Deleted Added
full compact
NOTES (785) NOTES (832)
2# LINT -- config file for checking all the sources, tries to pull in
3# as much of the source tree as it can.
5# This kernel is NOT MEANT to be runnable!
2# LINT -- config file for checking all the sources, tries to pull in
3# as much of the source tree as it can.
5# This kernel is NOT MEANT to be runnable!
7# $Id: LINT,v 1.29 1993/11/17 23:24:12 wollman Exp $
7# $Id: LINT,v 1.30 1993/11/18 05:01:45 rgrimes Exp $
10machine "i386"
11cpu "I386_CPU"
12cpu "I486_CPU"
13ident LINT
14timezone 8 dst
15maxusers 10

--- 44 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

60options EON
61pseudo-device ether
62options FIFO
63#pseudo-device imp
64options INET #Internet communications protocols
65options ISO
66options ISOFS #ISO 9660 File System
67pseudo-device loop
10machine "i386"
11cpu "I386_CPU"
12cpu "I486_CPU"
13ident LINT
14timezone 8 dst
15maxusers 10

--- 44 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

60options EON
61pseudo-device ether
62options FIFO
63#pseudo-device imp
64options INET #Internet communications protocols
65options ISO
66options ISOFS #ISO 9660 File System
67pseudo-device loop
68options MFS #Memroy File System
68options MFS #Memory File System
69options NFS #Network File System
70options NS #Xerox NS communications protocols
69options NFS #Network File System
70options NS #Xerox NS communications protocols
71options NSIP #XNS over IP
71options PCFS #PC (MSDOS) File System
72pseudo-device ppp 2
73pseudo-device pty 4
74options QUOTA #enable disk quotas
75options RMP #HP remote maint protocol
76controller scbus0
77device sd0
78device sd1
79device sd2
80device sd3
81pseudo-device sl 2
82device st0
83device st1
84pseudo-device swappager
85options SYSVSHM
86options "SHMMAXPGS=64" # 256Kb of sharable memory
87#pseudo-device tb #tablet line discipline.
72options PCFS #PC (MSDOS) File System
73pseudo-device ppp 2
74pseudo-device pty 4
75options QUOTA #enable disk quotas
76options RMP #HP remote maint protocol
77controller scbus0
78device sd0
79device sd1
80device sd2
81device sd3
82pseudo-device sl 2
83device st0
84device st1
85pseudo-device swappager
86options SYSVSHM
87options "SHMMAXPGS=64" # 256Kb of sharable memory
88#pseudo-device tb #tablet line discipline.
88pseudo-device tpip
89options TPIP # ISO TP class 4 over IP
89#pseudo-device tun
90device uk0 #unknown scsi devices
91pseudo-device vnodepager
94# options that are in sys/i386/conf/files.i386
96#This is needed here so the isa? below will work

--- 52 unchanged lines hidden ---
90#pseudo-device tun
91device uk0 #unknown scsi devices
92pseudo-device vnodepager
95# options that are in sys/i386/conf/files.i386
97#This is needed here so the isa? below will work

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