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< # $FreeBSD: stable/10/share/mk/bsd.README 245561 2013-01-17 17:27:10Z brooks $
> # $FreeBSD: stable/10/share/mk/bsd.README 264483 2014-04-14 23:51:57Z jmmv $
> - building test programs from source files
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> The include file <> handles building one or more test programs
> intended to be used in the FreeBSD Test Suite under /usr/tests/.
> It has seven targets:
> all:
> build the test programs.
> clean:
> remove the test programs and any object files.
> cleandir:
> remove all of the files removed by the target clean, as
> well as .depend and tags.
> depend:
> make the dependencies for the source files, and store
> them in the file .depend.
> install:
> install the test programs and their data files; if the
> Makefile does not itself define the target install, the
> targets beforeinstall and afterinstall may also be used
> to cause actions immediately before and after the
> install target is executed.
> lint:
> run lint on the source files.
> tags:
> create a tags file for the source files.
> test:
> runs the test programs from the object directory; if the
> Makefile does not itself define the target test, the
> targets beforetest and aftertest may also be used to
> cause actions immediately before and after the test
> target is executed.
> It sets/uses the following variables, among many others:
> TESTDIR Path to the installed tests. Must be a subdirectory of
> TESTSBASE and the subpath should match the relative
> location of the tests within the src tree.
> KYUAFILE If 'auto' (the default), generate a Kyuafile out of the
> test programs defined in the Makefile. If 'yes', then a
> manually-crafted Kyuafile must be supplied with the
> sources. If 'no', no Kyuafile is installed (useful for
> subdirectories providing helper programs or data files
> only).
> ATF_TESTS_C The names of the ATF C test programs to build.
> ATF_TESTS_CXX The names of the ATF C++ test programs to build.
> ATF_TESTS_SH The names of the ATF sh test programs to build.
> PLAIN_TESTS_C The names of the plain (legacy) programs to build.
> PLAIN_TESTS_CXX The names of the plain (legacy) test programs to build.
> PLAIN_TESTS_SH The names of the plain (legacy) test programs to build.
> Path to the Perl interpreter to be used for
> TAP-compliant test programs that are written in Perl.
> Refer to TAP_TESTS_PERL for details.
> TAP_TESTS_C The names of the TAP-compliant C test programs to build.
> TAP_TESTS_CXX The names of the TAP-compliant C++ test programs to
> build.
> TAP_TESTS_PERL The names of the TAP-compliant Perl test programs to
> build. The corresponding source files should end with
> the .pl extension; the test program is marked as
> requiring Perl; and TAP_PERL_INTERPRETER is used in the
> built scripts as the interpreter of choice.
> TAP_TESTS_SH The names of the TAP-compliant sh test programs to
> build.
> TESTS_SUBDIRS List of subdirectories containing tests into which to
> recurse. Differs from SUBDIR in that these directories
> get registered into the automatically-generated
> Kyuafile (if any).
> If defined, none of the built test programs get
> installed under /usr/tests/ and no Kyuafile is
> automatically generated. Should not be used within the
> FreeBSD source tree but is provided for the benefit of
> third-parties.
> The actual building of the test programs is performed by <>.
> Please see the documentation above for this other file for additional
> details on the behavior of <>.