Deleted Added
full compact
rc.conf (207225) rc.conf (208060)
3# This is rc.conf - a file full of useful variables that you can set
4# to change the default startup behavior of your system. You should
5# not edit this file! Put any overrides into one of the ${rc_conf_files}
6# instead and you will be able to update these defaults later without
7# spamming your local configuration information.
9# The ${rc_conf_files} files should only contain values which override
10# values set in this file. This eases the upgrade path when defaults
11# are changed and new features are added.
13# All arguments must be in double or single quotes.
15# For a more detailed explanation of all the rc.conf variables, please
16# refer to the rc.conf(5) manual page.
3# This is rc.conf - a file full of useful variables that you can set
4# to change the default startup behavior of your system. You should
5# not edit this file! Put any overrides into one of the ${rc_conf_files}
6# instead and you will be able to update these defaults later without
7# spamming your local configuration information.
9# The ${rc_conf_files} files should only contain values which override
10# values set in this file. This eases the upgrade path when defaults
11# are changed and new features are added.
13# All arguments must be in double or single quotes.
15# For a more detailed explanation of all the rc.conf variables, please
16# refer to the rc.conf(5) manual page.
18# $FreeBSD: head/etc/defaults/rc.conf 207225 2010-04-26 15:31:58Z ume $
18# $FreeBSD: head/etc/defaults/rc.conf 208060 2010-05-14 04:53:57Z dougb $
21### Important initial Boot-time options ####################
24rc_debug="NO" # Set to YES to enable debugging output from rc.d
25rc_info="NO" # Enables display of informational messages at boot.
26rc_startmsgs="YES" # Show "Starting foo:" messages at boot

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216#ifconfig_ed0_alias0="inet6 2001:db8:2::1 prefixlen 64" # Sample IPv6 alias
217#ifconfig_fxp0_name="net0" # Change interface name from fxp0 to net0.
218#vlans_fxp0="101 vlan0" # vlan(4) interfaces for fxp0 device
219#create_arg_vlan0="vlan 102" # vlan tag for vlan0 device
220#wlans_ath0="wlan0" # wlan(4) interfaces for ath0 device
221#wlandebug_wlan0="scan+auth+assoc" # Set debug flags with wlanddebug(8)
222#ipv4_addrs_fxp0="" # example IPv4 address entry.
21### Important initial Boot-time options ####################
24rc_debug="NO" # Set to YES to enable debugging output from rc.d
25rc_info="NO" # Enables display of informational messages at boot.
26rc_startmsgs="YES" # Show "Starting foo:" messages at boot

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216#ifconfig_ed0_alias0="inet6 2001:db8:2::1 prefixlen 64" # Sample IPv6 alias
217#ifconfig_fxp0_name="net0" # Change interface name from fxp0 to net0.
218#vlans_fxp0="101 vlan0" # vlan(4) interfaces for fxp0 device
219#create_arg_vlan0="vlan 102" # vlan tag for vlan0 device
220#wlans_ath0="wlan0" # wlan(4) interfaces for ath0 device
221#wlandebug_wlan0="scan+auth+assoc" # Set debug flags with wlanddebug(8)
222#ipv4_addrs_fxp0="" # example IPv4 address entry.
224#autobridge_interfaces="bridge0" # List of bridges to check
224#autobridge_interfaces="bridge0" # List of bridges to check
225#autobridge_bridge0="tap* vlan0" # Interface glob to automatically add to the bridge
227# If you have any sppp(4) interfaces above, you might also want to set
228# the following parameters. Refer to spppcontrol(8) for their meaning.
229sppp_interfaces="" # List of sppp interfaces.
230#sppp_interfaces="...0" # example: sppp over ...
231#spppconfig_...0="authproto=chap myauthname=foo myauthsecret='top secret' hisauthname=some-gw hisauthsecret='another secret'"
232gif_interfaces="" # List of GIF tunnels.

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657# - replace 'example' with the jail's name.
658# - except rootdir, hostname, ip and the _multi<n> addresses,
659# all of the following variables may be made global jail variables
660# if you don't specify a jail name (ie. jail_interface, jail_devfs_ruleset).
662#jail_example_rootdir="/usr/jail/default" # Jail's root directory
663#jail_example_hostname="" # Jail's hostname
664#jail_example_interface="" # Jail's interface variable to create IP aliases on
225#autobridge_bridge0="tap* vlan0" # Interface glob to automatically add to the bridge
227# If you have any sppp(4) interfaces above, you might also want to set
228# the following parameters. Refer to spppcontrol(8) for their meaning.
229sppp_interfaces="" # List of sppp interfaces.
230#sppp_interfaces="...0" # example: sppp over ...
231#spppconfig_...0="authproto=chap myauthname=foo myauthsecret='top secret' hisauthname=some-gw hisauthsecret='another secret'"
232gif_interfaces="" # List of GIF tunnels.

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657# - replace 'example' with the jail's name.
658# - except rootdir, hostname, ip and the _multi<n> addresses,
659# all of the following variables may be made global jail variables
660# if you don't specify a jail name (ie. jail_interface, jail_devfs_ruleset).
662#jail_example_rootdir="/usr/jail/default" # Jail's root directory
663#jail_example_hostname="" # Jail's hostname
664#jail_example_interface="" # Jail's interface variable to create IP aliases on
665#jail_example_fib="0" # Routing table for setfib(1)
665#jail_example_fib="0" # Routing table for setfib(1)
666#jail_example_ip=",2001:db8::17" # Jail's primary IPv4 and IPv6 address
667#jail_example_ip_multi0="2001:db8::10" # and another IPv6 address
668#jail_example_exec_start="/bin/sh /etc/rc" # command to execute in jail for starting
666#jail_example_ip=",2001:db8::17" # Jail's primary IPv4 and IPv6 address
667#jail_example_ip_multi0="2001:db8::10" # and another IPv6 address
668#jail_example_exec_start="/bin/sh /etc/rc" # command to execute in jail for starting
669#jail_example_exec_afterstart0="/bin/sh command" # command to execute after the one for
669#jail_example_exec_afterstart0="/bin/sh command" # command to execute after the one for
670 # starting the jail. More than one can be
671 # specified using a trailing number
672#jail_example_exec_stop="/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown" # command to execute in jail for stopping
673#jail_example_devfs_enable="NO" # mount devfs in the jail
674#jail_example_devfs_ruleset="ruleset_name" # devfs ruleset to apply to jail -
675 # usually you want "devfsrules_jail".
676#jail_example_fdescfs_enable="NO" # mount fdescfs in the jail
677#jail_example_procfs_enable="NO" # mount procfs in jail

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670 # starting the jail. More than one can be
671 # specified using a trailing number
672#jail_example_exec_stop="/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown" # command to execute in jail for stopping
673#jail_example_devfs_enable="NO" # mount devfs in the jail
674#jail_example_devfs_ruleset="ruleset_name" # devfs ruleset to apply to jail -
675 # usually you want "devfsrules_jail".
676#jail_example_fdescfs_enable="NO" # mount fdescfs in the jail
677#jail_example_procfs_enable="NO" # mount procfs in jail

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