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README (78040) README (86150)
1-*- text -*-
3Bruce A. Mah <>
1-*- text -*-
3Bruce A. Mah <>
4$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/README 78040 2001-06-11 01:48:17Z ache $
4$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/README 86150 2001-11-06 21:17:25Z olgeni $
6This is the top-level directory for RELNOTESng, a re-write of
7FreeBSD's *.TXT documentation files. They have been converted to
8DocBook, and versions of the documents can be now be built for various
9supported architectures. The output files can be rendered in any
10format supported by the FreeBSD Documentation Project (for example,
11ASCII text, PDF, PS, HTML).

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17DOC_PREFIX Makefile variable. RELNOTESng also requires the DocProj
18build tools, which can easily be installed with the textproc/docproj
19port in the Ports Collection.
21Notable files and directories:
24 Common Makefile definitions for RELNOTESng. These definitions
6This is the top-level directory for RELNOTESng, a re-write of
7FreeBSD's *.TXT documentation files. They have been converted to
8DocBook, and versions of the documents can be now be built for various
9supported architectures. The output files can be rendered in any
10format supported by the FreeBSD Documentation Project (for example,
11ASCII text, PDF, PS, HTML).

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17DOC_PREFIX Makefile variable. RELNOTESng also requires the DocProj
18build tools, which can easily be installed with the textproc/docproj
19port in the Ports Collection.
21Notable files and directories:
24 Common Makefile definitions for RELNOTESng. These definitions
25 mostly accomodate the fact that we're building DocProj-like
25 mostly accommodate the fact that we're building DocProj-like
26 documents outside the doc/ tree.
28 Main SGML catalog for all language-neutral (and default EN)
29 stylesheet and entity files. Can be overridden if needed for
30 translations.
32 All documents build with this file as a stylesheet. All it
33 does is to make it possible to use the document catalogs to

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117RELNOTESng is now enabled by default in the FreeBSD release-build
118process. It can be disabled by setting NODOC=YES when building a
119release (note that this is the same variable that disables DocProj
120documentation builds).
122Release builders can set which language gets built with the
123RELNOTES_LANG variable; note that this is different from the
26 documents outside the doc/ tree.
28 Main SGML catalog for all language-neutral (and default EN)
29 stylesheet and entity files. Can be overridden if needed for
30 translations.
32 All documents build with this file as a stylesheet. All it
33 does is to make it possible to use the document catalogs to

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117RELNOTESng is now enabled by default in the FreeBSD release-build
118process. It can be disabled by setting NODOC=YES when building a
119release (note that this is the same variable that disables DocProj
120documentation builds).
122Release builders can set which language gets built with the
123RELNOTES_LANG variable; note that this is different from the
124DOC_LANG variable because (at least intially) most languages
124DOC_LANG variable because (at least initially) most languages
125will have localized DocProj files but not localized release notes.
126The default language, if none is specified, is en_US.ISO8859-1.
125will have localized DocProj files but not localized release notes.
126The default language, if none is specified, is en_US.ISO8859-1.