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NOTES (158124) NOTES (158349)
1# $FreeBSD: head/sys/conf/NOTES 158124 2006-04-28 21:21:53Z marcel $
1# $FreeBSD: head/sys/conf/NOTES 158349 2006-05-07 18:12:18Z netchild $
3# NOTES -- Lines that can be cut/pasted into kernel and hints configs.
5# Lines that begin with 'device', 'options', 'machine', 'ident', 'maxusers',
6# 'makeoptions', 'hints', etc. go into the kernel configuration that you
7# run config(8) with.
9# Lines that begin with 'hint.' are NOT for config(8), they go into your

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68# KERNEL can be overridden so that you can change the default name of your
69# kernel.
71# MODULES_OVERRIDE can be used to limit modules built to a specific list.
73makeoptions CONF_CFLAGS=-fno-builtin #Don't allow use of memcmp, etc.
74#makeoptions DEBUG=-g #Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols
75#makeoptions KERNEL=foo #Build kernel "foo" and install "/foo"
3# NOTES -- Lines that can be cut/pasted into kernel and hints configs.
5# Lines that begin with 'device', 'options', 'machine', 'ident', 'maxusers',
6# 'makeoptions', 'hints', etc. go into the kernel configuration that you
7# run config(8) with.
9# Lines that begin with 'hint.' are NOT for config(8), they go into your

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68# KERNEL can be overridden so that you can change the default name of your
69# kernel.
71# MODULES_OVERRIDE can be used to limit modules built to a specific list.
73makeoptions CONF_CFLAGS=-fno-builtin #Don't allow use of memcmp, etc.
74#makeoptions DEBUG=-g #Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols
75#makeoptions KERNEL=foo #Build kernel "foo" and install "/foo"
76# Only build Linux API modules and plus those parts of the sound system I need.
77#makeoptions MODULES_OVERRIDE="linux sound/sound sound/driver/maestro3"
76# Only build ext2fs module plus those parts of the sound system I need.
77#makeoptions MODULES_OVERRIDE="ext2fs sound/sound sound/driver/maestro3"
78makeoptions DESTDIR=/tmp
81# FreeBSD processes are subject to certain limits to their consumption
82# of system resources. See getrlimit(2) for more details. Each
83# resource limit has two values, a "soft" limit and a "hard" limit.
84# The soft limits can be modified during normal system operation, but
85# the hard limits are set at boot time. Their default values are

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78makeoptions DESTDIR=/tmp
81# FreeBSD processes are subject to certain limits to their consumption
82# of system resources. See getrlimit(2) for more details. Each
83# resource limit has two values, a "soft" limit and a "hard" limit.
84# The soft limits can be modified during normal system operation, but
85# the hard limits are set at boot time. Their default values are

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