Deleted Added
full compact
files.sentry5 (180332) files.sentry5 (202036)
1# $FreeBSD: head/sys/mips/sentry5/files.sentry5 180332 2008-07-06 21:09:29Z imp $
1# $FreeBSD: head/sys/mips/sentry5/files.sentry5 202036 2010-01-10 20:09:30Z imp $
3# TODO: Add attachment elsehwere in the tree
4# for USB 1.1 OHCI, Ethernet and IPSEC cores
5# which are believed to be devices we have drivers for
6# which just need to be tweaked for attachment to an SSB system bus.
3# TODO: Add attachment elsehwere in the tree
4# for USB 1.1 OHCI, Ethernet and IPSEC cores
5# which are believed to be devices we have drivers for
6# which just need to be tweaked for attachment to an SSB system bus.
8mips/sentry5/s5_machdep.c standard
7mips/sentry5/s5_machdep.c standard
9dev/siba/siba.c optional siba
10dev/siba/siba_pcib.c optional siba pci
11mips/sentry5/siba_cc.c optional siba
13# notyet
14#mips/sentry5/siba_mips.c optional siba
8mips/mips/intr_machdep.c standard
9mips/mips/tick.c standard