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1<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook V4.1-Based Extension//EN" [
2<!ENTITY % man PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Manual Page Entities//EN">
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8<!ENTITY % release PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES Release Specification//EN">
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15 <articleinfo>
16 <title>&os; &release.current; README</title>
18 <corpauthor>The &os; Project</corpauthor>
1<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook V4.1-Based Extension//EN" [
2<!ENTITY % man PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Manual Page Entities//EN">
4<!ENTITY % authors PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Author Entities//EN">
6<!ENTITY % mlists PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Mailing List Entities//EN">
8<!ENTITY % release PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES Release Specification//EN">
10<!ENTITY % misc PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Miscellaneous FreeBSD Entities//EN">
15 <articleinfo>
16 <title>&os; &release.current; README</title>
18 <corpauthor>The &os; Project</corpauthor>
20 <pubdate>$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/readme/article.sgml 88820 2002-01-02 17:27:58Z bmah $</pubdate>
20 <pubdate>$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/readme/article.sgml 88959 2002-01-06 17:17:55Z bmah $</pubdate>
22 <copyright>
23 <year>2000</year>
24 <year>2001</year>
25 <year>2002</year>
26 <holder role="">The FreeBSD Documentation Project</holder>
27 </copyright>
28 </articleinfo>
30 <abstract>
31 <para>This document gives a brief introduction to &os;
22 <copyright>
23 <year>2000</year>
24 <year>2001</year>
25 <year>2002</year>
26 <holder role="">The FreeBSD Documentation Project</holder>
27 </copyright>
28 </articleinfo>
30 <abstract>
31 <para>This document gives a brief introduction to &os;
32 &release.current;. It includes a roadmap to the other release
33 documentation files, as well as some pointers on obtaining &os; and
34 contacting the &os; development team.</para>
32 &release.current;. It includes some information on how to
33 obtain &os;, a listing of various ways to contact the &os;
34 Project, and pointers to some other sources of
35 information.</para>
35 </abstract>
37 <sect1>
38 <title>Introduction</title>
40 <para>This distribution is a &release.type; of &os; &release.current;, the
41 latest point along the &release.branch; branch.</para>

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111 </sect2>
112 </sect1>
114 <sect1>
115 <title>Obtaining &os;</title>
117 <para>&os; may be obtained in a variety of ways. This section
36 </abstract>
38 <sect1>
39 <title>Introduction</title>
41 <para>This distribution is a &release.type; of &os; &release.current;, the
42 latest point along the &release.branch; branch.</para>

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112 </sect2>
113 </sect1>
115 <sect1>
116 <title>Obtaining &os;</title>
118 <para>&os; may be obtained in a variety of ways. This section
118 focuses on those ways that are primarily of use for obtaining a
119 focuses on those ways that are primarily useful for obtaining a
119 complete &os; distribution, rather than updating an existing
120 installation.</para>
122 <sect2>
123 <title>CDROM and DVD</title>
125 <para>&os; -RELEASE distributions may be ordered on CDROM or DVD
126 from several publishers. This is frequently the most

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154 download the distribution is highly recommended.</para>
156 <para>Additional mirror sites are always welcome. Contact
157 <email></email> for more details on
158 becoming an official mirror site.</para>
160 <para>Mirrors generally contain the floppy disk images necessary
161 to begin an installation, as well as the distribution files
120 complete &os; distribution, rather than updating an existing
121 installation.</para>
123 <sect2>
124 <title>CDROM and DVD</title>
126 <para>&os; -RELEASE distributions may be ordered on CDROM or DVD
127 from several publishers. This is frequently the most

