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1<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook V4.1-Based Extension//EN" [
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8<!ENTITY % release PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES Release Specification//EN">
10<!ENTITY % misc PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Miscellaneous FreeBSD Entities//EN">
15 <articleinfo>
16 <title>&os; &release.current; README</title>
18 <corpauthor>The &os; Project</corpauthor>
1<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook V4.1-Based Extension//EN" [
2<!ENTITY % man PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Manual Page Entities//EN">
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8<!ENTITY % release PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES Release Specification//EN">
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15 <articleinfo>
16 <title>&os; &release.current; README</title>
18 <corpauthor>The &os; Project</corpauthor>
20 <pubdate>$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/readme/article.sgml 83092 2001-09-05 17:04:36Z bmah $</pubdate>
20 <pubdate>$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/readme/article.sgml 83425 2001-09-14 04:33:37Z bmah $</pubdate>
22 <copyright>
23 <year>2000</year>
24 <year>2001</year>
25 <holder role="">The FreeBSD Documentation Project</holder>
26 </copyright>
27 </articleinfo>

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82 and various other users who want to get involved with the
83 ongoing development of &os;. While the &os; development team
84 tries its best to ensure that each &release.type; works as
85 advertised, &release.branch; is very much a
86 work-in-progress.</para>
88 <para>The basic requirements for using this &release.type are
89 technical proficiency with &os; and an understanding of the
22 <copyright>
23 <year>2000</year>
24 <year>2001</year>
25 <holder role="">The FreeBSD Documentation Project</holder>
26 </copyright>
27 </articleinfo>

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82 and various other users who want to get involved with the
83 ongoing development of &os;. While the &os; development team
84 tries its best to ensure that each &release.type; works as
85 advertised, &release.branch; is very much a
86 work-in-progress.</para>
88 <para>The basic requirements for using this &release.type are
89 technical proficiency with &os; and an understanding of the
90 ongoing development process of &os; &release.current; (as
90 ongoing development process of &os; &release.branch; (as
91 discussed on the &a.current;).</para>
93 <para>For those more interested in doing business with &os; than
94 in experimenting with new &os; technology, formal releases
95 (such as &release.prev;) are frequently more appropriate.
96 Releases undergo a period of testing and quality assurance
97 checking to ensure high reliability and dependability.</para>

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169 <title>Contacting the &os; Project</title>
171 <sect2>
172 <title>Email and Mailing Lists</title>
174 <para>For any questions or general technical support issues,
175 please send mail to the &a.questions;.</para>
91 discussed on the &a.current;).</para>
93 <para>For those more interested in doing business with &os; than
94 in experimenting with new &os; technology, formal releases
95 (such as &release.prev;) are frequently more appropriate.
96 Releases undergo a period of testing and quality assurance
97 checking to ensure high reliability and dependability.</para>

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169 <title>Contacting the &os; Project</title>
171 <sect2>
172 <title>Email and Mailing Lists</title>
174 <para>For any questions or general technical support issues,
175 please send mail to the &a.questions;.</para>
177 <para>If you're tracking the -current development efforts, you
177 <para>If you're tracking the &release.branch; development efforts, you
178 <emphasis>must</emphasis> join the &a.current;, in order to
179 keep abreast of recent developments and changes that may
180 affect the way you use and maintain the system.
182 <para>Additionally, being a largely-volunteer effort, the &os;
183 Project is always happy to have extra hands willing to help
184 &mdash; there are already far more desired enhancements than
185 there is time to implement them. To contact the developers on

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293 this file before installing a release of &os;, as it
294 contains the latest information on problems which have
295 been found and fixed since the release was
296 created.</para>
297 </listitem>
298 </itemizedlist>
299 </para>
178 <emphasis>must</emphasis> join the &a.current;, in order to
179 keep abreast of recent developments and changes that may
180 affect the way you use and maintain the system.
182 <para>Additionally, being a largely-volunteer effort, the &os;
183 Project is always happy to have extra hands willing to help
184 &mdash; there are already far more desired enhancements than
185 there is time to implement them. To contact the developers on

