Deleted Added
full compact
> * Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Poul-Henning Kamp <>
< * $Id: kern_clock.c,v 1.55 1998/02/06 12:13:22 eivind Exp $
> * $Id: kern_clock.c,v 1.56 1998/02/15 13:55:06 phk Exp $
< #define CLOCK_HAIR /* XXX */
> static void tco_forward __P((void));
> static void tco_setscales __P((struct timecounter *tc));
> struct timecounter *timecounter;
< * This code is written to operate with two timers that run independently of
< * each other. The main clock, running hz times per second, is used to keep
< * track of real time. The second timer handles kernel and user profiling,
< * and does resource use estimation. If the second timer is programmable,
< * it is randomized to avoid aliasing between the two clocks. For example,
< * the randomization prevents an adversary from always giving up the cpu
< * just before its quantum expires. Otherwise, it would never accumulate
< * cpu ticks. The mean frequency of the second timer is stathz.
> * This code is written to operate with two timers that run independently
> * of each other.
< * If no second timer exists, stathz will be zero; in this case we drive
< * profiling and statistics off the main clock. This WILL NOT be accurate;
< * do not do it unless absolutely necessary.
> * The main clock, running hz times per second, is used to trigger
> * interval timers, timeouts and rescheduling as needed.
> * The second timer handles kernel and user profiling, and does resource
> * use estimation. If the second timer is programmable, it is randomized
> * to avoid aliasing between the two clocks. For example, the
> * randomization prevents an adversary from always giving up the cpu
> * just before its quantum expires. Otherwise, it would never accumulate
> * cpu ticks. The mean frequency of the second timer is stathz.
> * If no second timer exists, stathz will be zero; in this case we
> * drive profiling and statistics off the main clock. This WILL NOT
> * be accurate; do not do it unless absolutely necessary.
< * profiling. This profile clock runs at profhz. We require that profhz
< * be an integral multiple of stathz.
> * profiling. This profile clock runs at profhz. We require that
> * profhz be an integral multiple of stathz. If the statistics clock
> * is running fast, it must be divided by the ratio profhz/stathz for
> * statistics. (For profiling, every tick counts.)
< * If the statistics clock is running fast, it must be divided by the ratio
< * profhz/stathz for statistics. (For profiling, every tick counts.)
> * Time-of-day is maintained using a "timecounter", which may or may
> * not be related to the hardware generating the above mentioned
> * interrupts.
< /*
< * TODO:
< * allocate more timeout table slots when table overflows.
< */
< /*
< * Bump a timeval by a small number of usec's.
< */
< #define BUMPTIME(t, usec) { \
< register volatile struct timeval *tp = (t); \
< register long us; \
< \
< tp->tv_usec = us = tp->tv_usec + (usec); \
< if (us >= 1000000) { \
< tp->tv_usec = us - 1000000; \
< tp->tv_sec++; \
< } \
< }
< int psratio; /* ratio: prof / stat */
> int psratio; /* ratio: prof / stat */
< int time_update;
< struct timeval newtime = time;
< long ltemp;
< /*
< * Increment the time-of-day.
< */
> tco_forward();
< if (timedelta == 0) {
< time_update = CPU_THISTICKLEN(tick);
< } else {
< time_update = CPU_THISTICKLEN(tick) + tickdelta;
< timedelta -= tickdelta;
< }
< BUMPTIME(&mono_time, time_update);
< /*
< * Compute the phase adjustment. If the low-order bits
< * (time_phase) of the update overflow, bump the high-order bits
< * (time_update).
< */
< time_phase += time_adj;
< if (time_phase <= -FINEUSEC) {
< ltemp = -time_phase >> SHIFT_SCALE;
< time_phase += ltemp << SHIFT_SCALE;
< time_update -= ltemp;
< }
< else if (time_phase >= FINEUSEC) {
< ltemp = time_phase >> SHIFT_SCALE;
< time_phase -= ltemp << SHIFT_SCALE;
< time_update += ltemp;
< }
< newtime.tv_usec += time_update;
< /*
< * On rollover of the second the phase adjustment to be used for
< * the next second is calculated. Also, the maximum error is
< * increased by the tolerance. If the PPS frequency discipline
< * code is present, the phase is increased to compensate for the
< * CPU clock oscillator frequency error.