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155 download the distribution is highly recommended.</para>
157 <para>Additional mirror sites are always welcome. Contact
158 <email></email> for more details on
159 becoming an official mirror site.</para>
161 <para>Mirrors generally contain the floppy disk images necessary
162 to begin an installation, as well as the distribution files
162 needed for the install process itself. Some mirrors also
163 contain some of the ISO images necessary to create a CDROM of
163 needed for the install process itself. Many mirrors also
164 contain the ISO images necessary to create a CDROM of
164 a &os; release.</para>
166 </sect2>
167 </sect1>
169 <sect1 id="contacting">
170 <title>Contacting the &os; Project</title>
172 <sect2>
173 <title>Email and Mailing Lists</title>
175 <para>For any questions or general technical support issues,
176 please send mail to the &a.questions;.</para>
178 <para>If you're tracking the &release.branch; development efforts, you
179 <emphasis>must</emphasis> join the &a.current;, in order to
180 keep abreast of recent developments and changes that may
181 affect the way you use and maintain the system.
165 a &os; release.</para>
167 </sect2>
168 </sect1>
170 <sect1 id="contacting">
171 <title>Contacting the &os; Project</title>
173 <sect2>
174 <title>Email and Mailing Lists</title>
176 <para>For any questions or general technical support issues,
177 please send mail to the &a.questions;.</para>
179 <para>If you're tracking the &release.branch; development efforts, you
180 <emphasis>must</emphasis> join the &a.current;, in order to
181 keep abreast of recent developments and changes that may
182 affect the way you use and maintain the system.
183 <para>Additionally, being a largely-volunteer effort, the &os;
184 Project is always happy to have extra hands willing to help
185 &mdash; there are already far more desired enhancements than
184 <para>Being a largely-volunteer effort, the &os;
185 Project is always happy to have extra hands willing to help&mdash;there are already far more desired enhancements than
186 there is time to implement them. To contact the developers on
187 technical matters, or with offers of help, please send mail to
188 the &a.hackers;.</para>
190 <para>Please note that these mailing lists can experience
186 there is time to implement them. To contact the developers on
187 technical matters, or with offers of help, please send mail to
188 the &a.hackers;.</para>
190 <para>Please note that these mailing lists can experience
191 <emphasis>significant</emphasis> amounts of traffic and if you
192 have slow or expensive mail access and are only interested in
193 keeping up with significant &os; events, you may find it
191 <emphasis>significant</emphasis> amounts of traffic. If you
192 have slow or expensive mail access, or are only interested in
193 keeping up with major &os; events, you may find it
194 preferable to subscribe instead to the &a.announce;.</para>
196 <para>All of the mailing lists can be freely joined by anyone
197 wishing to do so. Send mail to &a.majordomo; and include the
198 keyword <literal>help</literal> on a line by itself somewhere
199 in the body of the message. This will give you more
200 information on joining the various lists, accessing archives,
201 etc. There are a number of mailing lists targeted at special

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210 instead.</para>
211 </important>
212 </sect2>
214 <sect2>
215 <title>Submitting Problem Reports</title>
217 <para>Suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are
194 preferable to subscribe instead to the &a.announce;.</para>
196 <para>All of the mailing lists can be freely joined by anyone
197 wishing to do so. Send mail to &a.majordomo; and include the
198 keyword <literal>help</literal> on a line by itself somewhere
199 in the body of the message. This will give you more
200 information on joining the various lists, accessing archives,
201 etc. There are a number of mailing lists targeted at special

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210 instead.</para>
211 </important>
212 </sect2>
214 <sect2>
215 <title>Submitting Problem Reports</title>
217 <para>Suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are
218 always valued &mdash; please do not hesitate to report any
218 always valued&mdash;please do not hesitate to report any
219 problems you may find. Bug reports with attached fixes are of
220 course even more welcome.</para>
222 <para>The preferred method to submit bug reports from a machine
223 with Internet mail connectivity is to use the &man.send-pr.1;
224 command or use the Web form at <ulink
225 url=""></ulink>.
226 <quote>Problem Reports</quote> (PRs) submitted in this way

