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COPYING (228763) COPYING (232153)
1The libarchive distribution as a whole is Copyright by Tim Kientzle
2and is subject to the copyright notice reproduced at the bottom of
3this file.
5Each individual file in this distribution should have a clear
6copyright/licensing statement at the beginning of the file. If any do
7not, please let me know and I will rectify it. The following is
8intended to summarize the copyright status of the individual files;
9the actual statements in the files are controlling.
11* Except as listed below, all C sources (including .c and .h files)
12 and documentation files are subject to the copyright notice reproduced
13 at the bottom of this file.
15* The following source files are also subject in whole or in part to
16 a 3-clause UC Regents copyright; please read the individual source
17 files for details:
18 libarchive/archive_entry.c
1The libarchive distribution as a whole is Copyright by Tim Kientzle
2and is subject to the copyright notice reproduced at the bottom of
3this file.
5Each individual file in this distribution should have a clear
6copyright/licensing statement at the beginning of the file. If any do
7not, please let me know and I will rectify it. The following is
8intended to summarize the copyright status of the individual files;
9the actual statements in the files are controlling.
11* Except as listed below, all C sources (including .c and .h files)
12 and documentation files are subject to the copyright notice reproduced
13 at the bottom of this file.
15* The following source files are also subject in whole or in part to
16 a 3-clause UC Regents copyright; please read the individual source
17 files for details:
18 libarchive/archive_entry.c
19 libarchive/archive_read_support_compression_compress.c
20 libarchive/archive_write_set_compression_compress.c
19 libarchive/archive_read_support_filter_compress.c
20 libarchive/archive_write_set_filter_compress.c
21 libarchive/mtree.5
22 tar/matching.c
24* The following source files are in the public domain:
25 tar/getdate.c
27* The build files---including Makefiles, configure scripts,
28 and auxiliary scripts used as part of the compile process---have

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21 libarchive/mtree.5
22 tar/matching.c
24* The following source files are in the public domain:
25 tar/getdate.c
27* The build files---including Makefiles, configure scripts,
28 and auxiliary scripts used as part of the compile process---have

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