A cryptographic checksum is a one-way
40hash-function, that is, you cannot find (except by exhaustive search)
41the input corresponding to a particular output. This net result is
42a ``fingerprint'' of the input-data, which doesn't disclose the actual

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