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233 have encountered.</para>
235 <para>Note that &man.send-pr.1; itself is a shell script that
236 should be easy to move even onto a non-&os; system. Using
237 this interface is highly preferred. If, for some reason, you
238 are unable to use &man.send-pr.1; to submit a bug report, you
239 can try to send it to the &a.bugs;.</para>
219 problems you may find. Bug reports with attached fixes are of
220 course even more welcome.</para>
222 <para>The preferred method to submit bug reports from a machine
223 with Internet mail connectivity is to use the &man.send-pr.1;
224 command or use the Web form at <ulink
225 url=""></ulink>.
226 <quote>Problem Reports</quote> (PRs) submitted in this way

--- 6 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

233 have encountered.</para>
235 <para>Note that &man.send-pr.1; itself is a shell script that
236 should be easy to move even onto a non-&os; system. Using
237 this interface is highly preferred. If, for some reason, you
238 are unable to use &man.send-pr.1; to submit a bug report, you
239 can try to send it to the &a.bugs;.</para>
241 <para>In any case, before submitting a PR, please try to
242 determine whether the problem might have already been fixed
243 since.</para>
241 <para>For more information, <ulink
242 url=""><quote>Writing
243 FreeBSD Problem Reports</quote></ulink>, available on the &os; Web
244 site, has a number of helpful hints on writing and submitting
245 effective problem reports.</para>
244 </sect2>
245 </sect1>
247 <sect1>
248 <title>Further Reading</title>
246 </sect2>
247 </sect1>
249 <sect1>
250 <title>Further Reading</title>
252 <para>There are many sources of information about &os;; some are
253 included with this distribution, while others are available
254 on-line or in print versions.</para>
250 <sect2 id="release-docs">
251 <title>Release Documentation</title>
253 <para>A number of other files provide more specific information
254 about this &release.type; distribution. These files are
255 provided in various formats. Most distributions will include
256 both ASCII text (<filename>.TXT</filename>) and HTML
257 (<filename>.HTM</filename>) renditions. Some distributions

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265 gives some general information about &os; as well as
266 some cursory notes about obtaining a
267 distribution.</para>
268 </listitem>
270 <listitem>
271 <para><filename>RELNOTES.TXT</filename>: The release
272 notes, showing what's new and different in &os;
256 <sect2 id="release-docs">
257 <title>Release Documentation</title>
259 <para>A number of other files provide more specific information
260 about this &release.type; distribution. These files are
261 provided in various formats. Most distributions will include
262 both ASCII text (<filename>.TXT</filename>) and HTML
263 (<filename>.HTM</filename>) renditions. Some distributions

--- 7 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

271 gives some general information about &os; as well as
272 some cursory notes about obtaining a
273 distribution.</para>
274 </listitem>
276 <listitem>
277 <para><filename>RELNOTES.TXT</filename>: The release
278 notes, showing what's new and different in &os;
273 &release.current; compared to &os;
274 &release.prev;.
279 &release.current; compared to the previous release (&os;
280 &release.prev;).</para>
275 </listitem>
277 <listitem>
278 <para><filename>HARDWARE.TXT</filename>: The hardware
279 compatibility list, showing devices with which &os; has
280 been tested and is known to work.</para>
281 </listitem>

--- 9 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

292 this file, which is principally applicable to releases
293 (as opposed to snapshots). It is important to consult
294 this file before installing a release of &os;, as it
295 contains the latest information on problems which have
296 been found and fixed since the release was
297 created.</para>
298 </listitem>
299 </itemizedlist>
281 </listitem>
283 <listitem>
284 <para><filename>HARDWARE.TXT</filename>: The hardware
285 compatibility list, showing devices with which &os; has
286 been tested and is known to work.</para>
287 </listitem>

--- 9 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

298 this file, which is principally applicable to releases
299 (as opposed to snapshots). It is important to consult
300 this file before installing a release of &os;, as it
301 contains the latest information on problems which have
302 been found and fixed since the release was
303 created.</para>
304 </listitem>
305 </itemizedlist>
307 <note>
308 <para>Several of these documents (in particular,
309 <filename>RELNOTES.TXT</filename>,
310 <filename>HARDWARE.TXT</filename>, and
311 <filename>INSTALL.TXT</filename>) contain information that
312 is specific to a particular hardware architecture. For
313 example, the alpha release notes contain information not
314 applicable to the i386, and vice versa. The architecture
315 for which each document applies will be listed in that
316 document's title.</para>
317 </note>
300 </para>
319 </para>
302 <para>Most of this information is also available from the
321 <para>These documents are generally available via the
303 Documentation menu during installation. Once the system is
304 installed, you can revisit this menu by running the
305 &man.sysinstall.8; utility.</para>
307 <note>
308 <para>It is extremely important to read the errata for any
309 given release before installing it, to learn about any
310 <quote>late-breaking news</quote> or post-release problems.

