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getifaddrs.3 (119893) getifaddrs.3 (131504)
1.\" $FreeBSD: head/lib/libc/net/getifaddrs.3 119893 2003-09-08 19:57:22Z ru $
1.\" $FreeBSD: head/lib/libc/net/getifaddrs.3 131504 2004-07-02 23:52:20Z ru $
2.\" $KAME: getifaddrs.3,v 1.4 2000/05/17 14:13:14 itojun Exp $
3.\" BSDI getifaddrs.3,v 2.5 2000/02/23 14:51:59 dab Exp
5.\" Copyright (c) 1995, 1999
6.\" Berkeley Software Design, Inc. All rights reserved.
8.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions

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107.Li ifa_dstaddr
108field references the destination address on a P2P interface,
109if one exists, otherwise it is NULL.
112.Li ifa_data
2.\" $KAME: getifaddrs.3,v 1.4 2000/05/17 14:13:14 itojun Exp $
3.\" BSDI getifaddrs.3,v 2.5 2000/02/23 14:51:59 dab Exp
5.\" Copyright (c) 1995, 1999
6.\" Berkeley Software Design, Inc. All rights reserved.
8.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions

--- 95 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

107.Li ifa_dstaddr
108field references the destination address on a P2P interface,
109if one exists, otherwise it is NULL.
112.Li ifa_data
113field references address family specific data. For
113field references address family specific data.
114.Dv AF_LINK
115addresses it contains a pointer to the
116.Fa struct if_data
117(as defined in include file
118.In net/if.h )
119which contains various interface attributes and statistics.
120For all other address families, it contains a pointer to the
121.Fa struct ifa_data

--- 43 unchanged lines hidden ---
115.Dv AF_LINK
116addresses it contains a pointer to the
117.Fa struct if_data
118(as defined in include file
119.In net/if.h )
120which contains various interface attributes and statistics.
121For all other address families, it contains a pointer to the
122.Fa struct ifa_data

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