Deleted Added
full compact
services (203574) services (208060)
2# Network services, Internet style
4# Note that it is presently the policy of IANA to assign a single well-known
5# port number for both TCP and UDP; hence, most entries here have two entries
6# even if the protocol doesn't support UDP operations.
8# The latest IANA port assignments can be gotten from
12# The Well Known Ports are those from 0 through 1023.
13# The Registered Ports are those from 1024 through 49151
14# The Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535
16# Kerberos services are for Kerberos v4, and are unofficial. Sites running
17# v5 should uncomment v5 entries and comment v4 entries.
2# Network services, Internet style
4# Note that it is presently the policy of IANA to assign a single well-known
5# port number for both TCP and UDP; hence, most entries here have two entries
6# even if the protocol doesn't support UDP operations.
8# The latest IANA port assignments can be gotten from
12# The Well Known Ports are those from 0 through 1023.
13# The Registered Ports are those from 1024 through 49151
14# The Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535
16# Kerberos services are for Kerberos v4, and are unofficial. Sites running
17# v5 should uncomment v5 entries and comment v4 entries.
19# $FreeBSD: head/etc/services 203574 2010-02-06 21:22:01Z bms $
19# $FreeBSD: head/etc/services 208060 2010-05-14 04:53:57Z dougb $
20# From: @(#)services 5.8 (Berkeley) 5/9/91
24rtmp 1/ddp #Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
25tcpmux 1/tcp #TCP Port Service Multiplexer
26tcpmux 1/udp #TCP Port Service Multiplexer
27nbp 2/ddp #Name Binding Protocol

--- 1210 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1238cimplex 673/tcp
1239cimplex 673/udp
1240acap 674/tcp #Application Configuration Access Protocol
1241acap 674/udp #Application Configuration Access Protocol
1242dctp 675/tcp
1243dctp 675/udp
1244vpps-via 676/tcp #VPPS Via
1245vpps-via 676/udp #VPPS Via
20# From: @(#)services 5.8 (Berkeley) 5/9/91
24rtmp 1/ddp #Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
25tcpmux 1/tcp #TCP Port Service Multiplexer
26tcpmux 1/udp #TCP Port Service Multiplexer
27nbp 2/ddp #Name Binding Protocol

--- 1210 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1238cimplex 673/tcp
1239cimplex 673/udp
1240acap 674/tcp #Application Configuration Access Protocol
1241acap 674/udp #Application Configuration Access Protocol
1242dctp 675/tcp
1243dctp 675/udp
1244vpps-via 676/tcp #VPPS Via
1245vpps-via 676/udp #VPPS Via
1246vpp 677/tcp #Virtual Presence Protocol
1247vpp 677/udp #Virtual Presence Protocol
1246vpp 677/tcp #Virtual Presence Protocol
1247vpp 677/udp #Virtual Presence Protocol
1248ggf-ncp 678/tcp #GNU Generation Foundation NCP
1249ggf-ncp 678/udp #GNU Generation Foundation NCP
1250mrm 679/tcp
1251mrm 679/udp
1252entrust-aaas 680/tcp
1253entrust-aaas 680/udp
1254entrust-aams 681/tcp
1255entrust-aams 681/udp
1256xfr 682/tcp
1257xfr 682/udp
1248ggf-ncp 678/tcp #GNU Generation Foundation NCP
1249ggf-ncp 678/udp #GNU Generation Foundation NCP
1250mrm 679/tcp
1251mrm 679/udp
1252entrust-aaas 680/tcp
1253entrust-aaas 680/udp
1254entrust-aams 681/tcp
1255entrust-aams 681/udp
1256xfr 682/tcp
1257xfr 682/udp
1258corba-iiop 683/tcp #CORBA IIOP
1259corba-iiop 683/udp #CORBA IIOP
1258corba-iiop 683/tcp #CORBA IIOP
1259corba-iiop 683/udp #CORBA IIOP
1260corba-iiop-ssl 684/tcp #CORBA IIOP SSL
1261corba-iiop-ssl 684/udp #CORBA IIOP SSL
1262mdc-portmapper 685/tcp #MDC Port Mapper
1263mdc-portmapper 685/udp #MDC Port Mapper
1264hcp-wismar 686/tcp #Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
1265hcp-wismar 686/udp #Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
1266asipregistry 687/tcp
1267asipregistry 687/udp

--- 38 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1306entrustmanager 709/tcp #EntrustManager
1307entrustmanager 709/udp #EntrustManager
1308entrust-ash 710/tcp #Entrust Administration Service Handler
1309entrust-ash 710/udp #Entrust Administration Service Handler
1310cisco-tdp 711/tcp #Cisco TDP
1311cisco-tdp 711/udp #Cisco TDP
1312tbrpf 712/tcp
1313tbrpf 712/udp
1260corba-iiop-ssl 684/tcp #CORBA IIOP SSL
1261corba-iiop-ssl 684/udp #CORBA IIOP SSL
1262mdc-portmapper 685/tcp #MDC Port Mapper
1263mdc-portmapper 685/udp #MDC Port Mapper
1264hcp-wismar 686/tcp #Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
1265hcp-wismar 686/udp #Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
1266asipregistry 687/tcp
1267asipregistry 687/udp

