Deleted Added
full compact
2 * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 Henry Spencer.
3 * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994
4 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
5 *
6 * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
7 * Henry Spencer.
8 *

--- 28 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

37 * @(#)cname.h 8.3 (Berkeley) 3/20/94
38 */
40/* character-name table */
41static struct cname {
42 char *name;
43 char code;
44} cnames[] = {
45 "NUL", '\0',
46 "SOH", '\001',
47 "STX", '\002',
48 "ETX", '\003',
49 "EOT", '\004',
50 "ENQ", '\005',
51 "ACK", '\006',
52 "BEL", '\007',
53 "alert", '\007',
54 "BS", '\010',
55 "backspace", '\b',
56 "HT", '\011',
57 "tab", '\t',
58 "LF", '\012',
59 "newline", '\n',
60 "VT", '\013',
61 "vertical-tab", '\v',
62 "FF", '\014',
63 "form-feed", '\f',
64 "CR", '\015',
65 "carriage-return", '\r',
66 "SO", '\016',
67 "SI", '\017',
68 "DLE", '\020',
69 "DC1", '\021',
70 "DC2", '\022',
71 "DC3", '\023',
72 "DC4", '\024',
73 "NAK", '\025',
74 "SYN", '\026',
75 "ETB", '\027',
76 "CAN", '\030',
77 "EM", '\031',
78 "SUB", '\032',
79 "ESC", '\033',
80 "IS4", '\034',
81 "FS", '\034',
82 "IS3", '\035',
83 "GS", '\035',
84 "IS2", '\036',
85 "RS", '\036',
86 "IS1", '\037',
87 "US", '\037',
88 "space", ' ',
89 "exclamation-mark", '!',
90 "quotation-mark", '"',
91 "number-sign", '#',
92 "dollar-sign", '$',
93 "percent-sign", '%',
94 "ampersand", '&',
95 "apostrophe", '\'',
96 "left-parenthesis", '(',
97 "right-parenthesis", ')',
98 "asterisk", '*',
99 "plus-sign", '+',
100 "comma", ',',
101 "hyphen", '-',
102 "hyphen-minus", '-',
103 "period", '.',
104 "full-stop", '.',
105 "slash", '/',
106 "solidus", '/',
107 "zero", '0',
108 "one", '1',
109 "two", '2',
110 "three", '3',
111 "four", '4',
112 "five", '5',
113 "six", '6',
114 "seven", '7',
115 "eight", '8',
116 "nine", '9',
117 "colon", ':',
118 "semicolon", ';',
119 "less-than-sign", '<',
120 "equals-sign", '=',
121 "greater-than-sign", '>',
122 "question-mark", '?',
123 "commercial-at", '@',
124 "left-square-bracket", '[',
125 "backslash", '\\',
126 "reverse-solidus", '\\',
127 "right-square-bracket", ']',
128 "circumflex", '^',
129 "circumflex-accent", '^',
130 "underscore", '_',
131 "low-line", '_',
132 "grave-accent", '`',
133 "left-brace", '{',
134 "left-curly-bracket", '{',
135 "vertical-line", '|',
136 "right-brace", '}',
137 "right-curly-bracket", '}',
138 "tilde", '~',
139 "DEL", '\177',
140 NULL, 0,