Deleted Added
full compact
ts_rsp_verify.c (256281) ts_rsp_verify.c (267258)
1/* crypto/ts/ts_resp_verify.c */
2/* Written by Zoltan Glozik ( for the OpenSSL
3 * project 2002.
4 */
5/* ====================================================================
6 * Copyright (c) 2006 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
7 *
8 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

--- 615 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

624 if (!EVP_DigestFinal(&md_ctx, *imprint, NULL))
625 goto err;
627 return 1;
628 err:
629 X509_ALGOR_free(*md_alg);
630 OPENSSL_free(*imprint);
631 *imprint_len = 0;
1/* crypto/ts/ts_resp_verify.c */
2/* Written by Zoltan Glozik ( for the OpenSSL
3 * project 2002.
4 */
5/* ====================================================================
6 * Copyright (c) 2006 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
7 *
8 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

--- 615 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

624 if (!EVP_DigestFinal(&md_ctx, *imprint, NULL))
625 goto err;
627 return 1;
628 err:
629 X509_ALGOR_free(*md_alg);
630 OPENSSL_free(*imprint);
631 *imprint_len = 0;
632 *imprint = NULL;
632 return 0;
633 }
635static int TS_check_imprints(X509_ALGOR *algor_a,
636 unsigned char *imprint_a, unsigned len_a,
637 TS_TST_INFO *tst_info)
638 {
639 TS_MSG_IMPRINT *b = TS_TST_INFO_get_msg_imprint(tst_info);

--- 89 unchanged lines hidden ---
633 return 0;
634 }
636static int TS_check_imprints(X509_ALGOR *algor_a,
637 unsigned char *imprint_a, unsigned len_a,
638 TS_TST_INFO *tst_info)
639 {
640 TS_MSG_IMPRINT *b = TS_TST_INFO_get_msg_imprint(tst_info);

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