Deleted Added
full compact
opiekey.1 (22372) opiekey.1 (29967)
1.\" opiekey.1: Manual page for the opiekey(1) program.
1.\" opiekey.1: Manual page for the opiekey(1) program.
3.\" %%% portions-copyright-cmetz
4.\" Portions of this software are Copyright 1996 by Craig Metz, All Rights
3.\" %%% portions-copyright-cmetz-96
4.\" Portions of this software are Copyright 1996-1997 by Craig Metz, All Rights
5.\" Reserved. The Inner Net License Version 2 applies to these portions of
6.\" the software.
7.\" You should have received a copy of the license with this software. If
8.\" you didn't get a copy, you may request one from <>.
10.\" Portions of this software are Copyright 1995 by Randall Atkinson and Dan
11.\" McDonald, All Rights Reserved. All Rights under this copyright are assigned
12.\" to the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). The NRL Copyright Notice and

--- 161 unchanged lines hidden ---
5.\" Reserved. The Inner Net License Version 2 applies to these portions of
6.\" the software.
7.\" You should have received a copy of the license with this software. If
8.\" you didn't get a copy, you may request one from <>.
10.\" Portions of this software are Copyright 1995 by Randall Atkinson and Dan
11.\" McDonald, All Rights Reserved. All Rights under this copyright are assigned
12.\" to the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). The NRL Copyright Notice and

--- 161 unchanged lines hidden ---