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ripemd.3 (140505) ripemd.3 (141846)
2.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.\" "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
4.\" <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
5.\" can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
6.\" this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Poul-Henning Kamp
7.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9.\" From: Id: mdX.3,v 1.14 1999/02/11 20:31:49 wollman Exp
2.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.\" "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
4.\" <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
5.\" can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
6.\" this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Poul-Henning Kamp
7.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9.\" From: Id: mdX.3,v 1.14 1999/02/11 20:31:49 wollman Exp
10.\" $FreeBSD: head/lib/libmd/ripemd.3 140505 2005-01-20 09:17:07Z ru $
10.\" $FreeBSD: head/lib/libmd/ripemd.3 141846 2005-02-13 22:25:33Z ru $
12.Dd February 26, 1999
13.Dt RIPEMD 3
15.Sh NAME
16.Nm RIPEMD160_Init ,
17.Nm RIPEMD160_Update ,
18.Nm RIPEMD160_Final ,

--- 26 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

45.Li RIPEMD160_
46functions calculate a 160-bit cryptographic checksum (digest)
47for any number of input bytes.
48A cryptographic checksum is a one-way
49hash function; that is, it is computationally impractical to find
50the input corresponding to a particular output.
51This net result is a
52.Dq fingerprint
12.Dd February 26, 1999
13.Dt RIPEMD 3
15.Sh NAME
16.Nm RIPEMD160_Init ,
17.Nm RIPEMD160_Update ,
18.Nm RIPEMD160_Final ,

--- 26 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

45.Li RIPEMD160_
46functions calculate a 160-bit cryptographic checksum (digest)
47for any number of input bytes.
48A cryptographic checksum is a one-way
49hash function; that is, it is computationally impractical to find
50the input corresponding to a particular output.
51This net result is a
52.Dq fingerprint
53of the input-data, which doesn't disclose the actual input.
53of the input-data, which does not disclose the actual input.
56.Fn RIPEMD160_Init ,
57.Fn RIPEMD160_Update ,
59.Fn RIPEMD160_Final
60functions are the core functions.
61Allocate an

--- 71 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

134The core hash routines were implemented by Eric Young based on the
136.Tn RIPEMD160
138.Sh BUGS
139No method is known to exist which finds two files having the same hash value,
140nor to find a file with a specific hash value.
56.Fn RIPEMD160_Init ,
57.Fn RIPEMD160_Update ,
59.Fn RIPEMD160_Final
60functions are the core functions.
61Allocate an

--- 71 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

134The core hash routines were implemented by Eric Young based on the
136.Tn RIPEMD160
138.Sh BUGS
139No method is known to exist which finds two files having the same hash value,
140nor to find a file with a specific hash value.
141There is on the other hand no guarantee that such a method doesn't exist.
141There is on the other hand no guarantee that such a method does not exist.