Deleted Added
full compact
BSD.include.dist (135341) BSD.include.dist (135549)
1# $FreeBSD: head/etc/mtree/BSD.include.dist 135341 2004-09-16 21:33:56Z glebius $
1# $FreeBSD: head/etc/mtree/BSD.include.dist 135549 2004-09-21 19:01:48Z des $
3# Please see the file src/etc/mtree/README before making changes to this file.
6/set type=dir uname=root gname=wheel mode=0755
8 altq
9 ..
10 arpa
11 ..
3# Please see the file src/etc/mtree/README before making changes to this file.
6/set type=dir uname=root gname=wheel mode=0755
8 altq
9 ..
10 arpa
11 ..
12 bind
13 ..
14 bind9
15 ..
12 bsnmp
13 ..
14 c++
15 3.4
16 backward
17 ..
18 bits
19 ..

--- 28 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

48 ..
49 usb
50 ..
51 utopia
52 ..
53 wi
54 ..
55 ..
16 bsnmp
17 ..
18 c++
19 3.4
20 backward
21 ..
22 bits
23 ..

--- 28 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

52 ..
53 usb
54 ..
55 utopia
56 ..
57 wi
58 ..
59 ..
60 dns
61 ..
62 dst
63 ..
56 fs
57 autofs
58 ..
59 devfs
60 ..
61 fdescfs
62 ..
63 fifofs

--- 36 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

100 ..
101 ..
102 gnu
103 posix
104 ..
105 ..
106 isc
107 ..
64 fs
65 autofs
66 ..
67 devfs
68 ..
69 fdescfs
70 ..
71 fifofs

--- 36 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

108 ..
109 ..
110 gnu
111 posix
112 ..
113 ..
114 isc
115 ..
116 isccc
117 ..
118 isccfg
119 ..
108 isofs
109 cd9660
110 ..
111 ..
112 kadm5
113 ..
114 libmilter
115 ..
120 isofs
121 cd9660
122 ..
123 ..
124 kadm5
125 ..
126 libmilter
127 ..
128 lwres
129 ..
116 machine
117 pc
118 ..
119 ..
120 net
121 ..
122 net80211
123 ..

--- 91 unchanged lines hidden ---
130 machine
131 pc
132 ..
133 ..
134 net
135 ..
136 net80211
137 ..

--- 91 unchanged lines hidden ---