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usbdevs2h.awk (53383) usbdevs2h.awk (93569)
1#! /usr/bin/awk -f
1#! /usr/bin/awk -f
2# $NetBSD: devlist2h.awk,v 1.6 1999/08/17 16:06:20 augustss Exp $
3# $FreeBSD: head/sys/tools/usbdevs2h.awk 53383 1999-11-18 18:02:44Z n_hibma $
2# $NetBSD: usb/devlist2h.awk,v 1.9 2001/01/18 20:28:22 jdolecek Exp $
3# $FreeBSD: head/sys/tools/usbdevs2h.awk 93569 2002-04-01 19:22:04Z joe $
5# Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Christopher G. Demetriou
6# All rights reserved.
8# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
10# are met:
11# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright

--- 158 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

170 if (blanklines < 2)
171 print $0 > dfile
173END {
174 # print out the match tables
176 printf("\n") > dfile
5# Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Christopher G. Demetriou
6# All rights reserved.
8# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
10# are met:
11# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright

--- 158 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

170 if (blanklines < 2)
171 print $0 > dfile
173END {
174 # print out the match tables
176 printf("\n") > dfile
178 printf("struct usb_knowndev usb_knowndevs[] = {\n") > dfile
178 printf("const struct usb_knowndev usb_knowndevs[] = {\n") > dfile
179 for (i = 1; i <= nproducts; i++) {
180 printf("\t{\n") > dfile
181 printf("\t USB_VENDOR_%s, USB_PRODUCT_%s_%s,\n",
182 products[i, 1], products[i, 1], products[i, 2]) \
183 > dfile
184 printf("\t ") > dfile
185 printf("0") > dfile
186 printf(",\n") > dfile

--- 50 unchanged lines hidden ---
179 for (i = 1; i <= nproducts; i++) {
180 printf("\t{\n") > dfile
181 printf("\t USB_VENDOR_%s, USB_PRODUCT_%s_%s,\n",
182 products[i, 1], products[i, 1], products[i, 2]) \
183 > dfile
184 printf("\t ") > dfile
185 printf("0") > dfile
186 printf(",\n") > dfile

--- 50 unchanged lines hidden ---