--- 38 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1306entrustmanager 709/tcp #EntrustManager
1307entrustmanager 709/udp #EntrustManager
1308entrust-ash 710/tcp #Entrust Administration Service Handler
1309entrust-ash 710/udp #Entrust Administration Service Handler
1310cisco-tdp 711/tcp #Cisco TDP
1311cisco-tdp 711/udp #Cisco TDP
1312tbrpf 712/tcp
1313tbrpf 712/udp
1314iris-xpc 713/tcp #IRIS over XPC
1315iris-xpc 713/udp #IRIS over XPC
1314iris-xpc 713/tcp #IRIS over XPC
1315iris-xpc 713/udp #IRIS over XPC
1316iris-xpcs 714/tcp #IRIS over XPCS
1317iris-xpcs 714/udp #IRIS over XPCS
1318iris-lwz 715/tcp
1319iris-lwz 715/udp
1320netviewdm1 729/tcp #IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
1321netviewdm1 729/udp #IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
1322netviewdm2 730/tcp #IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp
1323netviewdm2 730/udp #IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp

--- 83 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1407fcp-udp 810/tcp #FCP
1408fcp-udp 810/udp #FCP Datagram
1409itm-mcell-s 828/tcp
1410itm-mcell-s 828/udp
1411pkix-3-ca-ra 829/tcp #PKIX-3 CA/RA
1412pkix-3-ca-ra 829/udp #PKIX-3 CA/RA
1413netconf-ssh 830/tcp #NETCONF over SSH
1414netconf-ssh 830/udp #NETCONF over SSH
1316iris-xpcs 714/tcp #IRIS over XPCS
1317iris-xpcs 714/udp #IRIS over XPCS
1318iris-lwz 715/tcp
1319iris-lwz 715/udp
1320netviewdm1 729/tcp #IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
1321netviewdm1 729/udp #IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
1322netviewdm2 730/tcp #IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp
1323netviewdm2 730/udp #IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp

--- 83 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1407fcp-udp 810/tcp #FCP
1408fcp-udp 810/udp #FCP Datagram
1409itm-mcell-s 828/tcp
1410itm-mcell-s 828/udp
1411pkix-3-ca-ra 829/tcp #PKIX-3 CA/RA
1412pkix-3-ca-ra 829/udp #PKIX-3 CA/RA
1413netconf-ssh 830/tcp #NETCONF over SSH
1414netconf-ssh 830/udp #NETCONF over SSH
1415netconf-beep 831/tcp #NETCONF over BEEP
1415netconf-beep 831/tcp #NETCONF over BEEP
1416netconf-beep 831/udp #NETCONF over BEEP
1417netconfsoaphttp 832/tcp #NETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS
1418netconfsoaphttp 832/udp #NETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS
1419netconfsoapbeep 833/tcp #NETCONF for SOAP over BEEP
1420netconfsoapbeep 833/udp #NETCONF for SOAP over BEEP
1421dhcp-failover2 847/tcp #dhcp-failover 2
1422dhcp-failover2 847/udp #dhcp-failover 2
1423gdoi 848/tcp

--- 15 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1439omginitialrefs 900/udp #OMG Initial Refs
1440swat 901/tcp # samba web configuration tool
1441smpnameres 901/tcp
1442smpnameres 901/udp
1443ideafarm-chat 902/tcp
1444ideafarm-chat 902/udp
1445ideafarm-catch 903/tcp
1446ideafarm-catch 903/udp
1416netconf-beep 831/udp #NETCONF over BEEP
1417netconfsoaphttp 832/tcp #NETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS
1418netconfsoaphttp 832/udp #NETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS
1419netconfsoapbeep 833/tcp #NETCONF for SOAP over BEEP
1420netconfsoapbeep 833/udp #NETCONF for SOAP over BEEP
1421dhcp-failover2 847/tcp #dhcp-failover 2
1422dhcp-failover2 847/udp #dhcp-failover 2
1423gdoi 848/tcp

--- 15 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1439omginitialrefs 900/udp #OMG Initial Refs
1440swat 901/tcp # samba web configuration tool
1441smpnameres 901/tcp
1442smpnameres 901/udp
1443ideafarm-chat 902/tcp
1444ideafarm-chat 902/udp
1445ideafarm-catch 903/tcp
1446ideafarm-catch 903/udp
1447kink 910/tcp #Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK)
1447kink 910/tcp #Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK)
1448kink 910/udp #Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK)
1449xact-backup 911/tcp
1450xact-backup 911/udp
1451apex-mesh 912/tcp #APEX relay-relay service
1452apex-mesh 912/udp #APEX relay-relay service
1453apex-edge 913/tcp #APEX endpoint-relay service
1448kink 910/udp #Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK)
1449xact-backup 911/tcp
1450xact-backup 911/udp
1451apex-mesh 912/tcp #APEX relay-relay service
1452apex-mesh 912/udp #APEX relay-relay service
1453apex-edge 913/tcp #APEX endpoint-relay service
1454apex-edge 913/udp #APEX endpoint-relay service
1454apex-edge 913/udp #APEX endpoint-relay service
1455rndc 953/tcp # named's rndc control socket
1456ftps-data 989/tcp # ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL
1457ftps-data 989/udp
1458ftps 990/tcp # ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL
1459ftps 990/udp
1460nas 991/tcp #Netnews Administration System
1461nas 991/udp #Netnews Administration System
1462telnets 992/tcp # telnet protocol over TLS/SSL

--- 941 unchanged lines hidden ---
1455rndc 953/tcp # named's rndc control socket
1456ftps-data 989/tcp # ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL
1457ftps-data 989/udp
1458ftps 990/tcp # ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL
1459ftps 990/udp
1460nas 991/tcp #Netnews Administration System
1461nas 991/udp #Netnews Administration System
1462telnets 992/tcp # telnet protocol over TLS/SSL

--- 941 unchanged lines hidden ---