Deleted Added
full compact
cl_term.c (19304) cl_term.c (69482)
2 * Copyright (c) 1993, 1994
3 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
4 * Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
5 * Keith Bostic. All rights reserved.
6 *
7 * See the LICENSE file for redistribution information.
8 */

--- 37 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

47static TKLIST const c_tklist[] = { /* Command mappings. */
48 {"kil1", "O", "insert line"},
49 {"kdch1", "x", "delete character"},
50 {"kcud1", "j", "cursor down"},
51 {"kel", "D", "delete to eol"},
52 {"kind", "\004", "scroll down"}, /* ^D */
53 {"kll", "$", "go to eol"},
2 * Copyright (c) 1993, 1994
3 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
4 * Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
5 * Keith Bostic. All rights reserved.
6 *
7 * See the LICENSE file for redistribution information.
8 */

--- 37 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

47static TKLIST const c_tklist[] = { /* Command mappings. */
48 {"kil1", "O", "insert line"},
49 {"kdch1", "x", "delete character"},
50 {"kcud1", "j", "cursor down"},
51 {"kel", "D", "delete to eol"},
52 {"kind", "\004", "scroll down"}, /* ^D */
53 {"kll", "$", "go to eol"},
54 {"kend", "$", "go to eol"},
54 {"khome", "^", "go to sol"},
55 {"kich1", "i", "insert at cursor"},
56 {"kdl1", "dd", "delete line"},
57 {"kcub1", "h", "cursor left"},
58 {"knp", "\006", "page down"}, /* ^F */
59 {"kpp", "\002", "page up"}, /* ^B */
60 {"kri", "\025", "scroll up"}, /* ^U */
61 {"ked", "dG", "delete to end of screen"},

--- 398 unchanged lines hidden ---
55 {"khome", "^", "go to sol"},
56 {"kich1", "i", "insert at cursor"},
57 {"kdl1", "dd", "delete line"},
58 {"kcub1", "h", "cursor left"},
59 {"knp", "\006", "page down"}, /* ^F */
60 {"kpp", "\002", "page up"}, /* ^B */
61 {"kri", "\025", "scroll up"}, /* ^U */
62 {"ked", "dG", "delete to end of screen"},

--- 398 unchanged lines hidden ---