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293 this file before installing a release of &os;, as it
294 contains the latest information on problems which have
295 been found and fixed since the release was
296 created.</para>
297 </listitem>
298 </itemizedlist>
299 </para>
301 <para>Most information is also available from the Documentation
302 menu during installation.</para>
303 </sect2>
301 <para>Most of this information is also available from the
302 Documentation menu during installation. Once the system is
303 installed, you can revisit this menu by running the
304 &man.sysinstall.8; utility.</para>
305 <sect2>
306 <title>Books and Articles</title>
308 <para>Pointers to more documentation on &os; can be found in the
309 <ulink
310 url="">Books
311 &amp; Magazines Specific to FreeBSD</ulink> section of the
312 &os; Handbook. Because of &os;'s strong UNIX heritage, many
313 other articles and books written for UNIX systems are
314 applicable as well. A selection of these documents can be
315 found in the Handbook's <ulink
316 url="">Bibliography</ulink>.
317 </para>
319 <para>If you're new to &os; then you should also read all of the
320 documentation files listed in <xref linkend="release-docs">,
321 all of which are available from the Documentation menu in the
322 installation program. It may seem like a lot to read, but
323 it's important to at least acquaint yourself with the types of
324 information available, should you run into problems later.
325 Once the system is installed, you can also revisit this menu
326 by running the &man.sysinstall.8; utility.</para>
328 <para>On-line versions of the <ulink
329 url="">FAQ</ulink>
330 (Frequently Asked Questions document) and <ulink
331 url="">Handbook</ulink>
332 are always available from the <ulink
333 url="">FreeBSD Documentation
334 page</ulink> or its mirrors. If you install the
335 <filename>doc</filename> distribution set, you can use a Web
336 browser to read the FAQ and Handbook locally.</para>
338 <note>
339 <para>It is extremely important to read the errata for any
340 given release before installing it, to learn about any
341 <quote>late-breaking news</quote> or post-release problems.
342 The errata file accompanying each release (most likely right
343 next to this file) is already out of date by definition, but
344 other copies are kept updated on the Internet and should be
345 consulted as the <quote>current errata</quote> for this
346 release. These other copies of the errata are located at
347 <ulink url=""></ulink> (as
348 well as any sites which keep up-to-date mirrors of this
349 location).</para>
350 </note>
351 </sect2>
306 <note>
307 <para>It is extremely important to read the errata for any
308 given release before installing it, to learn about any
309 <quote>late-breaking news</quote> or post-release problems.
310 The errata file accompanying each release (most likely right
311 next to this file) is already out of date by definition, but
312 other copies are kept updated on the Internet and should be
313 consulted as the <quote>current errata</quote> for this
314 release. These other copies of the errata are located at
315 <ulink url=""></ulink> (as
316 well as any sites which keep up-to-date mirrors of this
317 location).</para>
318 </note>
319 </sect2>
321 <sect2>
322 <title>Books and Articles</title>
324 <para>Two highly-useful collections of &os;-related information,
325 maintained by the &os; Project,
326 are the &os; Handbook and &os; FAQ (Frequently Asked
327 Questions document). On-line versions of the <ulink
328 url="">Handbook</ulink>
329 and <ulink
330 url="">FAQ</ulink>
331 are always available from the <ulink
332 url="">FreeBSD Documentation
333 page</ulink> or its mirrors. If you install the
334 <filename>doc</filename> distribution set, you can use a Web
335 browser to read the Handbook and FAQ locally.</para>
337 <para>A listing of books and other documents about &os; can be
338 found in the <ulink
339 url="">bibliography</ulink>
340 of the &os; Handbook. Because of &os;'s strong UNIX heritage,
341 many other articles and books written for UNIX systems are
342 applicable as well, some of which are also listed in the
343 bibliography.</para>
344 </sect2>
352 </sect1>
354 <sect1>
355 <title>Acknowledgments</title>
357 <para>&os; represents the cumulative work of many hundreds, if not
358 thousands, of individuals from around the world who have worked
359 countless hours to bring about this &release.type;. For a

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345 </sect1>
347 <sect1>
348 <title>Acknowledgments</title>
350 <para>&os; represents the cumulative work of many hundreds, if not
351 thousands, of individuals from around the world who have worked
352 countless hours to bring about this &release.type;. For a

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