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README (77494) README (78040)
1-*- text -*-
3Bruce A. Mah <>
1-*- text -*-
3Bruce A. Mah <>
4$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/README 77494 2001-05-30 17:12:46Z bmah $
4$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/README 78040 2001-06-11 01:48:17Z ache $
6This is the top-level directory for RELNOTESng, a re-write of
7FreeBSD's *.TXT documentation files. They have been converted to
8DocBook, and versions of the documents can be now be built for various
9supported architectures. The output files can be rendered in any
10format supported by the FreeBSD Documentation Project (for example,
11ASCII text, PDF, PS, HTML).

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40 value is equal to the value of the &arch; entity. In the
41 future, arch= could be a list of possible &arch; entity values
42 that match, such as "i386,alpha".
44 Release information. Need to update the entry definitions in
45 this file when rolling new revisions; these should take effect
46 in all documents.
6This is the top-level directory for RELNOTESng, a re-write of
7FreeBSD's *.TXT documentation files. They have been converted to
8DocBook, and versions of the documents can be now be built for various
9supported architectures. The output files can be rendered in any
10format supported by the FreeBSD Documentation Project (for example,
11ASCII text, PDF, PS, HTML).

--- 27 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

40 value is equal to the value of the &arch; entity. In the
41 future, arch= could be a list of possible &arch; entity values
42 that match, such as "i386,alpha".
44 Release information. Need to update the entry definitions in
45 this file when rolling new revisions; these should take effect
46 in all documents.
49 Language-dependent stylesheet for en, but also the default for
50 translations if they don't override the settings here. This
51 stylesheet sets the email footer at the bottom of HTML pages,
52 as well as a few other parameters. If necessary for
53 translations, this file can be overridden with
54 */share/sgml/release.dsl and */share/sgml/catalog.

--- 61 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

118process. It can be disabled by setting NODOC=YES when building a
119release (note that this is the same variable that disables DocProj
120documentation builds).
122Release builders can set which language gets built with the
123RELNOTES_LANG variable; note that this is different from the
124DOC_LANG variable because (at least intially) most languages
125will have localized DocProj files but not localized release notes.
49 Language-dependent stylesheet for en, but also the default for
50 translations if they don't override the settings here. This
51 stylesheet sets the email footer at the bottom of HTML pages,
52 as well as a few other parameters. If necessary for
53 translations, this file can be overridden with
54 */share/sgml/release.dsl and */share/sgml/catalog.

--- 61 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

118process. It can be disabled by setting NODOC=YES when building a
119release (note that this is the same variable that disables DocProj
120documentation builds).
122Release builders can set which language gets built with the
123RELNOTES_LANG variable; note that this is different from the
124DOC_LANG variable because (at least intially) most languages
125will have localized DocProj files but not localized release notes.
126The default language, if none is specified, is en_US.ISO_8859-1.
126The default language, if none is specified, is en_US.ISO8859-1.