Deleted Added
full compact
db_sym.h (264210) db_sym.h (273265)
2 * Mach Operating System
3 * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
4 * All Rights Reserved.
5 *
6 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
7 * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
8 * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the

--- 9 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

18 * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
19 * School of Computer Science
20 * Carnegie Mellon University
21 * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
22 *
23 * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
24 * rights to redistribute these changes.
25 *
2 * Mach Operating System
3 * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
4 * All Rights Reserved.
5 *
6 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
7 * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
8 * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the

--- 9 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

18 * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
19 * School of Computer Science
20 * Carnegie Mellon University
21 * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
22 *
23 * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
24 * rights to redistribute these changes.
25 *
26 * $FreeBSD: stable/10/sys/ddb/db_sym.h 264210 2014-04-07 01:49:30Z pfg $
26 * $FreeBSD: stable/10/sys/ddb/db_sym.h 273265 2014-10-18 19:22:59Z pfg $
27 */
29#ifndef _DDB_DB_SYM_H_
30#define _DDB_DB_SYM_H_
27 */
29#ifndef _DDB_DB_SYM_H_
30#define _DDB_DB_SYM_H_
33 * Author: Alessandro Forin, Carnegie Mellon University
33 * Author: Alessandro Forin, Carnegie Mellon University
34 * Date: 8/90
35 */
38 * This module can handle multiple symbol tables
39 */
40typedef struct {
41 char *name; /* symtab name */

--- 65 unchanged lines hidden ---
34 * Date: 8/90
35 */
38 * This module can handle multiple symbol tables
39 */
40typedef struct {
41 char *name; /* symtab name */

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