--- 4 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

315 release. These other copies of the errata are located at
316 <ulink url=""></ulink> (as
317 well as any sites which keep up-to-date mirrors of this
318 location).</para>
319 </note>
320 </sect2>
322 <sect2>
322 Documentation menu during installation. Once the system is
323 installed, you can revisit this menu by running the
324 &man.sysinstall.8; utility.</para>
326 <note>
327 <para>It is extremely important to read the errata for any
328 given release before installing it, to learn about any
329 <quote>late-breaking news</quote> or post-release problems.

--- 4 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

334 release. These other copies of the errata are located at
335 <ulink url=""></ulink> (as
336 well as any sites which keep up-to-date mirrors of this
337 location).</para>
338 </note>
339 </sect2>
341 <sect2>
342 <title>Manual Pages</title>
344 <para>As with almost all UNIX-like operating systems, &os; comes
345 with a set of on-line manual pages, accessed through the
346 &; command or through the <ulink
347 url="">hypertext manual
348 pages gateway</ulink> on the &os; Web site. In general, the
349 manual pages provide information on the different commands and
350 APIs available to the &os; user.</para>
352 <para>In some cases, manual pages are written to given
353 information on particular topics. Notable examples of such
354 manual pages are &man.tuning.7; (a guide to performance tuning),
355 &; (an introduction to &os; security), and
356 &; (a style guide to kernel coding).</para>
357 </sect2>
359 <sect2>
323 <title>Books and Articles</title>
325 <para>Two highly-useful collections of &os;-related information,
326 maintained by the &os; Project,
327 are the &os; Handbook and &os; FAQ (Frequently Asked
328 Questions document). On-line versions of the <ulink
329 url="">Handbook</ulink>
330 and <ulink

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357 <sect1>
358 <title>Acknowledgments</title>
360 <para>&os; represents the cumulative work of many hundreds, if not
361 thousands, of individuals from around the world who have worked
362 countless hours to bring about this &release.type;. For a
363 complete list of &os; developers and contributors, please see
364 <ulink
360 <title>Books and Articles</title>
362 <para>Two highly-useful collections of &os;-related information,
363 maintained by the &os; Project,
364 are the &os; Handbook and &os; FAQ (Frequently Asked
365 Questions document). On-line versions of the <ulink
366 url="">Handbook</ulink>
367 and <ulink

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394 <sect1>
395 <title>Acknowledgments</title>
397 <para>&os; represents the cumulative work of many hundreds, if not
398 thousands, of individuals from around the world who have worked
399 countless hours to bring about this &release.type;. For a
400 complete list of &os; developers and contributors, please see
401 <ulink
365 url="">Contributors
366 to FreeBSD on the &os; Web site or any of its
402 url=""><quote>Contributors
403 to FreeBSD</quote></ulink> on the &os; Web site or any of its
367 mirrors.</para>
369 <para>Special thanks also go to the many thousands of &os; users
370 and testers all over the world, without whom this &release.type;
371 simply would not have been possible.</para>
372 </sect1>
376 Local Variables:
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381 End:
404 mirrors.</para>
406 <para>Special thanks also go to the many thousands of &os; users
407 and testers all over the world, without whom this &release.type;
408 simply would not have been possible.</para>
409 </sect1>
413 Local Variables:
414 mode: sgml
415 sgml-indent-data: t
416 sgml-omittag: nil
417 sgml-always-quote-attributes: t
418 End: