Deleted Added
full compact
files.pc98 (18265) files.pc98 (19122)
1# This file tells config what files go into building a kernel,
2# files marked standard are always included.
4# modified for PC-9801
1# This file tells config what files go into building a kernel,
2# files marked standard are always included.
4# modified for PC-9801
6# $Id: files.i386,v 1.140 1996/09/11 19:53:30 phk Exp $
6# $Id: files.pc98,v 1.7 1996/09/12 11:09:18 asami Exp $
8aic7xxx_asm optional ahc device-driver \
9 dependency "$S/dev/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_asm.c" \
10 compile-with "${CC} -Wall -o $@ $>" \
11 no-obj no-implicit-rule \
12 clean "aic7xxx_asm"
14aic7xxx_seq.h optional ahc device-driver \

--- 30 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

45i386/i386/i386-gdbstub.c optional ddb
46pc98/i386/exception.s standard
47i386/i386/identcpu.c standard
48i386/i386/in_cksum.c optional inet
49# locore.s needs to be handled in Makefile to put it first. Otherwise it's
50# now normal.
51# i386/i386/locore.s standard
52pc98/i386/machdep.c standard
8aic7xxx_asm optional ahc device-driver \
9 dependency "$S/dev/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_asm.c" \
10 compile-with "${CC} -Wall -o $@ $>" \
11 no-obj no-implicit-rule \
12 clean "aic7xxx_asm"
14aic7xxx_seq.h optional ahc device-driver \

--- 30 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

45i386/i386/i386-gdbstub.c optional ddb
46pc98/i386/exception.s standard
47i386/i386/identcpu.c standard
48i386/i386/in_cksum.c optional inet
49# locore.s needs to be handled in Makefile to put it first. Otherwise it's
50# now normal.
51# i386/i386/locore.s standard
52pc98/i386/machdep.c standard
53pc98/pc98/pc98_machdep.c standard
54i386/i386/math_emulate.c optional math_emulate
55i386/i386/mem.c standard
56pc98/i386/microtime.s standard
53i386/i386/math_emulate.c optional math_emulate
54i386/i386/mem.c standard
55pc98/i386/microtime.s standard
56i386/i386/perfmon.c optional perfmon profiling-routine
57i386/i386/perfmon.c optional perfmon
57i386/i386/perfmon.c optional perfmon
58pc98/i386/pmap.c standard
58i386/i386/pmap.c standard
59i386/i386/procfs_machdep.c standard
60i386/i386/support.s standard
61i386/i386/swtch.s standard
62i386/i386/sys_machdep.c standard
63pc98/i386/trap.c standard
64pc98/i386/userconfig.c optional userconfig
65pc98/i386/vm_machdep.c standard
66i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_fcntl.c optional ibcs2

--- 10 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

77i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_isc.c optional ibcs2
78i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_isc_sysent.c optional ibcs2
79i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_xenix.c optional ibcs2
80i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_xenix_sysent.c optional ibcs2
81i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_errno.c optional ibcs2
82i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_sysent.c optional ibcs2
83i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_sysvec.c optional ibcs2
84i386/ibcs2/imgact_coff.c optional ibcs2
59i386/i386/procfs_machdep.c standard
60i386/i386/support.s standard
61i386/i386/swtch.s standard
62i386/i386/sys_machdep.c standard
63pc98/i386/trap.c standard
64pc98/i386/userconfig.c optional userconfig
65pc98/i386/vm_machdep.c standard
66i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_fcntl.c optional ibcs2

--- 10 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

77i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_isc.c optional ibcs2
78i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_isc_sysent.c optional ibcs2
79i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_xenix.c optional ibcs2
80i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_xenix_sysent.c optional ibcs2
81i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_errno.c optional ibcs2
82i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_sysent.c optional ibcs2
83i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_sysvec.c optional ibcs2
84i386/ibcs2/imgact_coff.c optional ibcs2
85pc98/pc98/pc98_machdep.c standard
85pc98/pc98/bs/bs.c optional bs device-driver
86pc98/pc98/bs/bsfunc.c optional bs device-driver
87pc98/pc98/bs/bshw.c optional bs device-driver
88pc98/pc98/bs/bsif.c optional bs device-driver
89pc98/pc98/sbic55.c optional sbic device-driver
90#i386/pc98/aha1542.c optional aha device-driver
91pc98/pc98/aic6360.c optional aic device-driver
92pc98/pc98/b004.c optional bqu device-driver

--- 189 unchanged lines hidden ---
86pc98/pc98/bs/bs.c optional bs device-driver
87pc98/pc98/bs/bsfunc.c optional bs device-driver
88pc98/pc98/bs/bshw.c optional bs device-driver
89pc98/pc98/bs/bsif.c optional bs device-driver
90pc98/pc98/sbic55.c optional sbic device-driver
91#i386/pc98/aha1542.c optional aha device-driver
92pc98/pc98/aic6360.c optional aic device-driver
93pc98/pc98/b004.c optional bqu device-driver

--- 189 unchanged lines hidden ---