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sched_setscheduler.2 (62022) sched_setscheduler.2 (68854)
1.\" $FreeBSD: head/lib/libc/sys/sched_setscheduler.2 62022 2000-06-23 20:35:45Z chris $
1.\" $FreeBSD: head/lib/libc/sys/sched_setscheduler.2 68854 2000-11-17 11:44:16Z ru $
2.\" Copyright (c) 1998 HD Associates, Inc.
3.\" All rights reserved.
5.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7.\" are met:
8.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
9.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

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124.Fa pid
125is zero, the scheduling parameters for the calling process will be
126returned. In this implementation, the
127.Fa sched_getscheduler
128function will fail if
129.Fa pid
130is negative.
2.\" Copyright (c) 1998 HD Associates, Inc.
3.\" All rights reserved.
5.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7.\" are met:
8.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
9.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

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124.Fa pid
125is zero, the scheduling parameters for the calling process will be
126returned. In this implementation, the
127.Fa sched_getscheduler
128function will fail if
129.Fa pid
130is negative.
132The function will return zero if it completes successfully, or it
133will return a value of -1 and set
134.Va errno
135to indicate the error.
137On failure
138.Va errno
139will be set to the corresponding value:

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132The function will return zero if it completes successfully, or it
133will return a value of -1 and set
134.Va errno
135to indicate the error.
137On failure
138.Va errno
139will be set to the corresponding value:

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