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POSIX (168386) POSIX (168389)
1# @(#)POSIX 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93
1# @(#)POSIX 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93
2# $FreeBSD: head/usr.bin/sed/POSIX 168386 2007-04-05 13:31:17Z yar $
2# $FreeBSD: head/usr.bin/sed/POSIX 168389 2007-04-05 17:12:01Z yar $
4Comments on the IEEE P1003.2 Draft 12
5 Part 2: Shell and Utilities
6 Section 4.55: sed - Stream editor
8Diomidis Spinellis <>
9Keith Bostic <>

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119 text
121 Historic implementations did not output the text in the above
122 example. Therefore it was believed that a range whose second
123 address was never matched extended to the end of the input.
124 However, the current practice adopted by this implementation,
125 as well as by those from GNU and SUN, is as follows: The text
126 from the 'c' command still isn't output because the second address
4Comments on the IEEE P1003.2 Draft 12
5 Part 2: Shell and Utilities
6 Section 4.55: sed - Stream editor
8Diomidis Spinellis <>
9Keith Bostic <>

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119 text
121 Historic implementations did not output the text in the above
122 example. Therefore it was believed that a range whose second
123 address was never matched extended to the end of the input.
124 However, the current practice adopted by this implementation,
125 as well as by those from GNU and SUN, is as follows: The text
126 from the 'c' command still isn't output because the second address
127 isn't actually matched; but the range is reset after all. In the
128 above example, only the first line of the input will be deleted.
127 isn't actually matched; but the range is reset after all if its
128 second address is a line number. In the above example, only the
129 first line of the input will be deleted.
13013. Historical implementations allow an output suppressing #n at the
131 beginning of -e arguments as well as in a script file. POSIX
132 does not specify this. This implementation follows historical
133 practice.
13514. POSIX does not explicitly specify how sed behaves if no script is
136 specified. Since the sed Synopsis permits this form of the command,

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13113. Historical implementations allow an output suppressing #n at the
132 beginning of -e arguments as well as in a script file. POSIX
133 does not specify this. This implementation follows historical
134 practice.
13614. POSIX does not explicitly specify how sed behaves if no script is
137 specified. Since the sed Synopsis permits this form of the command,

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