< *
< * On a 32-bit machine and given parameters in the timex.h
< * header file, the maximum phase adjustment is +-512 ms and
< * maximum frequency offset is a tad less than) +-512 ppm. On a
< * 64-bit machine, you shouldn't need to ask.
< */
< if (newtime.tv_usec >= 1000000) {
< newtime.tv_usec -= 1000000;
< newtime.tv_sec++;
< ntp_update_second(&newtime.tv_sec);
< }
< CPU_CLOCKUPDATE(&time, &newtime);
> if (sec == -1 && usec > 0) {
> sec++;
> usec -= 1000000;
> }
< nanotime(ts)
< struct timespec *ts;
> microtime(struct timeval *tv)
< struct timeval tv;
< microtime(&tv);
< ts->tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
< ts->tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000;
> struct timecounter *tc;
> tc = (struct timecounter *)timecounter;
> tv->tv_sec = tc->offset_sec;
> tv->tv_usec = tc->offset_micro;
> tv->tv_usec +=
> ((u_int64_t)tc->get_timedelta(tc) * tc->scale_micro) >> 32;
> if (tv->tv_usec >= 1000000) {
> tv->tv_usec -= 1000000;
> tv->tv_sec++;
> }
> void
> nanotime(struct timespec *tv)
> {
> u_int32_t count;
> u_int64_t delta;
> struct timecounter *tc;
> tc = (struct timecounter *)timecounter;
> tv->tv_sec = tc->offset_sec;
> count = tc->get_timedelta(tc);
> delta = tc->offset_nano;
> delta += ((u_int64_t)count * tc->scale_nano_f);
> delta += ((u_int64_t)count * tc->scale_nano_i) << 32;
> delta >>= 32;
> if (delta >= 1000000000) {
> delta -= 1000000000;
> tv->tv_sec++;
> }
> tv->tv_nsec = delta;
> }
> static void
> tco_setscales(struct timecounter *tc)
> {
> u_int64_t scale;
> scale = 1000000000LL << 32;
> if (tc->adjustment > 0)
> scale += (tc->adjustment * 1000LL) << 10;
> else
> scale -= (-tc->adjustment * 1000LL) << 10;
> /* scale += tc->frequency >> 1; */ /* XXX do we want to round ? */
> scale /= tc->frequency;
> tc->scale_micro = scale / 1000;
> tc->scale_nano_f = scale & 0xffffffff;
> tc->scale_nano_i = scale >> 32;
> }
> static u_int
> delta_timecounter(struct timecounter *tc)
> {
> return((tc->get_timecount() - tc->offset_count) & tc->counter_mask);
> }
> void
> init_timecounter(struct timecounter *tc)
> {
> struct timespec ts0, ts1;
> int i;
> if (!tc->get_timedelta)
> tc->get_timedelta = delta_timecounter;
> tc->adjustment = 0;
> tco_setscales(tc);
> tc->offset_count = tc->get_timecount();
> tc[0].tweak = &tc[0];
> tc[2] = tc[1] = tc[0];
> tc[1].other = &tc[2];
> tc[2].other = &tc[1];
> if (!timecounter)
> timecounter = &tc[2];
> tc = &tc[1];
> /*
> * Figure out the cost of calling this timecounter.
> * XXX: The 1:15 ratio is a guess at reality.
