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leapseconds (39871) leapseconds (39898)
1# @(#)leapseconds 7.9
3# Allowance for leapseconds added to each timezone file.
5# The International Earth Rotation Service periodically uses leap seconds
6# to keep UTC to within 0.9 s of TAI (atomic time); see
7# Terry J Quinn, The BIPM and the accurate measure of time,
8# Proc IEEE 79, 7 (July 1991), 894-905.

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36Leap 1987 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S
37Leap 1989 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S
38Leap 1990 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S
39Leap 1992 Jun 30 23:59:60 + S
40Leap 1993 Jun 30 23:59:60 + S
41Leap 1994 Jun 30 23:59:60 + S
42Leap 1995 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S
43Leap 1997 Jun 30 23:59:60 + S
1# @(#)leapseconds 7.9
3# Allowance for leapseconds added to each timezone file.
5# The International Earth Rotation Service periodically uses leap seconds
6# to keep UTC to within 0.9 s of TAI (atomic time); see
7# Terry J Quinn, The BIPM and the accurate measure of time,
8# Proc IEEE 79, 7 (July 1991), 894-905.

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36Leap 1987 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S
37Leap 1989 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S
38Leap 1990 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S
39Leap 1992 Jun 30 23:59:60 + S
40Leap 1993 Jun 30 23:59:60 + S
41Leap 1994 Jun 30 23:59:60 + S
42Leap 1995 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S
43Leap 1997 Jun 30 23:59:60 + S
44Lesp 1998 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S
44Leap 1998 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S