Deleted Added
full compact
req.c (205128) req.c (206046)
1/* apps/req.c */
2/* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This package is an SSL implementation written
6 * by Eric Young (
7 * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.
8 *

--- 1419 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1428 == NULL)
1429 {
1430 ERR_clear_error();
1431 value=NULL;
1432 }
1434 BIO_snprintf(buf,sizeof buf,"%s_min",type);
1435 if (!NCONF_get_number(req_conf,attr_sect,buf, &n_min))
1/* apps/req.c */
2/* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This package is an SSL implementation written
6 * by Eric Young (
7 * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.
8 *

--- 1419 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1428 == NULL)
1429 {
1430 ERR_clear_error();
1431 value=NULL;
1432 }
1434 BIO_snprintf(buf,sizeof buf,"%s_min",type);
1435 if (!NCONF_get_number(req_conf,attr_sect,buf, &n_min))
1436 {
1437 ERR_clear_error();
1436 n_min = -1;
1438 n_min = -1;
1439 }
1438 BIO_snprintf(buf,sizeof buf,"%s_max",type);
1439 if (!NCONF_get_number(req_conf,attr_sect,buf, &n_max))
1441 BIO_snprintf(buf,sizeof buf,"%s_max",type);
1442 if (!NCONF_get_number(req_conf,attr_sect,buf, &n_max))
1443 {
1444 ERR_clear_error();
1440 n_max = -1;
1445 n_max = -1;
1446 }
1442 if (!add_attribute_object(req,
1443 v->value,def,value,nid,n_min,n_max, chtype))
1444 return 0;
1445 }
1446 }
1447 }
1448 else

--- 239 unchanged lines hidden ---
1448 if (!add_attribute_object(req,
1449 v->value,def,value,nid,n_min,n_max, chtype))
1450 return 0;
1451 }
1452 }
1453 }
1454 else

--- 239 unchanged lines hidden ---