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README (76222) README (76254)
1-*- text -*-
3Bruce A. Mah <>
1-*- text -*-
3Bruce A. Mah <>
4$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/README 76222 2001-05-02 22:02:50Z bmah $
4$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/README 76254 2001-05-03 21:59:35Z bmah $
6This is the top-level directory for RELNOTESng, a re-write of
7FreeBSD's *.TXT documentation files. They have been converted to
8DocBook, and versions of the documents can be now be built for various
9supported architectures. The output files can be rendered in any
10format supported by the FreeBSD Documentation Project (for example,
11ASCII text, PDF, PS, HTML).
13RELNOTESng requires that the FreeBSD doc/ sources are installed; it
14leverages off of much of the DocProj build infrastructure, including
15DocBook extensions and stylesheets. If the doc/ sources are not
16installed in /usr/src, their location should be specified with the
17DOC_PREFIX Makefile variable. RELNOTESng also requires the DocProj
18build tools, which can easily be installed with the textproc/docproj
19port in the Ports Collection.
6This is the top-level directory for RELNOTESng, a re-write of
7FreeBSD's *.TXT documentation files. They have been converted to
8DocBook, and versions of the documents can be now be built for various
9supported architectures. The output files can be rendered in any
10format supported by the FreeBSD Documentation Project (for example,
11ASCII text, PDF, PS, HTML).
13RELNOTESng requires that the FreeBSD doc/ sources are installed; it
14leverages off of much of the DocProj build infrastructure, including
15DocBook extensions and stylesheets. If the doc/ sources are not
16installed in /usr/src, their location should be specified with the
17DOC_PREFIX Makefile variable. RELNOTESng also requires the DocProj
18build tools, which can easily be installed with the textproc/docproj
19port in the Ports Collection.
21Notable files and directories:
22 Common Makefile definitions for RELNOTESng. These definitions
23 mostly accomodate the fact that we're building DocProj-like
24 documents outside the doc/ tree.
24 Common Makefile definitions for RELNOTESng. These definitions
25 mostly accomodate the fact that we're building DocProj-like
26 documents outside the doc/ tree.
28 Main SGML catalog for all language-neutral (and default EN)
29 stylesheet and entity files. Can be overridden if needed for
30 translations.
32 All documents build with this file as a stylesheet. All it
33 does is to make it possible to use the document catalogs to
34 locate the "real" stylesheet by reference, rather than having
35 to specify it by pathname.
26 Language-neutral stylesheet. This stylesheet supports
27 the arch= attribute on (all?) DocBook elements; elements with
28 an arch= attribute are only included in the output if their
29 value is equal to the value of the &arch; entity. In the
30 future, arch= could be a list of possible &arch; entity values
31 that match, such as "i386,alpha".
33 Release information. Need to update the entry definitions in
34 this file when rolling new revisions; these should take effect
35 in all documents.
37 Language-neutral stylesheet. This stylesheet supports
38 the arch= attribute on (all?) DocBook elements; elements with
39 an arch= attribute are only included in the output if their
40 value is equal to the value of the &arch; entity. In the
41 future, arch= could be a list of possible &arch; entity values
42 that match, such as "i386,alpha".
44 Release information. Need to update the entry definitions in
45 this file when rolling new revisions; these should take effect
46 in all documents.
49 Language-dependent stylesheet for en, but also the default for
50 translations if they don't override the settings here. This
51 stylesheet sets the email footer at the bottom of HTML pages,
52 as well as a few other parameters. If necessary for
53 translations, this file can be overridden with
54 */share/sgml/release.dsl and */share/sgml/catalog.
38 Directory for multi-architecture release notes files.
40 Directories for architecture-specific release notes files.
43 Directory for multi-architecture hardware notes files.

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83The currently-supported architectures are i386 and alpha. As of this
84writing there is no mechanism for supporting multiple architectures
85(i.e. arch="alpha,ia64"), but with some work in the stylesheets this
86should be possible.
88When creating a translation, make a new directory under this
89directory with a language code (paralleling the DocProj directory
57 Directory for multi-architecture release notes files.
59 Directories for architecture-specific release notes files.
62 Directory for multi-architecture hardware notes files.

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102The currently-supported architectures are i386 and alpha. As of this
103writing there is no mechanism for supporting multiple architectures
104(i.e. arch="alpha,ia64"), but with some work in the stylesheets this
105should be possible.
107When creating a translation, make a new directory under this
108directory with a language code (paralleling the DocProj directory
109structure). If necessary, new language-dependent HTML footers can be
110generated by making a new language-dependent
111${LANG}/share/sgml/release.dsl, a ${LANG}/share/sgml/catalog that
112points to it, and a new definition in the Makefiles that adds
113${LANG}/share/sgml/catalog to EXTRA_CATALOGS. Except for the Makefile
114changes, this is the same procedure that is used for creating a new
115translation for DocProj files.
92RELNOTESng is supported in the FreeBSD release-build process. For
93now, the building of RELNOTESng is enabled by RELNOTESNG=YES when
94building a release. Note that setting RELNOTESng requires that both
95NODOC and NOPORTS *not* be set, as RELNOTESng require parts of
96both. Eventually, RELNOTESNG will be made the default.
98Release builders can set which language gets built with the
99RELNOTESNG_LANG variable; note that this is different from the
100DOC_LANG variable because (at least intially) most languages
101will have localized DocProj files but not localized release notes.
102The default language, if none is specified, is en_US.ISO_8859-1.
117RELNOTESng is supported in the FreeBSD release-build process. For
118now, the building of RELNOTESng is enabled by RELNOTESNG=YES when
119building a release. Note that setting RELNOTESng requires that both
120NODOC and NOPORTS *not* be set, as RELNOTESng require parts of
121both. Eventually, RELNOTESNG will be made the default.
123Release builders can set which language gets built with the
124RELNOTESNG_LANG variable; note that this is different from the
125DOC_LANG variable because (at least intially) most languages
126will have localized DocProj files but not localized release notes.
127The default language, if none is specified, is en_US.ISO_8859-1.