Deleted Added
full compact
ddb.4 (122522) ddb.4 (130582)
2.\" Mach Operating System
3.\" Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
4.\" All Rights Reserved.
6.\" Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
7.\" documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
8.\" notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the

--- 43 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

52.\" Revision 2.2 91/02/14 14:10:06 mrt
53.\" Changed to new Mach copyright
54.\" [91/02/12 18:10:12 mrt]
56.\" Revision 2.2 90/08/30 14:23:15 dbg
57.\" Created.
58.\" [90/08/30 dbg]
2.\" Mach Operating System
3.\" Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
4.\" All Rights Reserved.
6.\" Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
7.\" documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
8.\" notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the

--- 43 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

52.\" Revision 2.2 91/02/14 14:10:06 mrt
53.\" Changed to new Mach copyright
54.\" [91/02/12 18:10:12 mrt]
56.\" Revision 2.2 90/08/30 14:23:15 dbg
57.\" Created.
58.\" [90/08/30 dbg]
60.\" $FreeBSD: head/share/man/man4/ddb.4 122522 2003-11-12 02:35:20Z hmp $
60.\" $FreeBSD: head/share/man/man4/ddb.4 130582 2004-06-16 08:33:57Z ru $
61.Dd January 16, 1996
62.Dt DDB 4
64.Sh NAME
65.Nm ddb
66.Nd interactive kernel debugger
68.Cd options DDB

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127for the output.
128If an output line exceeds the number set in the
129.Li \&$lines
130variable, it displays
131.Dq Em --db_more--
132and waits for a response.
133The valid responses for it are:
61.Dd January 16, 1996
62.Dt DDB 4
64.Sh NAME
65.Nm ddb
66.Nd interactive kernel debugger
68.Cd options DDB

--- 58 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

127for the output.
128If an output line exceeds the number set in the
129.Li \&$lines
130variable, it displays
131.Dq Em --db_more--
132and waits for a response.
133The valid responses for it are:
135.Bl -tag -compact -width SPC
135.Bl -tag -compact -width ".Li SPC"
136.It Li SPC
137one more page
138.It Li RET
139one more line
140.It Li q
141abort the current command, and return to the command input mode

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191.It Li m
192display in unsigned hex with character dump at the end of each line.
193The location is also displayed in hex at the beginning of each line.
194.It Li i
195display as an instruction
196.It Li I
197display as an instruction with possible alternate formats depending on the
136.It Li SPC
137one more page
138.It Li RET
139one more line
140.It Li q
141abort the current command, and return to the command input mode

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191.It Li m
192display in unsigned hex with character dump at the end of each line.
193The location is also displayed in hex at the beginning of each line.
194.It Li i
195display as an instruction
196.It Li I
197display as an instruction with possible alternate formats depending on the
199.Bl -tag -width powerpc -compact
199.Bl -tag -width ".Tn powerpc" -compact
200.It Tn alpha
201Show the registers of the instruction.
202.It Tn amd64
200.It Tn alpha
201Show the registers of the instruction.
202.It Tn amd64
203No alternate format
203No alternate format.
204.It Tn i386
204.It Tn i386
205No alternate format
205No alternate format.
206.It Tn ia64
206.It Tn ia64
207No alternate format
207No alternate format.
208.It Tn powerpc
208.It Tn powerpc
209No alternate format
209No alternate format.
210.It Tn sparc64
210.It Tn sparc64
211No alternate format
211No alternate format.
214.It Cm xf
215Examine forward:
216Execute an examine command with the last specified parameters to it
217except that the next address displayed by it is used as the start address.
218.It Cm xb
219Examine backward:

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508Some variables are suffixed with numbers, and may have some modifier
509following a colon immediately after the variable name.
510For example, register variables can have a
511.Li u
512modifier to indicate user register (e.g.,
513.Li $eax:u ) .
515Built-in variables currently supported are:
214.It Cm xf
215Examine forward:
216Execute an examine command with the last specified parameters to it
217except that the next address displayed by it is used as the start address.
218.It Cm xb
219Examine backward:

--- 288 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

508Some variables are suffixed with numbers, and may have some modifier
509following a colon immediately after the variable name.
510For example, register variables can have a
511.Li u
512modifier to indicate user register (e.g.,
513.Li $eax:u ) .
515Built-in variables currently supported are:
516.Bl -tag -width tabstops -compact
516.Bl -tag -width ".Li tabstops" -compact
517.It Li radix
518Input and output radix
519.It Li maxoff
520Addresses are printed as 'symbol'+offset unless offset is greater than maxoff.
521.It Li maxwidth
522The width of the displayed line.
523.It Li lines
524The number of lines.

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536Almost all expression operators in C are supported except
537.Sq Li \&~ ,
538.Sq Li \&^ ,
539and unary
540.Sq Li \&& .
541Special rules in
517.It Li radix
518Input and output radix
519.It Li maxoff
520Addresses are printed as 'symbol'+offset unless offset is greater than maxoff.
521.It Li maxwidth
522The width of the displayed line.
523.It Li lines
524The number of lines.

--- 11 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

536Almost all expression operators in C are supported except
537.Sq Li \&~ ,
538.Sq Li \&^ ,
539and unary
540.Sq Li \&& .
541Special rules in
544.Bl -tag -width Identifiers
544.Bl -tag -width ".Em Identifiers"
545.It Em Identifiers
546The name of a symbol is translated to the value of the symbol, which
547is the address of the corresponding object.
548.Sq Li \&.
550.Sq Li \&:
551can be used in the identifier.
552If supported by an object format dependent routine,

--- 64 unchanged lines hidden ---
545.It Em Identifiers
546The name of a symbol is translated to the value of the symbol, which
547is the address of the corresponding object.
548.Sq Li \&.
550.Sq Li \&:
551can be used in the identifier.
552If supported by an object format dependent routine,

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