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NOTES (121468) NOTES (121595)
1# $FreeBSD: head/sys/conf/NOTES 121468 2003-10-24 15:44:10Z simokawa $
1# $FreeBSD: head/sys/conf/NOTES 121595 2003-10-27 02:42:08Z njl $
3# NOTES -- Lines that can be cut/pasted into kernel and hints configs.
5# Lines that begin with 'device', 'options', 'machine', 'ident', 'maxusers',
6# 'makeoptions', 'hints', etc. go into the kernel configuration that you
7# run config(8) with.
9# Lines that begin with 'hint.' are NOT for config(8), they go into your

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25# To describe a particular object, a block comment (if it exists) should
26# come first. Next should come device, options, and hints lines in that
27# order. All device and option lines must be described by a comment that
28# doesn't just expand the device or option name. Use only a concise
29# comment on the same line if possible. Very detailed descriptions of
30# devices and subsystems belong in manpages.
3# NOTES -- Lines that can be cut/pasted into kernel and hints configs.
5# Lines that begin with 'device', 'options', 'machine', 'ident', 'maxusers',
6# 'makeoptions', 'hints', etc. go into the kernel configuration that you
7# run config(8) with.
9# Lines that begin with 'hint.' are NOT for config(8), they go into your

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25# To describe a particular object, a block comment (if it exists) should
26# come first. Next should come device, options, and hints lines in that
27# order. All device and option lines must be described by a comment that
28# doesn't just expand the device or option name. Use only a concise
29# comment on the same line if possible. Very detailed descriptions of
30# devices and subsystems belong in manpages.
32# A space followed by a tab separates 'option' from an option name. Two
32# A space followed by a tab separates 'options' from an option name. Two
33# spaces followed by a tab separate 'device' from a device name. Comments
34# after an option or device should use one space after the comment character.
35# To comment out a negative option that disables code and thus should not be
33# spaces followed by a tab separate 'device' from a device name. Comments
34# after an option or device should use one space after the comment character.
35# To comment out a negative option that disables code and thus should not be
36# enabled for LINT builds, precede 'option' with "#!".
36# enabled for LINT builds, precede 'options' with "#!".
40# This is the ``identification'' of the kernel. Usually this should
41# be the same as the name of your kernel.
43ident LINT

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40# This is the ``identification'' of the kernel. Usually this should
41# be the same as the name of your kernel.
43ident LINT

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