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2# Copyright (c) 2000 John Baldwin
3# All rights reserved.
5# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
6# permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
7# paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
8# such forms.
10# This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
11# implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
12# warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
13# purpose.
16# $FreeBSD: head/sys/boot/i386/pxeldr/pxeldr.S 58713 2000-03-28 01:19:53Z jhb $
19# This simple program is a preloader for the normal boot3 loader. It is simply
20# prepended to the beginning of a fully built and btxld'd loader. It then
21# copies the loader to the address boot2 normally loads it, emulates the
22# boot[12] environment (protected mode, a bootinfo struct, etc.), and then jumps
23# to the start of btxldr to start the boot process. This method allows a stock
24# /boot/loader to be booted over the network via PXE w/o having to write a

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80 movw %ax, %ds # setup the
81 movw %ax, %es # data segments
82 andl $0xffff, %ecx # clear upper words
83 andl $0xffff, %ebx # of %ebx and %ecx
84 shll $4, %ecx # calculate the offset of
85 addl %ebx, %ecx # the PXENV+ struct and
86 pushl %ecx # save it on the stack
87 movw $welcome_msg, %si # %ds:(%si) -> welcome message
88 call putstr # display the welcome message
90# Setup the arguments that the loader is expecting from boot[12]
92 movw $bootinfo_msg, %si # %ds:(%si) -> boot args message
93 call putstr # display the message
94 movl $MEM_ARG, %ebx # %ds:(%ebx) -> boot args
95 movw %bx, %di # %es:(%di) -> boot args
96 xorl %eax, %eax # zero %eax
97 movw $(MEM_ARG_SIZE/4), %cx # Size of arguments in 32-bit
98 # dwords
99 rep # Clear the arguments
100 stosl # to zero
101 orb $KARGS_FLAGS_PXE, 0x8(%ebx) # kargs->bootflags |=
103 popl 0xc(%ebx) # kargs->pxeinfo = *PXENV+
105# Turn on the A20 address line
107 call seta20 # Turn A20 on
109# Relocate the loader and BTX using a very lazy protected mode
111 movw $relocate_msg, %si # Display the
112 call putstr # relocation message
113 movl end+AOUT_ENTRY, %edi # %edi is the destination
114 movl $(end+AOUT_HEADER), %esi # %esi is
115 # the start of the text
116 # segment
117 movl end+AOUT_TEXT, %ecx # %ecx = length of the text
118 # segment
119 lgdt gdtdesc # setup our own gdt
120 cli # turn off interrupts
121 movl %cr0, %eax # Turn on
122 orb $0x1, %al # protected
123 movl %eax, %cr0 # mode
124 .byte 0xea # long jump to
125 .word pm_start # clear the instruction
126 .word SEL_SCODE # pre-fetch queue
127 .code32
128pm_start: movw $SEL_SDATA, %ax # Initialize
129 movw %ax, %ds # %ds and
130 movw %ax, %es # %es to a flat selector
131 rep # Relocate the
132 movsb # text segment
133 addl $(MEM_PAGE_SIZE - 1), %edi # pad %edi out to a new page
134 andl $~(MEM_PAGE_SIZE - 1), %edi # for the data segment

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150 ljmp $SEL_SCODE16,$pm_16 # Jump to 16-bit PM
151 .code16
152pm_16: movw $SEL_RDATA, %ax # Initialize
153 movw %ax, %ds # %ds and
154 movw %ax, %es # %es to a real mode selector
155 movl %cr0, %eax # Turn off
156 andb $~0x1, %al # protected
157 movl %eax, %cr0 # mode
158 .byte 0xea # Long jump to
159 .word pm_end # clear the instruction
160 .word 0x0 # pre-fetch
161pm_end: sti # Turn interrupts back on now
163# Copy the BTX client to MEM_BTX_CLIENT
165 xorw %ax, %ax # zero %ax and set
166 movw %ax, %ds # %ds and %es
167 movw %ax, %es # to segment 0
168 movw $MEM_BTX_CLIENT, %di # Prepare to relocate

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184 movl end+AOUT_ENTRY, %eax # load the entry point
185 stosl # add it to the end of the
186 # arguments
188# Now we just start up BTX and let it do the rest
190 movw $jump_message, %si # Display the
191 call putstr # jump message
192 .byte 0xea # Jump to
193 .word MEM_BTX_ENTRY # BTX entry
194 .word 0x0 # point
197# Display a null-terminated string
199putstr: lodsb # load %al from %ds:(%si)
200 testb %al,%al # stop at null
201 jnz putc # if the char != null, output it
202 ret # return when null is hit
203putc: movw $0x7,%bx # attribute for output
204 movb $0xe,%ah # BIOS: put_char
205 int $0x10 # call BIOS, print char in %al
206 jmp putstr # keep looping
209# Enable A20

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215 movb $0xd1,%al # Command: Write
216 outb %al,$0x64 # output port
217seta20.2: inb $0x64,%al # Get status
218 testb $0x2,%al # Busy?
219 jnz seta20.2 # Yes
220 movb $0xdf,%al # Enable
221 outb %al,$0x60 # A20
222 sti # Enable interrupts
223 ret # To caller
226# BTX client to start btxldr
228 .code32
229btx_client: movl $(MEM_ARG_BTX-MEM_BTX_CLIENT+MEM_ARG_SIZE-4), %esi
230 # %ds:(%esi) -> end
231 # of boot[12] args

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