> */
> nanotime(&ts0);
> for (i = 0; i < 16; i ++)
> tc->get_timecount();
> for (i = 0; i < 240; i ++)
> tc->get_timedelta(tc);
> nanotime(&ts1);
> ts1.tv_sec -= ts0.tv_sec;
> tc->cost = ts1.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts1.tv_nsec - ts0.tv_nsec;
> tc->cost >>= 8;
> printf("Timecounter \"%s\" frequency %lu Hz cost %u ns\n",
> tc->name, tc->frequency, tc->cost);
> /* XXX: For now always start using the counter. */
> tc->offset_count = tc->get_timecount();
> nanotime(&ts1);
> tc->offset_nano = (u_int64_t)ts1.tv_nsec << 32;
> tc->offset_micro = ts1.tv_nsec / 1000;
> tc->offset_sec = ts1.tv_sec;
> timecounter = tc;
> }
> void
> set_timecounter(struct timespec *ts)
> {
> struct timecounter *tc, *tco;
> int s;
> s = splclock();
> tc=timecounter->other;
> tco = tc->other;
> *tc = *timecounter;
> tc->other = tco;
> tc->offset_sec = ts->tv_sec;
> tc->offset_nano = (u_int64_t)ts->tv_nsec << 32;
> tc->offset_micro = ts->tv_nsec / 1000;
> tc->offset_count = tc->get_timecount();
> time.tv_sec = tc->offset_sec;
> time.tv_usec = tc->offset_micro;
> timecounter = tc;
> splx(s);
> }
> static struct timecounter *
> sync_other_counter(int flag)
> {
> struct timecounter *tc, *tco;
> u_int32_t delta;
> tc = timecounter->other;
> tco = tc->other;
> *tc = *timecounter;
> tc->other = tco;
> delta = tc->get_timedelta(tc);
> tc->offset_count += delta;
> tc->offset_count &= tc->counter_mask;
> tc->offset_nano += (u_int64_t)delta * tc->scale_nano_f;
> tc->offset_nano += (u_int64_t)delta * tc->scale_nano_i << 32;
> if (flag)
> return (tc);
> if (tc->offset_nano > 1000000000ULL << 32) {
> tc->offset_sec++;
> tc->offset_nano -= 1000000000ULL << 32;
> }
> tc->offset_micro = (tc->offset_nano / 1000) >> 32;
> return (tc);
> }
> static void
> tco_forward(void)
> {
> struct timecounter *tc;
> u_int32_t time_update;
> tc = sync_other_counter(1);
> time_update = 0;
> if (timedelta) {
> time_update += tickdelta;
> timedelta -= tickdelta;
> }
> mono_time.tv_usec += time_update + tick;
> if (mono_time.tv_usec >= 1000000) {
> mono_time.tv_usec -= 1000000;
> mono_time.tv_sec++;
> }
> time_update *= 1000;
> tc->offset_nano += (u_int64_t)time_update << 32;
> if (tc->offset_nano >= 1000000000ULL << 32) {
> tc->offset_nano -= 1000000000ULL << 32;
> tc->offset_sec++;
> tc->frequency = tc->tweak->frequency;
> tc->adjustment = tc->tweak->adjustment; /* XXX remove this ? */
> ntp_update_second(tc); /* XXX only needed if xntpd runs */
> tco_setscales(tc);
> }
> /*
> * Find the usec from the nsec. This is just as fast (one
> * multiplication) and prevents skew between the two due
> * to rounding errors. (2^32/1000 = 4294967.296)
> */
> tc->offset_micro = (tc->offset_nano / 1000) >> 32;
> time.tv_usec = tc->offset_micro;
> time.tv_sec = tc->offset_sec;
> timecounter = tc;
> }
> static int
> sysctl_kern_timecounter_frequency SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
> {
> return (sysctl_handle_opaque(oidp, &timecounter->tweak->frequency,
> sizeof(timecounter->tweak->frequency), req));
> }
> static int
> sysctl_kern_timecounter_adjustment SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
> {
> return (sysctl_handle_opaque(oidp, &timecounter->tweak->adjustment,
> sizeof(timecounter->tweak->adjustment), req));
> }
> SYSCTL_NODE(_kern, OID_AUTO, timecounter, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "");
> SYSCTL_PROC(_kern_timecounter, OID_AUTO, frequency, CTLTYPE_INT|CTLFLAG_RW,
> 0, sizeof(u_int) , sysctl_kern_timecounter_frequency, "I", "");
> SYSCTL_PROC(_kern_timecounter, OID_AUTO, adjustment, CTLTYPE_INT|CTLFLAG_RW,
> 0, sizeof(int) , sysctl_kern_timecounter_adjustment, "I", "");